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How did you come out?

Dark Princess

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Okay so lately Ive seriously been wanting to knock down the closet walls... My mom knows, my best friends know, - both awkward... But i am letting my sister and her boyfriend know by posting nude guys all over my wall! Share your story;)

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Coming out for me was a non-event. I was sitting with my parents and the rest of the family. I'd been out of uni for a couple of years and I'd shown no interest in girls since I can remember. But I'd always been too focused on my studies. Anyways, we were talking and my mother just came out and said, "So when you going to come out ?"


After the atomic style bush died down, I just finally admitted to everyone that I was gay and that was the end of the story. I realise exactly how easy I had it.

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Email while I was 500 miles away visiting my boyfriend who, up until then, my parents thought was a girl. My mom got it in the middle of a work meeting and started to cry because she left bad that I had "no one to talk to" about it "all these years". I told her to tell me dad and she did and everything's cool. b^_^

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