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Can dreams teach words?


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had a weird dream where i taught a hebrew-ish word to someone as a joke n he sort of got the signature of the word but it didn't come out right


he then teaches me the word that just happen


then its looked up in the dictionary


of course i'm bad at pronouciation yet alone trying to remember the word as real life observer


so to prove this was all made up by the mind ... i tried to look up the word


i think the word is salience which means



1. The quality or condition of being salient.

2. A pronounced feature or part; a highlight.


This is weird?


why is this?

I don't even know this word nor remember even learning in high school??

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That's a good word. I have no idea how it could come to you in a dream. Perhaps you did know (or had heard) the word previously and don't realize that you did.

I found another definition of salient: Moving by leaps or springs; leaping; bounding; jumping. Shooting out or up; springing; projecting. Hence, figuratively, forcing itself on the attention; prominent; conspicuous; noticeable.


So, this could be a word that forced itself on your attention through a dream. You now know a new word and that is the salient point. Posted Image

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I think dreams have a weird way of reflecting the subconscious things you pick up during the day. Maybe you vaguely heard it on the radio and weren't really paying attention.. and then your brain stored it away for later. The human mind is amazing Posted Image

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