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Thorn Wilde

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Everything posted by Thorn Wilde

  1. Thorn Wilde


    Me too. Pretty happy with this one, tbh. Practically wrote itself.
  2. Morning, everyone! So tired today...
  3. With any luck, he'll be okay. He's in good spirits, considering.
  4. I'm going to bed now. Stayed up later than I should chatting with Lacey on Skype. Worth it, though. Goodnight, DiC!
  5. ‘I do appreciate it, you know,’ said Yaevinn. Geralt took a sip of his wine. ‘Hm?’ ‘What you have done for us. I know it was not an easy decision to make.’ He paused, drank some wine. ‘You had to kill a friend today. That knight.’ ‘Siegfried.’ Geralt sighed. ‘There was never any way of changing his mind. A knight of the Order, through and through. For all that . . . He was misguided, but . . .’ ‘He was a good man.’ Yaevinn’s words took Geralt by surprise, and he met his gaze. Yae
  6. If you feel like writing, then you should write.
  7. I want Mac and cheese too, now. Even though I ate way too much tonight already... Though admittedly it's been a few hours since dinner.
  8. Pork is good meat. I love to cook. When I'm depressive I don't have the energy when I'm only cooking for myself, but give me a guest and a little extra cash, I cook up a feast. Got leftover roast, so I can eat some tomorrow too.
  9. Looks like a tasty meal, @Mikiesboy. I cooked a pork roast today. Never done it before. Turned out pretty good. Even managed to get some crackling. Served with potatoes, baked root vegetables (parsnip, Swedish turnip, candy striped beets), purple cauliflower, romanesco, and a port wine sauce. My guest brought a Chianti.
  10. Thorn Wilde


    Indeed. Here’s hoping.
  11. Thorn Wilde


    You’re welcome?
  12. Good morning, everyone! Taking a few minutes to Internet before I have to go food shopping and clean the house a bit for my friend who's coming to dinner. Most likely they will have looked for meat that's local and organic and humanely raised. Unless they're just vegans for health reasons rather than political ones, in which case, who knows? Quail is delicious anyway.
  13. Thorn Wilde


    A very good point. And I'll try not to make you wait too long. Sorry for the delay! Thank you for commenting.
  14. Thorn Wilde


    Here's hoping. Thanks for commenting!
  15. Thorn Wilde


    Freeing is definitely the right word. We have a tendency to think of freedom as lack of rules or external influences but we forget about freedom from worrying, freedom from fear. Feeling safe is an important kind of freedom. Thank you for commenting!
  16. Thorn Wilde


    It's certainly something that will have to be talked about, yeah. Thanks for commenting!
  17. Thorn Wilde


    Stephen and Lewis are some of my favourite characters I've ever written, I think, so I'm very happy you like them! ❤️
  18. Thorn Wilde


    Things are definitely looking up for him. Thanks for commenting! ❤️
  19. Three Wishes for Cinderella. It's a Czech version of the classic fairytale, from 1973, and it's been on TV here in Norway every Christmas for decades. It really is very beautiful, and the music is gorgeous. Christmas isn't quite the same without it.
  20. It's 3 am and I'm actually sleepy. Just uploaded a new chapter of Storms, so now I'm off to bed. Goodnight, all!
  21. Thorn Wilde


    It was almost ten o’clock by the time John and Amanda from social services, and Griffiths took me home to pick up my things. I packed random items of clothing into a bin bag, grabbed my charger, my laptop, and my Firefly box set, and declared myself ready to go. I didn’t speak to Mum. Amanda stayed behind to chat with her, and John and Griffiths took me to Griffiths’s house. On the way, I texted Michael. On my way to Mr. Griffiths’s house. Staying with him. Everything’s okay. Good, came
  22. Oh, good. I'm not crazy. Or, I'm no more crazy than I thought I was.
  23. ...well, that's the darnedest thing. When I wrote this, the Forums page showed 'Featured blog posts' and then 'Forums', without the Gallery thing in between. Now it's back to how it normally is. I think GA is haunted. Or I'm hallucinating. It's one or the other, really.
  24. That's great! What did you get up to?
  25. How are you doing this evening?
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