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poll on shtuff


What are YOU?  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you...(If you don't wanna take the survey-don't take it.)

    • Gay
    • Lesbian
    • Straight
    • Unsure
    • Bi
    • Or other.
    • you hate everyone.
  2. 2. If you are currently in a relationship.

    • Yes
    • no.
    • Kind of (any in between answers)

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  • Site Administrator

Just being picky, but you didn't indicate what type of relationship a person is in. For example, I self-identify as gay, but I'm in a heterosexual relationship. The poll only allowed me to select "Gay" and "Yes" with no refinement as to what the "Yes" means.... :P

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  • Site Administrator

I am bi, always have been, always will be. It's good to have options ... well, if I wasn't married to a guy already, lol. But twice the eye candy is nice!

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I'm gay and have been with Brett for fifteen years now.  We got together at university when we were nineteen.


Both of our parents said it would never last; not because we're gay, but because we were young and it was most likely a university fling, just because we were on our own for the first time in our lives. 


Well, we've now been together longer than any other couple in both of our family's - except for Brett's parents who are about to celebrate their 38th anniversary.

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