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IMAGINE Magazine Question for 10/15 - "What Are We?"


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Every once in a while I'll get hit with a question that to be honest, I need to think about before answering. To be honest, I don't think I've ever come up with the right answer to it either.

"What is IMAGINE Magazine? What category does it fit into?"

Because of course, we need to put labels all over everything and make it fit neatly into a category, right? ::groan:: That's our culture today. What are we? What is our demographic? Are we for gay people? Yes but not exclusively; I don't think. Are we here for gay teens? In part yeah, of course. Are we for the Boy Lover community? A part of us fits there too even if we don't push the ideals. But we do acknowledge it and in some ways can even relate to it. Gay, Trans, Bi, Agender, Cisgender, Pan, Poly... Why should there be a limit on who fits and who doesn't?

When Comicality threw himself into his community, it was warts and all. And trust me he took some fairly harsh criticism for it at times. In the end, he wanted something that was all inclusive and would speak to the brunt of the Shack community on the topics that were the most focused on by it's members. Not all members were in 100% agreement but, what family agrees on everything anyway, seriously.

So our question this month is this: "What Are We?" in your opinion? The next time I'm asked that question, I'd like to be able to answer for "all" of us if I can :)

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