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Beating Westboro Baptist at Their Own Game

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You may be interested to know what happened when protesters from Westboro Baptist Church picketed the funeral of a Marine in Nashville. They were outdone by 2,000 counter-protesters. See Despite protest, Marine honored from The Christian Chronicle.


Three protesters from the Kansas church picketed near the church’s property for less than 10 minutes before leaving.

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You may be interested to know what happened when protesters from Westboro Baptist Church picketed the funeral of a Marine in Nashville. They were outdone by 2,000 counter-protesters. See Despite protest, Marine honored from The Christian Chronicle.




i like how that marine gave them the right to do their super fail protest, kinda ironic. without him they wouldn't be able to express their terrible and obvi misguided ideals. did they go to college? prob can't afford it hueheuheuheuheue..


Remember kids: God doesn't like it when you use his ideals/name in full retardation like the Westboro we're hicks, we are poor, fat and mate our cousins, Church - lol I googled the guy who runs this thing, if I saw that guy I'd ask if he wanted his dick sucked cause it looks like he barebacks with his brother. on top of that they're from Kansas, I was confused at first what Kansas was, then i remembered nothing important comes from there. The I forgot, wait Kansas? I don't even know where that is. They should also buy a new church, my bedroom can fit in their chapel. Disgusting, the cheapness in which people exalt the Lord.

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Mm good that they can beat the WBC at their own game but on one level why not change the game and make them play the game for us :2thumbs:?



Brilliant idea by the guy who thought of it. Maybe if they realize how much money they are giving to people who they hate they would stop their utter nonsense?

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