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Thorn Wilde

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Everything posted by Thorn Wilde

  1. I think the best riding system I've encountered is Witcher 3. Geralt's horse Roach really behaves and moves like a horse. It's a very pretty game, too.
  2. God, I love that movie! Of course, what's even better is what happens next...
  3. Exactly. The US exports everything, from politics to culture. What fun! EDIT: And I best not get started on free market capitalism away from The Pit...
  4. I never played it. All I know about it is Yahtzee's Zero Punctuation review. 'My horse is stuck in a wall!' Wouldn't mind trying 2, though, it looks good. EDIT: For those who don't know, Zero Punctuation is DEEPLY offensive.
  5. Hmm... I've read about things like this before. I've also read about the theory that homosexuality is caused by lack of androgens in the womb, and recently I read an article about some scientists who claimed that their AI could predict whether a person's gay or straight based on the shape and features of their faces (modern phrenology, basically). The article (from last January) refutes this claim. The problem with research like this is that there is no scientific consensus. People have claimed to have isolated a 'gay gene' before, and it's turned out to be bollocks. Another problem is that these studies are performed almost exclusively on male homosexuals. They exclude female homosexuality, which is just as prevalent, and explain absolutely nothing about bisexuality. Finally, there's the actual existence of intersex people to consider where, as it turns out, variation in sex chromosomes and genomes appears to have little to no impact on sexual orientation. Going by many other studies, this is demonstrably false. Only one of the cited studies to this claim is from the last decade, and it's become more and more common for men to identify as bisexual; far more than those who identify as homosexual. Heterosexual > bisexual > homosexual. Presumably this is because more 'straight' men are admitting to sexual attraction towards other men. Whatever the reason, the B in LGBT is by far the largest group, but also the one that receives the least amount of attention, research, and funding. Personally, I'd rather there was no gay gene. Consider the implication of selective abortions of gay foetuses, for instance, or further gatekeeping in the LGBTQIA community based on genetics in addition to everything else. Of course, what I want has no impact on reality, but I wish scientists would stop trying to figure out why people are gay, and instead focus on helping people
  6. Morning! It's like I'm on America time, cause I just got up. Guess I needed the sleep. I've been getting texts and e-mails all morning about Black Friday sales. We don't do Thanksgiving, but you guys have managed to export the crazy consumerist part. I'm just waiting for Cyber Monday so I can buy nerdy things and games...
  7. Having lived in the Birmingham-Black Country conurbation, that last part is new to me. Locals just call Birmingham Brum about 90% of the time, cause one syllable is easier than three.
  8. Thorn Wilde


    Aww, glad it made you feel stuff! ❤️
  9. Thorn Wilde


    Michael's friends are cooler and more observant than he gives them credit for. Deacon's been his friend since forever; he knows him really well.
  10. Thorn Wilde


    Glad you got the good feels!
  11. Thorn Wilde


    Thank you!
  12. Hope you've all enjoyed your turkey day! To refrain from staying up until 6 am like I did yesterday, I'm taking a shower and crawling into bed now. Good night!
  13. Thorn Wilde


    A marked improvement indeed. Thank you!
  14. Thorn Wilde


    I arrived at school Monday morning perfectly prepared to track down both Patrick and Loz and give them a thrashing, verbal or otherwise, I hadn’t quite made up my mind. As it turned out, though, I didn’t have to. On entering the building, I found Loz on the floor punching Patrick repeatedly in the face while Patrick’s friends tried to get him off. When at last they managed I saw that Patrick was bleeding rather profusely. I thought, Good. He deserves it. Though I didn’t understand what had p
  15. Thorn Wilde


    Thank you. ❤️
  16. I love your comments. I'm such a trivia geek myself. Roast goose is traditional, but at some point (I think in the 19th century) rich folks started importing turkeys and having them for Christmas dinner instead of goose. The turkey's bigger, and it was seen as a bit of a status symbol to be able to afford one. Ironically, during the 20th century, turkey became cheaper and cheaper, and goose more and more expensive, so these days less wealthy people tend to eat turkey, while the wealthier ones eat goose. Of course, some eat neither of these things. Quite a few families eat ham.
  17. Yeah, I remember what that was like. Though, at fifteen, I started seeing a guy who was nineteen. Thankfully, he was just as inexperienced and immature as I was, so it worked on. Or, didn't, as it happened in the end.
  18. Snogging is more like excessive kissing. Maybe a little over the clothes touching, but not much. Making out. If you're not wearing clothes, or if there's intent to orgasm, you're not really just snogging anymore. EDIT: Generally, non-penetrative sex is just, well, sex. Or foreplay.
  19. I love fish and chips, though it's traditionally not made with fish sticks (usually known as fish fingers this side of the pond), but with battered and fried cod fillet. Which is a lot better for you. That said, I like fish fingers, too.
  20. Look me up if you come here. I'd be happy to show you Oslo.
  21. I know. There are a few of us. A user called Suvitar is from Finland, but they haven't been on in a while, I think. And there was another Norwegian, too, who's also not around much anymore.
  22. Don't know how inspirational this is, but it's certainly relevant. If you read closely enough, you can tell the exact point in the prose where the author started touching themselves. —Sam Sykes
  23. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates it! Over here it's, well, Thursday.
  24. I am aware of that. I am... interested. My partner and I have been experimenting with some play, and it's something I've been wanting to explore more as well, as a submissive. So I feel like maybe I can learn something.
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