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I realize it's almost the end of November, but I just learned of this cool campaign to improve awareness of and raise funds for men's health issues.


Official link: http://us.movember.com/about/


Here's what the website has to say:

During November each year, Movember is responsible for the sprouting of moustaches on thousands of men’s faces, in the US and around the world. With their Mo’s, these men raise vital funds and awareness for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer and other cancers that affect men.

This movement was started by some Aussies and I think it's one of the greatest ideas since NanoWriMo and Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It's such a simple thing to do to get involved. I'll have to remember it for next year.


Anyone participating this year?

Edited by Dark
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My Husband and his co-workers are doing the Prostate Cancer thing... a whole police stations full of beards/mustaches is a bit weird to see... let's just say, I think it is a good cause, but I won't miss Aaron's beard come December.. lmao.

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Just think of all the fun things you can do with mustaches! Posted Image


Yeah ... it's nice when they tickle the perineum :*)


Actually, it's a great cause, but a bleeping awful thing. Some of them just look hideous. I look back to when I had one in my twenties. Even in the cause of prostate cancer awareness, the world does not need to be reinflicted with that again! :D

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I support what they're trying to do, but I just can't justify growing a moustache. Posted Image


You can't justify growing a mustache? I think creating awareness for a cancer is justifying it enough.. :P

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Just think of all the fun things you can do with mustaches! Posted Image


Like shaving them =P


Yeah....... I'm not a big fan of my facial hair......


Though technically I still celebrated most of it thanks to my procrastination.

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Me and the lady that sits next to me are having a competition to see who can grow a fuller moustache......she's winning :(


Actually it is a pretty huge thing up here in Canada, they think this year we might even overtake the Aussies for number of people signed up and money raised. Yay us Posted Image <------The only smiley with a moustache

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