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doms blog got me wondering, why do people have broken logic.


another example is like the katrina thing where people are saying its a punishment from god. wtf is up with that


i want to know so i can understand, and so i can use it against ignorant people like that lol.


and its not politics......













umm still trying to think of a PSO lol

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doms blog got me wondering, why do people have broken logic.


broken logic isn't broken in the eyes of the person expressing it.


Typically it is part of a reasoning process that leaves out a step or two.


One of the examples was Katrina as a manifestation of the wrath of god against homosexuals.


The facts missing from this premise are that 1) the gay district of New Orleans was hardly touched 2) the victims of Katrina were either too poor or old to get out of the way- not homosexuals 3) Katrina was a massive event that did damage from Florida to Texas striking heathen towns and those towns with churches on every street corner with the same fury.


Usually the holes in broken logic are big enough to drive a super-tanker through. Just look for the holes and point them out. That's usually enough.


Sometimes the fallacy of their position is uncovered and they grasp at straws trying not to be wrong. That's OK because it only makes them look more ignorant.

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"why do people have broken logic." I think that is a really good question and one that is not asked often enough Bao. Or maybe we don't question our own logic enough...


I think there are a myriad of reasons why people use broken or flawed logic. Sometimes it's used to blame a person or people for something when things don't go to 'plan' or the when things go wrong. Sometimes it's used to ease a consience when people feel a certain guilt or helplessness. Sometimes people use it to divert attention from themselves and their own inadequacies (either consciously or subconsciously). And sometimes it's easier to hold fast to flawed logic than to seek out the truth.


As James said, "broken logic isn't broken in the eyes of the person expressing it."


"the katrina thing where people are saying its a punishment from god. " This is a perfect example of finding someone to blame. 'It's not my fault - it's their fault!' Doesn't that remind you of a child that has just been caught doing something he or she knows better than to do?


Hurricanes have happened in the past and will happen in the future. It was unfortunate (for wont of a better word) that Katrina hit landfall where there were many people, who were unable to get out.


Bao, you can't always get away from people who say stupid things because they are too ignorant and they couldn't be bothered to find out the truth on the matter or even people who claim to be your friends and they still judge you. I think some people use the Bible as their weapon of choice - although most of those people have never read it and quote something they heard once that sounded reasonable. I've done a bit of Bible study and if you need help when someone says something stoopid PM me and I'll help you out as best I can.




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