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Security Guards stands watch while Girl gets beat

John Doe

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Girl gets beaten while security guards, and yes that is with an"s" watches. I understand why they watched but shit they should change the job description/title to Hall Observer and make the title known then people won't misunderstand. That girl went to the guards for a sense of security and she got none. Security Guard my ass. Where's the security in that situation? Ahem excuse the langauge.
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Orders are orders. They had orders to observe and report. They called the police and followed those orders. They were not properly equipped to handle the situation. If they had had pepper spray, asps or were armed with deadly force then I would say yes, they should have intervened.


Other then that, I say they did nothing wrong. Those cops, on the other hand, should have been suspended, investigated, and fired.

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That's very common. The security guard in my building isn't allowed to do anything either, they are contract and only can call police, they cannot touch anyone even if they threaten. I work in a government building, too.


It's stupid, and a waste of money as far as I am concerned.



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That's very common. The security guard in my building isn't allowed to do anything either, they are contract and only can call police, they cannot touch anyone even if they threaten. I work in a government building, too.


It's stupid, and a waste of money as far as I am concerned.





And that is what I agree with. They are a waste of money. I understand they were order not to do anything and i respect that. I would just like their titles to be something other than security guard. Because in that state... they are offering no security. Security guard is someone who brings security or protects security, what they are doing is nothing like that. I'd like Observationist. That's a more appropriate title.

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Say some drunken sot is making an ass of himself and a guard tries to escort him off premises.


If he is harmed at all, he can sue the company that provided the guards and the company that they are guarding.


By calling the police and letting them handle it, they are shifting the liability.


And yes- it is a circle jerk because the criminals know that all they need to do is get away before the cops show up.

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I could never have just stood there, even if as a 'guard' it had cost me my job. That's awful to watch a single person ganged up on and beaten like that. Granted it was their 'job description' to only observe, but what is wrong with a little bit of common decency. Did they even try to break it up verbally? The article makes it sounds as if they didn't. The police officers the girl attempted to have protect her when she left the mall are even more culpable in my mind. Like the situation wasn't going to escalate outside of the Mall, even if they forced the violent group to leave by a different exit? Yeah, right! This was an unfortunate incident but if it makes the company providing the guards alter their duties and training accordingly then it has had at least some positive fall out.

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What kind of decent human being could just stand around and watch? What if the girl was killed? I think that's downright bullshit. So what if they get fired, what's more important your job or knowing that some girl got killed and you just stood around and did nothing.

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I agree, Sorry Im not going to stand and watch as a girl gets beaten. So what if they fire me. What the hell has happened to common decency? and why on gods name would anyone stand up for some idiot standing around with his thumb up his ass?

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I agree, Sorry Im not going to stand and watch as a girl gets beaten. So what if they fire me. What the hell has happened to common decency? and why on gods name would anyone stand up for some idiot standing around with his thumb up his ass?

Good on you. If that was happening to me I would be so pissed if the nearest adult male didn't help!


The security guards at my school had guns and tackled people. Why would anyone hire someone if they can only stand there doing nothing? People that pass by can call the police. Security guards are meant to provide just that- security.

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