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Thorn Wilde

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Everything posted by Thorn Wilde

  1. Thorn Wilde

    Chapter 14

    At one o’clock the following day, Peter goes to his aunt’s house. They chat over leftover tuna casserole. Aunt May is in a good mood, pleased to see her nephew, and more than ever Peter feels as though he never left, like everything is exactly the way it’s always been. Except that he didn’t used to have dates with former mercenaries lined up for afterwards. ‘So,’ she says, ‘has anything interesting happened since last time?’ Peter shrugs. ‘I dunno if I’d say interesting . . .’ He hesitates.
  2. Thorn Wilde


    Haha! Glad to be of service. Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
  3. Thorn Wilde


    Thank you! I think you will see them again, though I don't know when. Glad you liked the story! Thanks for reviewing.
  4. Thorn Wilde


    Thank you! I'm so glad you liked them, and that you found them genuine. I feel nostalgic for my birthplace from time to time, so it's nice to write these stories then. Maybe there will be more of them in future. Who knows? Thanks for reading, and for commenting!
  5. No, Indie, why?? You write so well, I love this story so much! Can't wait to find out what happens next! <3
  6. Thorn Wilde


    Thank you!
  7. Hell, I've never worried about inappropriate chapter titles... As long as the story's rated correctly, no one's ever cared. Still, long chapters are great! I am so hooked on this story already. I don't usually like stories that switch between first person narratives, but yours really works.
  8. Thorn Wilde

    Cory Arrives

    This is a really fantastic start! I love it! And so, so hot! Really looking forward to reading more of this.
  9. Thorn Wilde


    Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed the story. I suppose it's a little more out there than most office romances... Thanks for taking the time to comment, Ron! It's greatly appreciated.
  10. Thorn Wilde


    Bespoke is one of those words that I picked up reading fiction online (James Bond fanfic, actually, if I'm not mistaken) and added to my vocabulary. I think it sounds very sophisticated and classy. I think Lance definitely loves Keenan, and he's just not at a point where he's able to say it yet. Lance has issues of his own, clearly. Glad you enjoyed the story, and thank you so much for another long review! They're the best.
  11. Thorn Wilde


    Thank you! I'm so glad you did!
  12. Thorn Wilde


    I think so too. Thanks for taking the time to comment! I appreciate it.
  13. Thorn Wilde


    I suppose it would seem a little sad without any other context... Since I know what's what, it's not sad for me. I'm glad you enjoyed it in spite of the sad!
  14. Thorn Wilde


    I was certainly going for different. Wanted to step out of my comfort zone, and maybe coax some of my readers out of theirs as well. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
  15. Thorn Wilde


    Thank you! I certainly see it that way. This is not the last thing I'll write about these two. I look forward to writing a more in depth account of their relationship, maybe starting at the beginning.
  16. Thorn Wilde


    Thank you! I agree, love takes many different forms. While BDSM fascinates me, I don't think I could be in such a complete BDSM relationship either, but I like telling slightly unconventional love stories. Glad you liked it!
  17. Thorn Wilde


    There is more than a possibility of more between them. In fact, I began to develop these characters a while back for use in a longer erotica novel. You could call this their test run. I'm sorry it made you sad, though. I was going for hopeful. Thanks for commenting!
  18. Thorn Wilde


    Thank you so much! I'm very glad you liked it. Erotic yet romantic was exactly what I was going for.
  19. Thorn Wilde


    I think mutual love is something that's already there, it just isn't communicated in a conventional way. This is a hurdle they'll have to work through in order to treat one another with complete trust and honesty. Thank you so much!
  20. Thorn Wilde


    Haha, thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked the story. I felt like doing a little Christmas story about them, but obviously couldn't use it for the secret Santa, since it's about characters I've already used. Maybe there will be more looks into their lives later on. Thanks for taking the time to review! <3
  21. Thorn Wilde


    It had been a warm and wet December. Juha would wake to frost in the grass, but by midday it would have melted away, leaving mud and slush in its wake. Today, though, the wind blew cold from the north and snow had fallen thick and heavy in the night. Temperatures had been steadily dropping since the evening before. It appeared that winter had finally come. It had been dark when Juha had left for work that morning and it was pitch-black again when he went home, and would have been even if he
  22. After spending a glorious summer together, Adam went back to San Diego and left Juha in his small Finnish town. Now it's nearly Christmas, and Juha gets a surprise. Sequel to Sauna Summer.
  23. Thorn Wilde

    Chapter 1

    That was beautiful! A little rough around the edges, perhaps, but what a powerful plot!
  24. The first gift appears in my desk drawer on the first of December. I come in to work at nine AM as usual, and open the drawer to take out my pen and stack of sticky notes to take down Lance’s messages on, and there it is, a small, square parcel wrapped in shiny gold paper with a red bow. There’s no card. Shannon from human resources chooses this precise moment to come in from the lift. ‘Morning, Keenan.’ She looks down at the parcel. ‘Who’s that from, then?’ ‘No idea,’ I tell her, and it’s alm
  25. Dating your boss can be complicated, even more so when your relationship can hardly be called conventional. But Lance seems determined to give Keenan a Christmas gift he won't soon forget, and who is Keenan to complain?
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