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Young Sage

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    Your one-stop shop for saucy superheroes, I guess.
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    Video games (RPGs), writing, figuring out how to post stuff online, etc.

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  1. Fast Track to Disaster You know, it takes less than an hour to get from Chicago to Arlington Heights, especially if you’re using I-90. Sometimes, though, I wish it takes longer. Continental drift can only do so much for you. Mom and Daddy better appreciate this. It’s not every Christmas that Platinum Gold Zirconics brings out their precious Eyes of the World jewels for show and tell, and just when I had the whole heist planned out, those two call and announ
  2. I watched the dame scurry down the infested colon that calls itself Dante Bello’s inviting doorstep. Dear God, what was that broad thinking, dolled up like that? Sure, going to a known mob boss’ costume party decked out to the nines and then sneaking off is a great way to snoop anonymously. But going to said party dressed up as Minnie Mouse? Way too bright. Way too recognizable, even from a distance. Reconnaissance was certainly not this dame’s favorite pastime. I struck a cheap matc
  3. My entry for the Sub-Genre Rewrite the Prompt Challenge. Mystery Noir/Hard-Boiled. A hardened and weary detective sees a lady in over her head and the only spark of good left in his soul compels him to intervene.
  4. What Are We, Some Kind Of...(Finale) I walk out the elevator, leaving Sleeping Beauty behind. Without giving him a second thought, I stroll up to the roof and walk over to the edge of the building. No matter which direction Ditto Perfect is coming from, I’ll be able to see him. But what then? What kind of powers will I have to put up with? I certainly can’t be expected to have memorized the Chicago Police Department’s Most Wanted: Supernatural Edition manual. How exactly is “bendy bon
  5. Pierre looked up from his rifle’s scope. Yes, it was much easier to shoot a stationary target like a sheet of ice with a high caliber round over a moving target. Too bad for the kid though. He seemed friendly enough, if a little on the dim side. But it was probably that dimness that would allow Persephone to wield him like her own personal cryo-laser. Pierre was just a normal mime. Men like him couldn’t compete with supervillains without fighting a little dirty. Pierre looked though
  6. Hello, all. I'm going to need a little more time to edit the next section of the story because, quite frankly, it's a mess. I'm hoping to have the whole story wrapped up in two more "chapters." I'm really busy right now, so let's shoot for the next chapter coming out next week. Sorry about the delay, and I'll see you next week!
  7. Mega Chapter 14: What Are We, Some Kind Of... (Part 7) So the cite of the explosion is a bust. I get there, only to find no signs of that lug whatsoever, save for an oh-so-helpful trail of destruction leading towards Ann & Robert’s. Oh, and a pack of goons frozen solid like a display piece. Guess good ole’ Cid and Fred were already here. I suppose I should tail them. Neither of those two meatheads are good at looking behind them. I grapple to an adjacent building to get a bet
  8. Mega Chapter 14: What Are We, Some Kind Of... (Part 6) You walk calmly down the street. You are confident that no one will shoot you in the back as you make your way to the site of the explosion. After all, how anti-climatic and unsatisfying would it be to the Readers if one of the main characters was simply gunned down as plainly as that? “Awww, look at that. Little baby’s learning to walk all on his own,” said a new, yet familiar voice. So, she had hijacked your brain to gi
  9. Mega Chapter 14: What Are We, Some Kind Of... (Part 5) Cid sat rigidly in the rightmost back seat as Fred drove them to Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Preferentially, he would opt for the left seat, directly behind Fred, but You had already claimed it before instructing them to enter the vehicle. This was undoubtedly a calculated move on You’s part, perhaps a favored fear tactic? The closer to strike at the vulnerable backside of Fred’s head, the better? Cid could only bank on his and
  10. Mega Chapter 14: What Are We, Some Kind Of...(Part 4) Sisterly Bond hmpf-ed. She thought she spied deux pairs of arses that belonged to her. She wondered what they would be up to. No doubt something naughty. And look, they even brought a friend along for their threesome! Sisterly Bond had finished off her latest “client” for the evening and was left wanting more stimulation, so she thought, ‘Why not? Let’s have a little fun. Let my hair down.’ “Jacques, I’m hurt,” she said, ooz
  11. Mega Chapter 14: What Are We, Some Kind Of...(Part 3) Fred could hardly contain himself. He was going to go on a big adventure with his best friend Cid, and this time they were bringing along friends. He even got a new, crisp, blue suit, and it seemed that it was even tailored to his measurements. Even if the lady planted a bomb inside his head, she sure knew how to pull out all the stops. Fred quickly put on his new suit. Cid was slower to put on his new clothes, but Fred was sure it
  12. Mega Chapter 14: What Are We, Some Kind Of...(Part 2) So it’s a crossover event. You’ve been in a few of those before. You are overjoyed at the occurrence. To have a crossover event means the publishers are confident that the Readers are invested in this world, and will purchase the ongoing series. To have you in it means the Readers are still interested in your character and want more exposure from you. You would not want to disappoint. While no one was looking, you had snuck a
  13. Mega Chapter 14: What Are We, Some Kind Of... So I’m tearing down I94, being sure to go exactly 110 mph in this cop’s car that I hotwired so that the bomb won’t go off, with what looks like every cop car in the city chasing after me, their tax-dollar-paid helicopters hovering above me like a swarm of locusts, with the president’s son bleeding out in the backseat, and the twelve strongest superheroes on the planet lined up a mile ahead of me, ready to blow me to kingdom come.
  14. Chapter 12: With Kindest Regards The woman with lilac-colored hair stepped out of airport and immediately took stock of her surroundings. Yes, she would be able to kill anyone within twenty yards without fail. This small infant in stroller next to her? How she envied baby. No one would expect baby to pull double-barreled shotgun out from behind and end their hedonistic lives. But for her? She seemed to exude aura of dangerous intent, no matter how few pistols she displaye
  15. Act 10: Enter MONSIEUR MIME It was a rather brisk autumn afternoon, good for Pierre O’Myut. He could just fall in love with the season. He wouldn’t have to suffer underneath his black and white striped, long sleeved shirt. Summer could be miserable for him at times. True, he could always wear a short-sleeved version of his uniform, but then where would he hide the spare bullets? The sounds of cars would be all around him, standing there in front of the twe
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