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Thorn Wilde

Promising Author
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Everything posted by Thorn Wilde

  1. Well, to quote a certain hatter, we’re all mad here. I love hearing people’s thoughts, on whatever it may be. That’s how we understand each other, I think. When I write poetry, there’s often a phrase or just a word. I write it down, and the rest follows. If that makes any sense. Everyone’s process is different, and I love that. Same with writing stories.
  2. Good luck at the shrink. Hope you get that poem out, too.
  3. We've got squirrels around here, too. Little red ones. Saw two of them a couple of weeks ago, picking pinecone seeds.
  4. You can! I believe in you!
  5. I've only written for one anthology before this one... But now my story for the Snapped theme is practically finished already; just needs beta and editing. It's interesting, because when I read the themes I realised I had a story I started ages ago but never got anywhere with (I had like two scenes written) would fit really well, so I got that one out of hibernation. The whole thing changed, of course, but I guess maybe this is why it didn't take me longer than this to write it. At 10k words it's the longest short story I've written to date. It's kind of weird that I haven't participated in more anthologies, given how much I like writing short stories... Out of my 39 stories, only 6 are novels or novellas.
  6. Happy Friday, Val!
  7. Thorn Wilde


    Thank you! Next chapter goes up at some point this weekend. As for Daniel's mum, you're entirely right.
  8. Thorn Wilde


    Well, you're far enough along now to know.
  9. Thorn Wilde


    Sorry, I missed this comment somehow. You're right that it won't be easy, but as you say, it's all out in the open now.
  10. Thorn Wilde


    You're not wrong about that, dude.
  11. Thorn Wilde


    She surprised me.
  12. Morning, DiC! Hope you're all well today. It's warmer and thawing here, but today it's very misty as well. Need to stop by school to drop off my doctor's note so I don't have to pay tuition even though I quit... New rules, apparently. Crazy.
  13. Morning! Yay, cake! Morning, Dugh. Warmer here, too, but very misty out...
  14. Bedtime, at a less reasonable hour than yesterday, sadly, but at least it's not quite stupid o'clock yet. Goodnight, DiC! See you tomorrow.
  15. It's bedtime. Goodnight, everyone!
  16. I was showing boyfriend some of my poetry and he was saying how he could never really get into it. Then he read one and it took him about three seconds cause he was reading so quickly and I was like, no wonder you can't get into poetry when you don't give yourself the time to take it in, lol!
  17. I like hockey cause Finland is good at it, lol!
  18. Only sport thing I've ever been remotely interested in is hockey, lol! But I'm glad you're having fun.
  19. Enjoy! Got through episode 7 of The Expanse season 3 today... And holy shit, are they queerbaiting with Amos and Prax or what???
  20. That sounds like a great day.
  21. Hi! *waves* How are you?
  22. I found Amos/Prax fanfic.
  23. Thorn Wilde


    It's funny. Most of my readers either really like her or really don't.
  24. OMG, that sounds really tasty! Aww, that looks so sweet!
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