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"Don't let anyone tell you your vision isn't marketable.&#

John Doe

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Some of you are familiar with my stories. Some of you maybe haven't read my works. As some of you know, I am working on getting my story Eye of the Tiger represented by an agent and then published. I haven't queried yet because this summer I've been too busy with my real life job. I have also began to procasinate the past month or two by writing something else. But I have been doing research. Looking up agents. Reading on agency bios and agent bios. Researching who represented what book and author and how accomplished and how much work an agent had put forth in their client's work.


It's sad to say that I've stumbled into articles written within the pass year or so telling stories of agents and editors forcing or requiring (in a contract they present to the authors) to change the sexual orientation of their characters to being straight. If they don't do that, they should remove the characters completely. Of course, in the articles, the authors refused but I can only imagine there are those who do comply. My first impression was: WTF. (Excuse the language). Then I raged and then I scoured the net for more stories. And behold more stories pop up. There was even a story about this topic in Publisher's Weekly. And these agents aren't your middle to new agents. These are "top" agents and editors. Then I was sad. Discourage until I find this video in this link:




I have never read her books before, but I would like to now. That quote in the title, she said that. So here's to anyone and everyone who wants to write a book and get it published via the traditional way. Don't give up, and tell those agents/editors who tell you you need to change the orientation of your characters to take their manuscript and shove it in their ... If their comments and suggestions are in regards to other things and issues.... then I'm going to suggest to at listen (not necessarily do... just listen and gage) to those, but changing orientation... NO. :D


Enjoy the video.

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