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Johnny Manziel


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My co-workers seem obsessed with both football and Johnny Manziel.  We went out to lunch yesterday and the spent the entire time talking about football and making fun of Johnny Manziel.  When we got back to the office they showed me the animated gif below.  I must admit, it was fairly well done. :D  I haven't really been here long enough to care about Texas sports yet.  Go BRUINS!



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Lol. I was amused by the Gif. I'm not amused by Johnny Manziel. He has an ego that could eclipse the sun... He's not handling this spot light well. A spot light that he wouldn't even have if Tex. A&M was still in the Big 12 anyway. (GOO SEC, although they're losing to the ACC at the moment, boo). He quit a camp. I do think he got paid for autographs, but I also don't think that should be the NCAA's business.  Although, they do need to protect players instead of hounding them... if they took a better stance on things, I would appreciate their efforts.


I don't like how he responds to taunting. I don't like how the Coach is handling him. I don't like the Media feeding his ego, he was suspended for half a game by the NCAA he starts playing the second half, tries to do too much, does well, but taunts, smacks his jaws, gets an unsportsmanlike misconduct penalty, and gets benched again.... He is a leader, and if leaders are out of control, you might lose the entire team. One other player was ejected that same game, it could already be happening. Coach might be in trouble, can't have too many losing seasons in the SEC before you find yourself so far buried you may never see the light of day again.


I just cannot stand him. He should act like a top tier SEC QB and ACT like he can win ballgames instead of creating a circus around himself. 

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He's a super young, super cute and super talented guy who hasn't taken the combination of all that mixed in with super fame too well but who would??? Give him a break Krista, you know you'd eat his dick if you had the chance.

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As much money as the NCAA, the SEC, and Texas A&M make on Johnny Football, they are standing on shaky ground when they suspend or bench him.  That said, I don't think he should be selling his autograph.


A little jawing back and forth between players on two teams is not a big thing.  Taken to excess, it deserves an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty.


Two things need to happen:  (1) Johnny Manziel needs to grow up and (2) the coach needs to get him under control if he expects to have any control over the rest of the team.


One thing did surprise me after last week's game.  Manziel was escorted off the field by three police officers.  That seems a bit excessive...on a par with Nick Sabin.  Is Manziel's autograph really worth that much?

Edited by MikeL
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He's a super young, super cute and super talented guy who hasn't taken the combination of all that mixed in with super fame too well but who would??? Give him a break Krista, you know you'd eat his dick if you had the chance.


Yeah let's allow him to make a joke out of his school, winning or not. Let's allow him to muddy the waters for his future when his throwing arm isn't as good as what is already established in the pro-league and he doesn't have a leg to stand on anymore. Let's allow him to show people that it is OK to skip out on training camps to PARTY. Let's allow him to mock, taunt, and be an absolute asshole out on the football field WHEN HE SHOULD be getting his teammates focused on the next play, instead he's in the faces of the opponent or being hounded by referees for his behavior. JUST because he is 'young.' 


He is there to play football and to take classes - not there to be the biggest asshat on campus just because he can throw a football. Because the player behind him is quietly just as good.


Give him a break, I think not. He needs to grow up and if he can't, the coaches need to get hold of him before he really costs his school.  What if Rice had been a better team? What if he does that against Alabama or LSU? He's shown them EXACTLY what they need to do to rattle him, if he had kept a cooler head they wouldn't have that. They're not going to give him many chances, not with his reputation already established as a hot-headed dumbass. When a player makes the entire game, team, season about HIM then you lose.


There was a reason he was snubbed in the pre-season honors. If that wasn't a clear enough message for him, I don't know what it would take.

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And someone's a little upset her precious little SEC has a bad apple. :D
And just for the record, A&M is already a joke, with or without Manziel....


JOHNNY MANZEILLLL =====D ~~~~ ~~ ~O:

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**Disclaimer: I'm the son of an A&M alumni.


So he's got a little bit of an ego. So what? He's a 19 year old famous college kid who has his picture everywhere, and gets every piece of pussy (or maybe dick?) he wants. He's a stud on the field, so of course he's gonna be a little cocky. I'd love to see all you guys try and handle the instant fame that he got. Would you have done better at 19? I know I wouldn't have, and none of you would have either. 






Side note: I'd eat his dick if I had the chance.  :whistle:

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**Disclaimer: I'm the son of an A&M alumni.


So he's got a little bit of an ego. So what? He's a 19 year old famous college kid who has his picture everywhere, and get every piece of pussy (or maybe dick?) he wants. He's a stud on the field, so of course he's gonna be a little cocky. I'd love to see all you guys try and handle the instant fame that he got. Would you have done better at 19? I know I wouldn't have, and none of you would have either. 






Side note: I'd eat his dick if I had the chance.  :whistle:


The majority of the student athletes in that same spotlight seem to be managing. Making any excuse that it is just because he's young, when so many others are out there doing what they are supposed to do, makes him the ass that he is.


And Yes, YB, I expect more from the SEC. We win championships here, we don't like to cater to dumb asses that seem surprised they can win a football game. :P All these other teams can contain these large egos, Texas A&M needs to start taking notes or go back to playing football in the Big 12. :P

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