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Thorn Wilde

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Everything posted by Thorn Wilde

  1. I went to pick up Lovelace's urn at the vet today. It's very pretty, white with a gold rose on it. It's also biodegradable, so once the ground thaws we're gonna have a kitty burial in my mum's garden. I got this tote bag for free, though, and I'm not entirely sure what to make of it... Buy an urn for your dead cat, get one tote bag for free! Live well! Oh well, guess we have to laugh at this stuff...
  2. It's been a bit of a day, huh?
  3. Breaks are good. Take care, my friend. Be kind to yourself.
  4. I’m guessing @Backwoods Boy was probably referring to forum rules regarding political discussions here on GA? At least that’s how I read it. If a person is concerned that a discussion may turn overly political, they may find I safer to hold their tongue. I could be wrong, however. Hope you didn’t mean forever, BB. Your presence is appreciated.
  5. I'm a dumbass. I just ate right after taking my antibiotic, like an idiot. Hopefully it just means it won't work as well, but goddamnit!
  6. It's the least I can do. If he'd like to talk at some point, I'd be happy to provide my e-mail address. Just PM me in that case. ❤️
  7. I'm so sorry to hear that. I understand how he feels; how anyone can still be against gun control when children are being murdered is beyond my comprehension, and it's something I've lost a lot of friends over. It's awful if this place, that's meant to be tim's place and a safe place, has become toxic for him. I really hope he does come back and that he can bounce back from this. I've grown to really care about him in the time I've spent here and he's made me feel so welcome. He's a wonderful human being. Please pass that on to him, if you think he'll want to hear it.
  8. I'm sorry to hear that, tim. Take all the time you need.
  9. I figured out P.I.T.A., and already knew F.U.B.A.R. I've heard S.N.A.F.U., but didn't know it stood for something. What does it stand for? (Yes, I said I was going to sleep. I am in bed, I promise.)
  10. Goodnight, molly! Sweet dreams. I'm heading to bed too. Been well over an hour since I took my last dose of antibiotics, is I'm allowed to lie down now. Goodnight, DiC! See you all tomorrow!
  11. Tesla has sadly got used to going on the kitchen table. It's the only place I can feed her where my flatmate's dog can't get at her food (little brat inhales her food, I swear, and will then happily inhale Tesla's as well). She's not too bad with counters, though. That was her sister's thing.
  12. When I got my two fur babies, my flatmate at the time and I picked them up and played with them and carried them around and did not care that they didn't want to be picked up and played with and carried around. They grew up very nice. Lovelace, who sadly passed away a while back, you could do anything to, she didn't care. You could pick her up and pet her tummy and play with her paws and she just did not care. She was a brat, though, loved to experiment with gravity. So many broken glasses... Her sister Tesla's not quite so mellow about the touching (though she tolerates most things), and she's a bit shy around new people, which Lovelace wasn't, but she's generally snuggly and she's a sweet little kitty who doesn't get up to much mischief.
  13. Well, in my experience, the best way to socialise a cat is to annoy the shit out of it when it's little. I mean, don't let the kid be cruel to it, but cats need to be 'tamed' a little bit. They're not really domesticated in the same way dogs are, they're wilder and more independent, so they need to be taught young that humans are boss. They'll still become divas who think they're gods when they grow up, but they'll be a little nicer about it.
  14. Didn't see this before posting. I won't say anything more on the topic.
  15. There's a big sale on Steam now, just fyi. Might wanna buy it if it's bugging out a lot. Assuming you like it enough. I prefer first person. Bethesda's games, both Elder Scrolls and Fallout franchises, are generally designed to be played in first person. I find third person clunky. Archery and sneak are a must for me, as I love playing rogues and rangers. Thieves' Guild is my favourite faction. It is possible, if you're sneaky enough, to go through that entire quest line without killing anyone until the very end. I love being sneaky sneak. Also why I love Dishonoured and why I, in spite of multiple issues with the story and so on, adored the 2014 Thief. Such excellent stealth mechanics, omg! Smithing is good at the lower levels, but honestly, once you get to a certain point you'll be finding so many awesome weapons and armour in the world you'll hardly need to make your own anymore. Tempering them are another matter. Make sure you get the arcane blacksmith perk so you can upgrade enchanted weapons and armour. Get your smithing to lvl 60, get Arcane Blacksmith, and then focus your training and your perks on other things. If you want to be a master blacksmith for role-play reasons, I suggest also learning Enchanting, because you can make some seriously cool stuff that way. I loved Night Manager! And now I need to see it again... Such a good series. I loved The Expanse so much and I am heartbroken they aren't making anymore. Tried reading the books, but they're not as good... That's horrifying and heartbreaking, omg! I'm fairly uncompromising on gun control. Like you, I live in a country where people own guns to hunt. You can get a handgun if you're part of a gun club for more than three years, but you can't carry it loaded, ever, and you have to keep it locked up and the ammo locked away separately. Assault rifles are completely off the table, no fucking way anyone would be allowed to own one. I cannot for the life of me understand why any civilian could possibly want to own a gun like that. ...so that was a rollercoaster post. This is what happens when I don't check in all day, I guess. From Skyrim to gun control... I've been playing Fallout 4.
  16. My point exactly. Everyone wears clothes to express their identity, but as soon as it is to express a gender different from the one you were assigned at birth it's not okay anymore. Much like how everyone advertises their relationships and their sexuality by holding hands, showing off wedding rings and going on dates, but if you have a same sex partner that's not okay either. Such a lack of self insight and critical thinking. What is this thing I do, and why do I do it? Why is this the way things are? If the answer to that question is 'because it is', there's something wrong. Things that are the way they are because some people or we collectively have decided they are that way, are things that need to be challenged. People should ask these questions more often.
  17. Thorn Wilde


    Yeah, Geralt in the games can be pretty cold, unfortunately. I wasn't kidding when I talked about toxic masculinity in the story note. He's not especially touchy feely in general, let alone with other men. That said, accepting that it's someone's time isn't necessarily being cold. And to Cedric, in many ways I think death was a release. He went around his whole life (which has been hundreds of years long, btw) plagued by these visions to the point where he's constantly drunk just so he won't have to experience them. There wasn't much Geralt could do, and perhaps not trying was the kind and respectful thing to do. It's also worth noting that these games and the books they're based on are Polish, and Poland is about as touchy feely and gay friendly as Russia. I mean, a tad better, but still. In Witcher 3 there's a canonically gay male NPC who helps you out at one point in the main quest (whom you'll encounter later in this story), so that's HUGE progress. Witcher 2 (where we're currently at in the chronology) came out in 2011, so it's no huge wonder that there's not a lot of physical contact between men.
  18. Hope your Migraines are getting better!
  19. Yeah, I'm used to that as well, but not these. I have the least sexy infection ever (well, maybe not quite, but it's certainly in the top five), not even gonna tell you guys, but it's particularly shitty. The shops are all closed today. Might go out to find some yoghurt tomorrow. The Julian calendar is 13 days behind the Gregorian one. Christmas Day is on the 7th of January.
  20. Don't think I have any yoghurt right now... And these things have the most ridiculous rules. Don't eat for two hours before taking them, and one hour after. Don't lie down for an hour after taking them. Kind of bizarre...
  21. Thorn Wilde


    Cedric's story is a really sad one. He drinks to mask the visions he gets. Ultimately he is killed helping Geralt. I wanted him to have something nice, for Geralt to at least a little bit return the favour, before that happens.
  22. Yeah, we celebrate Julian calendar Christmas as well. Cause my mum's Orthodox (I technically am too, but only on paper these days; since religious congregations and things in Norway receive funding based on member count I figure our tiny church can get mine instead of it being wasted on nothing), and her church is under Constantinople which still uses the Julian calendar for holidays. So we do Christmas twice. The first one with pork rib and presents, the second with ham and religion, I guess. Precious little religion during first Christmas, as my stepdad's an atheist. She takes a break from Christmas fast for a few days for 'regular' Christmas. Morning, DiC! Hope you all enjoyed Christmas Day, and that today is peaceful and pleasant. I decided to stay home from lunch at Mum's. I don't feel very well. I'm on some way strong antibiotics right now, and it's wreaking havoc on, well, everything. So I'm enjoying the peace and quiet before my flatmate and her puppy get home this evening and the house inevitably gets noisy again...
  23. She's in my thoughts. Hoping the procedure goes well! ❤️
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