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Thorn Wilde

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Everything posted by Thorn Wilde

  1. Thorn Wilde

    Sauna Summer

    I have no immediate plans of writing more about them, but who knows? Stranger things have happened. Thanks very much for your comments!
  2. Thorn Wilde

    Sauna Summer

    Like Juha, I love the sauna, so it felt like it was high time I made it a part of a story. Thanks for reading and commenting! Your words are much appreciated.
  3. Thorn Wilde

    Sauna Summer

    Thanks, Gary! I'm so glad you liked it, and thank you for such lovely words.
  4. The sun stood in its zenith in the south and Juha turned his face into the breeze blowing in off the Gulf of Bothnia. This summer had so far not been the warmest in his memory, though he had stubbornly put on swim trunks and walked down to the beach all the same, towel draped over his shoulder. His family’s summer home up in the woods was overrun with mosquitoes, but the beach was blessedly bug free, save a few ants in the sand and the odd gadfly. There were a few swimmers out in the blue, b
  5. Juha is enjoying his quiet summer in the Finnish countryside when an attractive American appears. Adam is of Finnish descent and has come to learn about his roots. So Juha teaches him about sauna, and Adam teaches Juha something even more valuable.
  6. Welcome to GA, christstevens, Ricky and Iro!
  7. Welcome to the GA family, brandnewfan and Vogie! Look forward to getting to know you!
  8. In fantasy RPG terms, Soldier = warrior, adept = mage, engineer = rogue. Then Vanguard is like a battlemage, Sentinel is a rogue with magic, and Infiltrator is basically a ranger. The only real difference between these and the fantasy classes is that in Mass Effect (though this really only counts for the first game) it's the rogue classes who are healers, and all classes can use some kind of weapon. As for the aliens, the Asari are basically elves, the Salarians are the dwarves, and the Turians are like a highly militarised society of slightly different elves. Quarians are gypsies, Geth are monster of the week and husks are zombies. I know you do kind of get dropped right into the plot and this new world, but if you bear with it for the first mission and a bit it does start to make sense. Also, read the Codex entries for historical context and you've immersed yourself more than enough to enjoy the game, IMO. But that could just be me. If you don't like Mass Effect you don't like Mass Effect, and that's totally fine.
  9. I know EXACTLY what you mean. Iron Bull is awesome, but I feel so sorry for Dorian when I romance him.
  10. Ooh, intriguing! Can't wait to see where this is going!
  11. Straight into the action! I like that. This isn't a fandom I've read a lot in (or even been especially into), but I love your style and your craft is solid. An excellent start!
  12. Thanks for the necromancy, Drew. This is the most excellent thread!
  13. Didn't happen to me, but Magpie was at Sweden Rock festival this year, and at 4 o'clock in the afternoon on the second day some drunk metalhead projectile vomited onto the ground in front of him. It hit the ground so hard it splashed up off it and hit Magpie right in the face, on the mouth. Seriously gross. It gave him an excuse to buy some merch, though, as he needed a new shirt after that... EDIT: Also, I should know better than to check this topic while eating. *headdesk*
  14. Welcome to the family!
  15. I'm pretty sure this isn't the first time the search tool has led to necromancy.
  16. Happy Happy Day You Were Born Day, LBO!!
  17. Thank you, all of you. You're all beautiful! <3
  18. Today, inspired by the good feels of Oslo's Pride celebration, I had a very public coming out on Facebook (very public; I even set it to 'public' so that any bigots who want to friend me will be able to see it and think better of it). I don't know what I expected, but my friends have just been heaping love and support on me, which is really wonderful. My mum hasn't acknowledged the post, though. I don't know if she just hasn't seen it yet or doesn't know how to handle it or what... What I have told almost every person in my life today is that I'm pansexual (which means that if you're an adult capable of giving consent, I don't care what gender you are or what gender you identify with, or what bits you have or don't have that may not match the binary gender you may or may not exhibit), and that I myself identify as genderqueer or genderfluid. Some days, I feel totally comfortable as the gender I was born as. Other days I just want to slip out of this fucking body and into a different skin. It's a difficult and painful feeling, and one I still don't quite understand. I'm working on that. I'm so grateful to all of you for not questioning me about my gender identity and for just accepting me as I come before you. Being here has played an important part in forming my current identity and helping me figure shit out. Thank you. You're all wonderful and I love you.
  19. I little necromancy is good for the soul sometimes.
  20. The process: All done!
  21. Happy Birthday!!
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