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I'll be completely honest and let you guys know that poets completely baffle me with the way they are able to not only express deep and meaningful emotions in what they write, but can also structure it in such a way as to make it 'sing' on the page. (Or in this case, the screen) Poetry is an artform that has been well respected for as long as ink has been put to paper, and there are a lot of folks out there who are very, VERY, good at it.


Some of the online poets that I've talked to have told me that they create poetry the same way I write my stories. That's simply how they think, and they write their feelings out better in poetic form. It comes natural to them, and that's an incredible way to see the world, I would imagine.


However, when it comes to other people reading poetry...people who aren't poets themselves...is it possible for them to truly appreciate the art in its entirety? Can they see the rhythm of the words, the well structured design, the true 'voice' of the poem, in the same way that the poet intended for it to be seen? Let us know what your thoughts are.


And I'd love to hear from some of you poets out there as well on this one! Do you guys feel as though you get the proper attention and respect for your work? Do you think that people understand you and what you write completely? Or do you think it's a manner of writing that can only be truly absored from another poet's point of view? Tell us what you think!

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Poetry is art and like any art, it just isn't for everybody.


There are so many styles, subjects and other substanitive differences in poetry that you can love it or hate it and most people do so all at the same time.


Some people who would really squirm if they were forced to read the "old masters, listen to musical lyrics which are at their root poetry (or at least the better ones).


It is sometimes just as simple as a couple of lines that you think are cool catch your ear.


What makes a person like avacados and detest tomatoes? It is all a matter of taste.

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Spoiler: Highlight to read


I like avocadoes and detest tomatoes!



Anyway, to elaborate on what jamessavik said, I think reading poetry may be similar to tasting wine. You could enjoy the flavor of a good wine, but if you know a bit about various wines, you can appreciate it that much more.


Sorry if the metaphor sucked. I'm not a connoseur of wines at all.

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As far as poetry goes with me, it's all Greek (and I don't speak Greek, just to make that clear :P ). I never really understand it. I have to have people explain it to me for the most part. For that reason I tend to shy away from all of it. I consider myself a fairly smart person but I am very left brained and a type A personality, and I just can't handle how different every piece of poetry can be and the fact that there are no rules to it. I'm also not the type of person that beats around the bush. I like to get straight to the point of a subject and if I don't like something I will confront it instead of ignore it. I think this also adds to the fact that I don't really understand it when poets use all those metaphors and analogies to get their point across. Now, just so you know, I am in now way putting down what it is that poets can do, I just can't and don't understand it.


So, I guess I don't have much to add to the discussion other than the fact that, if you want me to read your poetry, well, that's one thing, you can probably just ask nicely. If you want me to understand it, you're going to have to hold my hand explain to me what the hidden message is. Later, Me.

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I wish that I could fully grasp the beauty of poetry and understand all that goes into it. But I always feel like I'm missing the full potency of it all.


I love the concept of poetic verse, and I've read some that has truly gotten the point across. It can be so emotional, and so heartfelt at times. THAT part I get. There have been poems posted on the Library on my site that have truly struck a chord with me, and I understood the feeling they were going for. But I've seen poetry on some other websites

online that I didn't really understand, but there were so many great compliments about it's form and power. Likewise, there have been poems that I've liked, that others didn't like at all. So I think my biggest flaw is realizing what makes a poem great, or what makes it terrible. And that, alone, tells me that I don't understand what goes into it enough to make that call.


I still read it when I can, and I have my own ideas about poetry and what I like and don't like. But I can hardly say that it's much more than an uneducated guess on my part.


So to our poets out there, you get a 'Comsie' salute! Keep doing what you do. Lord knows that I couldn't do it. Hahaha!

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