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Smart House


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The smart house isn't such a new concept. The idea goes way back in the 50s and the worlds fair.

SyFy has dressed up the concepts by pooling companies w their ideas for the movies.


The issue for years has been implementation and nationwide acceptance.

ADT been part of the implementation in terms of selling security and safety.


Robbie the Robot was every kids dreams while every drunk would want 1000 bottles of Texas bourbon


Disney recently put out their version of a smart house.

Some of which can be implemented and some is far fetched,




Apple joining the party Google, Samsung, Microsoft, others

so here comes siri to screw up your laundry, dinner, and everything else


The big idea of Smart is to really design the DNA of Retail fulfilling expectations of its clients on a nationwide scale

Thus with millions of clients needs translates to how much stock on hand retails has to keep to fulfill needs,

That translate to how much labor, equipment, raw materials, investment, etc for factories to create the items needed JIT (Just in Time)


Food, Supplies, etc are easily stocked and restock as the computer learns your habits and needs.

With smart suggestions clothing, food, and other consumer goods can be suggested, sold, delivered easily and securely recieved

The person orders the item and its delivered by drones. The smart house would take delivery of items and restock where ever the items need to be in the house.

ie: Clothes in the closets, new car in the garage, food in the pantry or frig




For example, the lights in a user’s home could be set to automatically turn on when the person enters the home via a signal from their iPhone.
But it’s not just limited to the iPhone as the iPad and even a revised version of Apple TV (expected later this year) could play a role in the connected ecosystem.
The idea of Apple getting into the smart home space isn’t a huge surprise, especially as smartphone sales in developed markets are beginning to slow. We’ve seen a number of smart home patents from Apple surface over the years such as a recent one that would use Siri to power a smart home system.
If true, Apple would join a market that already includes industry juggernauts like Google and Samsung. But even with some established players already on the field, the smart home market is still at its infancy in terms of growth and potential.
Skidmarksdeluxe said:
At Apples overinflated prices you'd probably have to re-mortgage your house to afford their things, something I wouldn't dream of doing


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Of course everything would be realistic and not too weird as the Jetsons but pretty close



The closest thing to going over board would be when we reach the level of utopia


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The issue of today is that capitalism can't get it into gear to transform society as advertise in the the worlds fair



The concept of the Smart House excites ppl but the vision is poorly delivered

its 50 years since the worlds fair and very little has come about


lol, if only Howard Stark could deliver proof of concept


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shutter in your car when you hear Sandra bullock n Sylvester Stallone singing jingle tunes


... when Taco Bell is the only high class restaurant; at ;least it paid alot of Demolition Mans filming buget


apple smart house is only a small portion of what really a smart world could deliver


many other companies (Microsoft, IBM, etc) just tinkers away spending lots of RnD money like water

waiting for the day when they all can deliver a smart house



Its doubtful that every america would be able to afford to live like this

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Thus this is why syfy movies shows the other side of life to remind us that capitalism always fails to deliver us into the smart world


The rich forget that they all depend on the masses to buy their products so they can live in luxury smart houses

so help boost the ratings of Network 23

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The rich forget that they all depend on the masses to buy their products so they can live in luxury smart houses
so help boost the ratings of Network 23



I would have to say that any rich people who depend on the masses for their income are very much aware of it.  Anyone who sells to the masses needs to be keenly aware of what the masses want to buy and why.  Rich people are probably more in tune with the source of their income than the masses who work for someone else.  Average employees don't need to understand how people make decisions, all they have to do is know how to do their work.  Business owners need to know a lot about the people they offer their goods and services to, otherwise they aren't going to have many customers and their business will fail.

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Google, who bought out one of the largest companies who make remote access thermostats for your home and reworking it to work better with the android operating system, coincidentally released a document showing how they will be able to 'advertise' to even more people through the thermostats.


Seems like the decisions are all based on making more money and flooding us with even more ads.

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Google, who bought out one of the largest companies who make remote access thermostats for your home and reworking it to work better with the android operating system, coincidentally released a document showing how they will be able to 'advertise' to even more people through the thermostats.


Seems like the decisions are all based on making more money and flooding us with even more ads.


That's interesting.  Google is also involved in creating a driverless car.  They are busy with lots of tech innovations.  I think they will need to be careful about how far they go using it as an advertising medium.  People aren't going to be receptive of something that's too invasive.  It's like the ads they send to phones.  If your not careful it becomes overwhelming.  It's one of the negatives in free enterprise, or capitalism.  Of course there are always changes made to control these problems in favor of consumers.  The alternatives tend to eliminate innovation because they eliminate motivation, so the system will be adjusted as things move forward. 

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The idea behind the DNA is real time planning rather than delayed monthly \ quarterly reporting n budgeting.

Any company could query at any time to see what how the supply n demand is really going


capitalism n RnD is surely late to create this smart system

perhaps in the next generation or two we'll get it right

lol, the ferengi of the future will love to track their profits hourly 


I would have to say that any rich people who depend on the masses for their income are very much aware of it.  Anyone who sells to the masses needs to be keenly aware of what the masses want to buy and why.  Rich people are probably more in tune with the source of their income than the masses who work for someone else.  Average employees don't need to understand how people make decisions, all they have to do is know how to do their work.  Business owners need to know a lot about the people they offer their goods and services to, otherwise they aren't going to have many customers and their business will fail.




............................................. oh yeah the johnny car!!



lol, perhaps one day Google will allow the users to 3D print their George jetson driver-less car




any way Google might have a lawsuit on their hands when Disney says they made a Herbie!!


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That's interesting.  Google is also involved in creating a driverless car.  They are busy with lots of tech innovations.  I think they will need to be careful about how far they go using it as an advertising medium.  People aren't going to be receptive of something that's too invasive.  It's like the ads they send to phones.  If your not careful it becomes overwhelming.  It's one of the negatives in free enterprise, or capitalism.  Of course there are always changes made to control these problems in favor of consumers.  The alternatives tend to eliminate innovation because they eliminate motivation, so the system will be adjusted as things move forward. 


Yeah, that is what the critics of Google are saying too. The example was if your thermostat notices that your house is cool, maybe an ad will appear on your browser advertising sweaters. Too hot, maybe fans or air conditioners. Basically an invasion into your personal life at home and then gear advertising directed to the way you are currently living :(

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Yeah, that is what the critics of Google are saying too. The example was if your thermostat notices that your house is cool, maybe an ad will appear on your browser advertising sweaters. Too hot, maybe fans or air conditioners. Basically an invasion into your personal life at home and then gear advertising directed to the way you are currently living


That's what the theory is.  The truth is, and always will be, you can't force anyone to buy what your selling.  If you are selling anything, it's because what you offer is what people want.  People are easy to manipulate, but only to a point.  The bottom line is, if your not offering what I want, your not gonna make a sale.  If your going to try and invade my life with unwanted ads, your not going to get by with it.  That is one of the beautiful parts of capitalism.  Yes, I know some think that's an evil word, but nobody has yet presented a viable alternative.  Fact on fact.

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very Minority Report isn't it, lol

its only a factor of whether or not if soul of capitalism can be tweaked to produce more profit

but I doubt the tiny little display could sell much leads

but perhaps give the mocking mad max headroom suggestion

however it is human to rip the nest egg out of the wall


any way nest is currently defective as it would not out last the reliability of an old fashion thermostat



Yeah, that is what the critics of Google are saying too. The example was if your thermostat notices that your house is cool, maybe an ad will appear on your browser advertising sweaters. Too hot, maybe fans or air conditioners. Basically an invasion into your personal life at home and then gear advertising directed to the way you are currently living :(

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Everyone is free to keep their old thermostat.  The truth is they aren';t going to because if google doesn't present one that's better and acceptable, someone else most certainly will.


The marketplace rules, the producer conforms.  That's why capitalism is the only system that works.  People have desires, producers fullfil those desires and make a living doing so.


Without the motivation provided by the profit motive, we would have none of the tech we have.  If your not going to gain something from innovating, then why would you be bothered?


Like I said before, there are no viable alternatives to capitalism.  Well, unless your happy with stagnation and the equality that comes with pervasive poverty.

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yes the beauty of capitalism is in the eye of beholder 

a lie can go a long way even on capital hill as long as its followed by lots of zeros


a lie from the start ... how could anyone tell where the truth started

ie: ADT selling you security n piece of mind as long as reoccurring profit never dwindles

    but does anyone truly know ADT motive of existence

    The shareholder's n other stakeholders ever care is the bottom line


ie: one hour air and heat does something even more to insure they got you hook line and sinker

    no matter what you decide to do once you let them perform their services

lol, second n third opinions cost (at $100 a pop)


That's what the theory is.  The truth is, and always will be, you can't force anyone to buy what your selling.  If you are selling anything, it's because what you offer is what people want.  People are easy to manipulate, but only to a point.  The bottom line is, if your not offering what I want, your not gonna make a sale.  If your going to try and invade my life with unwanted ads, your not going to get by with it.  That is one of the beautiful parts of capitalism.  Yes, I know some think that's an evil word, but nobody has yet presented a viable alternative.  Fact on fact.

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yes the beauty of capitalism is in the eye of beholder 

a lie can go a long way even on capital hill as long as its followed by lots of zeros


a lie from the start ... how could anyone tell where the truth started

ie: ADT selling you security n piece of mind as long as reoccurring profit never dwindles

    but does anyone truly know ADT motive of existence

    The shareholder's n other stakeholders ever care is the bottom line


ie: one hour air and heat does something even more to insure they got you hook line and sinker

    no matter what you decide to do once you let them perform their services

lol, second n third opinions cost (at $100 a pop)


Nobody is forced to accept any product or service.  It doesn't matter what the price point is, if you don't like what someone is selling you simply don't make the purchase.  In the free market system (capitalism) the desires of the consumer drive the actions of the seller.  In the rare instances that the seller lies to make a sale then the seller loses ultimately and the honest sellers take up the slack.


There has never been a workable alternative to capitalism.  Without the profit motive there would be no motivation to create new and useful products.  If your willing to take an objective view of the issue, then look at the history of commerce. 

Civilization has been around a long time, and many different economic models have been attempted.  None have come close to the performance of capitalism.


The most advanced, most prosperous, and most long lived societies all owe their economic success to capitalism.  History tells the story in fine detail.


Capitalism is the engine that drives innovation and progress.  Everything else promotes stagnation and dependence. 

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any "ism" is designed to control the resources, assets, and its ppl

the powerful few will always prevale no matter what name you give them


sure the fact of life over time is change ... new names but same old songs

ie: a village in china was given the chance to practice democracy but the lesson learn communism prevails and democracy is on a short leash


ie: Countries where military coup is a norm can keep "ism" at bay before that country can figure out how to conduct themselves

    I just wonder why no coup ever happens in the USA ... it would certainly clear up the lock that the elephant n donkey has


the free market is only a construct ... but there is no construct to make sure that its fair and working efficiently for all

ie: a CEO1 is paid handsomely but if CEO1 did something illegal, moves on to another job, and then later that company1 is in trouble

    its CEO2 who holds the bag and CEO1 who got away scott free laughing all the way to the bank

    while all this is happening company1 is damaged and employees are caught in the crossfire


Yes Russia has lots "stagnation and the equality that comes with pervasive poverty"

but its assets n its powerful corruption keeps the country afloat while the USA n other countries have a run for the money

ie: EU needs gas n oil for the cold winters, china can make a bundle reselling Russian gas

     sanctions don't always have the desired effect in the short term 


however doing something outside the construct that's like jamming the wheels of "ism" is very effective

ie: usa government shut down or a military coup

     but who suffers is its ppl while resources and assets are frozen ppl have to live on what little they saved or earned

     if not all ppl live beyond their means then many could survive shutdowns n coups until the country sorts themselves out

     but since that isn't always truth then those ppl always wind up protesting and riots


nothing is really perfect but the fact is corruption is a fact of every "ism"


every "ism" has loopholes n potholes (etc) it takes strength n smarts to make sure one doesn't fall into those traps 


Everyone is free to keep their old thermostat.  The truth is they aren';t going to because if google doesn't present one that's better and acceptable, someone else most certainly will.


The marketplace rules, the producer conforms.  That's why capitalism is the only system that works.  People have desires, producers fullfil those desires and make a living doing so.


Without the motivation provided by the profit motive, we would have none of the tech we have.  If your not going to gain something from innovating, then why would you be bothered?


Like I said before, there are no viable alternatives to capitalism.  Well, unless your happy with stagnation and the equality that comes with pervasive poverty.

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not while Capitalism needs the govt to tweak its wheels regardless if its consumers are suffering or not


ie: pure free market would have allowed the big three to fail so that something better would replace it

     that function is fair but that concept is flawed when ppl n consumers are at risk


this country can not loose its economic rating ... losing faith would destabilize the dollar as the norm for commerce

so the gov't n the feds stepped in


just like any other country does or doesn't


countries are considering alternatives to the dollar ... lets hope its not bitcoin


Capitalism is the engine that drives innovation and progress.  Everything else promotes stagnation and dependence. 



not always true not absolute


ie: your A/C is out and its in the middle of a hot summer 

     you're at the lack of mercy of the repair industry

     there is a lack of immediate corrective action for the corruption when things go wrong

     its a matter of spending to get justice but that can get tied up for years


     To break the bad pattern, one can always buy another new A/C than to deal with the repair industry

     but at a min of 3500 a pop it gets expensive plus local gov't permit fees n laws


ie: the VA, your forced to accept their services even under whats going wrong

     the same with govt insurance programs

the other choice is there but not many can afford it
its the very few who can make the other choice

Nobody is forced to accept any product or service.


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Gordon Gekko eventually learn his lesson but it doesn't mean he stops using the tools of survival


what fuels the debatable is the pride one has for ones country, its ppl, and its way (culture)


its the very few that enjoyed the success in its purest and un-corrupted form


each contender that learns the (good n bad) tools of his trade of surviving within the "ism" is at risk in every deal of the dice

but the skills come down to gambling, corruption (legal or illegal), alliances and deals (dirty n clean)


ie: how many ppl would invest in a Chinese amazon like company where its layered in shell corps?

     even in the USA we have shell corps but some times it takes a lot of digging before one finds out its a bad deal to take 


ie: Buffett and Ichan surely have angels on their side ... a senate investigation would turn up something about their dirty deals of the dice but no one in the gov't has challenged them ... someone give thanks to the luck of whats followed by lots of zeros that come their way


Dirty business or Dirty Gov't is a fact of life on earth


Success is also in the eyes of the beholder (and audience)


I rather say the one who is successful (good or bad) is the one that can practice in any of "ism" and turn up a profit


an "ism" is simply a tool ... until that tool is retired .. the last tool standing is the successful one


the poker game is still in play ... everyone can still sell the good points of its "ism"


JR Ewing doesn't go down without a fight ,,, he even fights from beyond the grave


I challenge anyone to show me an economic system that compares to the success enjoyed in a capitalist economy. 

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Gordon Gekko eventually learn his lesson but it doesn't mean he stops using the tools of survival


what fuels the debatable is the pride one has for ones country, its ppl, and its way (culture)


its the very few that enjoyed the success in its purest and un-corrupted form


each contender that learns the (good n bad) tools of his trade of surviving within the "ism" is at risk in every deal of the dice

but the skills come down to gambling, corruption (legal or illegal), alliances and deals (dirty n clean)


ie: how many ppl would invest in a Chinese amazon like company where its layered in shell corps?

     even in the USA we have shell corps but some times it takes a lot of digging before one finds out its a bad deal to take 


ie: Buffett and Ichan surely have angels on their side ... a senate investigation would turn up something about their dirty deals of the dice but no one in the gov't has challenged them ... someone give thanks to the luck of whats followed by lots of zeros that come their way


Dirty business or Dirty Gov't is a fact of life on earth


Success is also in the eyes of the beholder (and audience)


I rather say the one who is successful (good or bad) is the one that can practice in any of "ism" and turn up a profit


an "ism" is simply a tool ... until that tool is retired .. the last tool standing is the successful one


the poker game is still in play ... everyone can still sell the good points of its "ism"


JR Ewing doesn't go down without a fight ,,, he even fights from beyond the grave


Still, no other system has or can beat capitalism.  It has flaws, but so does everything else people create.

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This is turning into a debate on Economic Systems which usually leads to political debates and such. Please do not debate the pros or cons of Economic Systems any more as it should be debated in the blogs.


Thank You :)

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I hope they make their sw n hw hacker proof

imagine a string of robberies where all they do is deactivae alarms, open doors, unlock safes, etc and there is no log entry of anything occuring

2:38 p.m.: And here comes the home automation. Federighi breaks down HomeKit, which can work with locks, lights, cameras, thermostats or other objects. Siri integration allows for commands to control the home, such as turning off lights or closing the garage door.


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