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I have a few questions on Vampires, and no experts except you guys some books and the questions i need some feedback on have to do with things I don't know are in books...




First question and the one on my mind at the moment: Can a vampire master tell the difference between someone of his bloodline and someone of another Vampire Master...


And if so what would he do about it?



>_> kind of wish there was someplace just for descussions like this @_@ and I don't know there is here :o

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What type of vampire please? (I know most of you guys write about western vampires, but just in case Cel is feeling adventurous, I know a little about eastern Vampires as well, but I never dare to write about vampires)


I thought that a vampire could detect another vampires bloodline through their heightened senses, i.e. smell, or identify their own bloodline some type of empathy link between them and their line. It depends on the universe that your vampires live in as well. Anne Rice Vampires are different than Twillight Vampires and different than Comicality's vampires Posted Image


As for eastern vampires, blood is the essence of your being. Once bitten, they become a part of the master vampire with his/her blood in them. Elementally Eastern Vampires possess a high degree of Yin Energy that supposedly give them heighten powers of perception and interaction with darkness, i.e. manipulating shadows and even shapeshifting, but this energy isn't boundless like western vampires. Think of them like batteries, the servant vampires can only go out after they have gained enough Yin energy from their master or from 49 nights of darkness (7 is the number of darkness to the power of 2).

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well you could say my own brand... and mostly mixing myths and folkore (including modern) of vampires... and no sparkly vamps who fear their own shadows....

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  • Site Administrator

I happen to believe vampires are mythology. That, in my mind, is fair game to be twisted however you wish. So... they can if you say they can! Just make sure that whatever rules you put in place for your alternative reality are consistent and you follow them.

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Really, if you are writing your story.... make up whatever you want to make up. Just support it in your story. Vampires are FICTIONAL things. For example the wood stake thing is suppose to be into the corpse in its heart while it was in its coffin. Couldn't do it with it roaming around. Sunlight thing? Came from burning the corpse, rather than burying it to ensure the body is turned to ash and can't come back. The lore of vampires just evolve over time. Supernatural strength and abilities? To make up for the fact that not much people actually saw the vampire rise from the grave or do the monstrous deeds "they" were blamed for so people make up that vampires were super strong, fast, etc to fill that hole of logic. Of course this is based on western vampires. Eastern mythology about vampires are different. I heard a tale in one southeast tribe that the only way you can catch a vampire is by netting them with a net only made of pubic hair. Don't ask... my grandfather (not blood grandfather, just someone who is old and closely tied to our family) told me that story. It was strange.


So do what you wnat. Just tell the story with authority.


Edit: guess I can't spell wood and put who...

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Pubic hair :P


Probably due to the nature of how pubic hair is associated with sexual organs and extreme life energy that they possess. Remember eastern vampires aren't afraid of crosses or religious icons, they are afraid of natural energies and strengthened by energy of darkness and death. There's a famous semi historical fiction story in Chinese history called the corpse drive.


The story said a daoist necromancer used his magic to reanimate the dead to bring them home for burial after a war. A few of them however broke off from the trail that the necromancer had been following and went to nearby villages. There would be many dead bodies found in these villages with pale faces like life was completely drained. Later, the bodies would all disappear and a fresh series of bodies would be found. Some say that late at night you can still hear the footsteps of these undead spectres and if you are unlucky enough to encounter some, beware your own doom.


The actual event is kind of macabre too. In ancient China, supposedly there were vertical wheelbarrows that carry the dead at night on the back roads. Sometimes these bodies were from the western lands after long battles defending the many forts along the silk road. As you can imagine, diseases like malaria, smallpox, and even the bubonic plague were moving from east to west during this time and transporting dead bodies was partially a carrier for these diseases. These villages that the dead bodies passed by probably were hit by the plague, which explains the dead bodies discovered later and even the paleness due to the discoloration of the plague.

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