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Thorn Wilde

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Everything posted by Thorn Wilde

  1. Thorn Wilde


    Michael is hands down the best boyfriend I've ever written. Glad you're still enjoying the story! ❤️
  2. Bedtime for me. Nighty night, all! ❤️
  3. Thorn Wilde


    ‘We tried to reach your mother,’ said Mr. Hugh. ‘Unfortunately, there was no answer.’ I fidgeted in my seat and refused to meet his eye. ‘Oh. Er, she’s probably working. Or something.’ ‘How are you feeling, Daniel?’ asked Mrs. Penn, who was also present. ‘We understand that you suffered a rather traumatic event over the weekend.’ ‘I’m okay,’ I mumbled. ‘It’s fine.’ She pursed her lips. ‘I would argue that it most decidedly is not fine. For anybody involved. Can you tell us where
  4. I know that being a gamer was massively useful when I was doing sound for a play last year. There was this one scene that had so many cues, that had to be timed right according to the actors' movements. I had to do that in QLab on my Mac at the same time as I had to pay attention to the levels on the mixer. If I hadn't been a gamer, I don't think I would have ever been able to do that scene properly (and I screwed up so many times, too, but thankfully the audience don't know what it's supposed to be like, so... ) Gaming is a really useful distraction for me. It gets me out of my head, gives me something to focus on, and solving complex puzzles or completing challenges in a game makes me feel like I've accomplished something, which makes me feel better about myself. I think most games can have a therapeutic effect.
  5. Have started Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Reactions so far: Cool! There's a setting to make everyone speak their native language where it makes sense! Huh, that's a lot of creative ways for Lara to die in the first half hour. Did that child just fall to their death? Jonah really has to go through hell in these games. Them be some big capybaras. Holy crap, fothermucking jaguars!!
  6. Here in Norway, we eat roast pork rib. It's super greasy and very tasty. If I'm in Finland for Christmas, it's fish on Christmas Eve and roast ham on Christmas Day.
  7. Thorn Wilde

    Three Things

    Very true. Thanks for taking the time to comment!
  8. Thorn Wilde

    Three Things

    Thank you. ❤️
  9. Thorn Wilde

    Three Things

    Thank you!
  10. I'm glad you can relate.
  11. My Norwegian teacher in high school was an old goth. When we were doing literature she did several lessons on gothic type literature (she didn't care much about language at this point), including Milton (though he's technically pre-Gothic) and Blake, who references Milton a lot. Because we were a music class she brought in music to illustrate, so we listened to Norwegian industrial/black metal band Ulver's Marriage of Heaven and Hell, words by William Blake, and then picked a piece to translate. It was very, very awesome. We argued a lot for the devils in that class... But this is a very different culture when it comes to stuff like this. I picked this one:
  12. Glad you're enjoying it! Thanks for taking the time to read.
  13. Or try a VPN. That's what I do when I want to watch something not readily available in my country... Like Doctor Who.
  14. That's really interesting. Ties in well with the Finnish school system, where for every 45 minutes of lessons there's a 15 minute break for free play. Not only does it help the children develop socially, but it also makes it easier for them to pay attention to the next lesson. And school days never last longer than until two o'clock in primary education. The Finnish school system is widely recognised as one of the most successful in the world, so it must be working.
  15. Thorn Wilde

    Three Things

    Thank you!
  16. What's Christmas without The Ramones, amirite?
  17. Thorn Wilde

    Three Things

    Thank you! That means a lot. ❤️
  18. It's very disheartening to experience that kind of erasure from what is supposedly your own community. Thankfully, I've found a community of trans and gender nonconforming people to hang out with, and it's been amazing and a big eye opener as far as my own gender identity is concerned.
  19. Ugh... Everyone acts like it's some kind of trend, especially when it comes to trans dudes. The national centre for transsexualism (they still call it that, ffs) here in Norway is supposed to be the foremost authority on treating gender dysphoria and gender reassignment (we, actually queer people, call it gender confirmation over here now, dunno if there's an equivalent in English), but one of the lead 'experts' from there has gone out in the media and talked about what a tragedy it is that 'the nation's daughters want deeper voices and chest hair', which is just . . . You're supposed to be an expert and you misgender your patients? wtf? And they refuse to work with trans advocacy groups. Only about a third of referred patients actually get help, the rest of them aren't 'trans enough'. I would never qualify for treatment from those people, being non-binary. I'd have to go to a private clinic the way things are right now, which is fine if you just want hormone therapy, even if it is more expensive. Surgery would be harder to get, though.
  20. Mental health days are frequently needed. I went to school, but came home again. Part migraine, part feeling a depressive episode coming on... Take care of yourself! ❤️
  21. This one isn’t on YouTube, so here’s hoping some of you have Spotify, cause it’s amazing. It’s on iTunes too.
  22. Oh, attitude definitely. Patience, however... That’s very easy for those who have never experienced poverty to say. But I’m gonna leave it at that before I go all social anarchist on you all and get political.
  23. Looking back, there were three things I shouldn’t have done that night: I shouldn’t have said yes. I shouldn’t have had that last drink. I shouldn’t have left. She was so much thinner than she had been the last time I saw her. I, on the other hand, was way fatter. Like we had switched body types, though her tits were still huge. She said she’d started pole dancing. ‘Not for exercise. I’m actually a stripper now. It pays good money.’ She laughed. ‘My girlfriend does it, too.
  24. Looking back, there were three things I shouldn’t have done that night: I shouldn’t have said yes. I shouldn’t have had that last drink. I shouldn’t have left.
  25. I dunno... I feel like whomever said that has probably never had nothing.
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