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Coming Out - When is it moral?

advocatus diaboli

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I think that perhaps the wrong question has been asked. Instead of asking if it moral/immoral for Billy to accept the money from his parents to pay for his education, maybe the question should be whether or not it's ethical ?


From an ethical point of view, it would be unethical for Billy to accept the money, whilst knowingly deceiving his parents as to his sexuality.


However from a moralistic stance, is it correct for Billy's parents to deny him the funding for university based on his sexuality ? Also are his parents displaying good morals by having homophobic views. I agree they are perfectly entitled to hold them, but is it right for them to espouse them to their child ?


I also don't believe that 'coming out' is a moralistic question. It's something that can only be answered by the person in question.

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"Is he morally correct to withhold his sexuality to accept their money?"


Of course. Why is money for university any different than money that Billy's parents paid for his clothing and food for the first 17 years of his life?


I told my mom when I was 15, but it was just me and her (dad and my brother had already moved to California). So I kind of knew ahead of time that she wouldn't risk losing a third male in her life. I'm still her first born, and nothing has changed between us. :)

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Do not tell until after college. Bugger morals and ethics. Siphen every penny he can. He does not need prrmission to be gay, Did they ask permission to be straight? Take it all. And more. Dont pay it back. Homophobia is an illness. Rather put them away in a mental institute. Back to the moral issue. What moral issue. With homophobic parents err on the side of caution.

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