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Breakfast I normally eat an omelet (mostly the egg whites) with vegetables/ banana with peanut butter and honey/ yogurt with almonds and fruit


Lunch I have something like... fruit with a protein shake or vegetables on corn tortilla or something like soup with rice


Dinner I have fish or chicken with fruits and vegetables..


haha my diet sounds boring when I think about it, but I like it. I also eat nuts & fruit throughout the day whenever I want to. I only drink water and coffee, and I try to eat all my sugars early in the day so they burn off. If you want to eat healthier just make sure to eat sugary things earlier in the day- cut out processed sugars in bread/ white rice/ table sugar and eat some protein (not a lot) with every meal to stabilize your blood sugar. Good luck Posted Image


Ohhh I forgot to say humus and carrots, I eat that a lot Posted Image

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I do porridge in a big way - either with blueberries or with dried apricots and scorched almonds - and usually am still starving by 11 am. By that point i'm at work and will either starve and moan about it until lunchtime or run downstairs and stuff my face for a snack and desperatly try to avoid looking at the bowl of chocolates on the counter which are theoretically for the patients... Then lunch time i do left overs. I hate sandwiches (after something like 13 years of them at school every day for lunch... ugh) so it's often leftovers or i'll cook pasta or baked potatoes or something to reheat at work. Or i'll buy this AMAZING superfood salad from the shop nextdoor.... I'll end up starving again by 5.30 when i leave work and often munch on something really bad for me on the train home. And then possible munch on something else bad while i cook or while my housemates cook. Dinner we always try to get a salad in, and at the mo we have berries coming out our ears which is awesome so often i have those with yoghurt as a snack... but i need to eat more fruit. I just don't like it that much....

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I've never been a breakfast or lunch person.


Breakfast just makes me feel sluggish, I know its meant to kick start the metabolism etc, but meh! It just don't work for me.


So it's just normally a decent meal in the evening, mix of meat and veg normally, although I have a tendancy to be partial to a nice Macaroni Cheese wiv Bacon bits and mushrooms. mhmmm. I'm making myself hungry.

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I have to admit reading the title of the topic made my mind run into the gutter. :P


Anyway, my breakfast and dinner meals are usually the largest. Breakfast because it is the first meal of the day and always consists of eggs and a bunch of other things. Dinner because I usually eat dinner around 1830 (6:30pm) and there is a long time until I eat again. (Unless I go for a midnight snack). Lunch is just whatever is at the caf....usually a full plate of stuff and a salad or something...

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I have to admit reading the title of the topic made my mind run into the gutter. Posted Image


Anyway, my breakfast and dinner meals are usually the largest. Breakfast because it is the first meal of the day and always consists of eggs and a bunch of other things. Dinner because I usually eat dinner around 1830 (6:30pm) and there is a long time until I eat again. (Unless I go for a midnight snack). Lunch is just whatever is at the caf....usually a full plate of stuff and a salad or something...


:P I am good that way :P
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