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The quote button and bold/italic


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Hey everyone,


Okay this is going to sound quite rediculous, but recently (and only recently) I've been having ALOT of trouble clicking the quote button. Reply and the others seem fine so far, but quote is acting funny. Like sometimes I click it no problems, sometimes it just takes several clicks for it to take, but sometimes I just can't get it to activate for anything! I was just wondering if it could possibly be a result of any of the changes to the site? Am I the only one having this problem? I never had this happen before.


Oh and I think I have mixed feelings about the new box that comes up when you want to bold or italic something. I was usually pretty good about getting it right on my own, and if I did mess up I fixed it. Mostly I just feel like it interferes with the flow of what I'm typing, but I might get used to that in time. I think the main thing I don't like is that I can no longer go back and highlight something already typed and make it bold or italic, since you HAVE to put it in the little box (I know I can copy and paste but then I still have to cut out the original too...which isn't a big deal but it's more effort). I also realize I can just type the commands ([ i ] [ / i ] ) which is probably what I'm going to start doing. Anyway I don't mean to complain; I'm always a little resistant to any computer related changes so it may grow on me. I also realize it does make it a lot harder for people to mess up, and that people were often missing an end italic/bold and getting a whole weird, confusing post. So I definitely see the practical side, I just wanted to mention the other side too. Is there by any chance anyway I can set my computer or something to do it the old way?


Anyway I hope I didn't offend anyone and I'll get over the little box thing, but I'm really curious and would like an answer about the quote thing.


Take care and have a great day everyone!


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AFriendlyFace --


That's an odd error. A couple of suggestions.


* Have you cleared your browser cache recently?


* Have you deleted your cookie(s) for GayAuthors.org and logged back in to the forums?


* Contact the forum admin by PM or email with the following info:

~ OS platform and version: (WinXP, Mac OS X, Linux, etc.)

~ Browser and version: (MSIE 6, Firefox 1.5, etc.)

~ Do you use AOL or some other web provider's software?


Those should help diagnose what's going on. -- It sounds like you're getting an incompatibility or an old file that's messing you up.

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