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Beta Readers


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The WSSC: The Writer Support Sub-Committee is in the process of gather members to participate in the Editors/Beta Readers program.


You can read a bit more about that program here: Editor/Beta Readers Program


At the moment I'm looking for a few members to participate in the Beta Readers side of things. (feel free to sign up to be an editor)


The Beta readers will consist of members who can be sent a story before it is made final and posted to the site. These members can give each story a once over as well as an early review. The Beta readers will be broken into groups so that the readers don't become bogged down with the amount of stories that appear on the site.

There is no criteria for being a beta reader, other than the desire to read. Anyone who may wish to participate in this please PM me. (Empathy) and title the PM Beta Reader.




You can read more about the Writer Support Sub-Committee here: Writer Support Sub-Committe

And look for more projects and activity from the WSSC in the near future.

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