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Stress Relief

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When I'm a little stressed I take out my longboard, call my boyfriend and spend some time riding any steep streets I find. When I'm really stressed I run until I can't move anymore lol, I think that's one of the best solutions because you end up too exhausted to worry about anything much :)

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I take a yoga class, or get on the elliptical or bike with my Zune, or lift weights. Yoga works best, though, especially if it's an advanced level class. Vinyasa (flow) is my favorite. You can't be stressed after an hour and a half of that.

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When I'm a little stressed I take out my longboard, call my boyfriend and spend some time riding any steep streets I find. When I'm really stressed I run until I can't move anymore lol, I think that's one of the best solutions because you end up too exhausted to worry about anything much :)


Longboard skateboard?


I take my longboard and paddle out, surf or no surf, it calms me.

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I'm constantly looking for new ways not to kill people. So, yesterday, to avert precisely that, I went outside and watched a storm and recorded a 15 second sound byte. Maybe it'll encourage you to do the same. Storms are therapeutic.


"The scent of every storm is different and indicative of the fact that you are experiencing THIS as opposed to THAT. The droplets play a symphony for my ears. The wind carries in an air of new life and death as it moves around and through me, sending shivers up my spine. And what I see reminds me that my own problems are no bigger and no more significant than a single drop of rain. When contributing to the whole it can help in defining the landscape, but alone, it is nothing, an event that you might all together miss."

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i know you've already probably concluded your stress, but i guess for other people in stress i'd like to say: be aware of your stress and instead of run from certain situations, approach them head on. very relieving. for me, most of my stress comes from school, and while an hour of video games here, a little bit of exercise there, or just an hour to myself listening to pandora radio can clear my mind for the time being, nothing relieves my stress more than just completing that report that is the cause of my stress in the first place.

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