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Thorn Wilde

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Everything posted by Thorn Wilde

  1. Thorn Wilde


    They do, don't they? One day, perhaps. As of yet, there's still Alan's dad to worry about, and he loves his little sister too much to let himself be disowned, poor thing. Thanks once again for reviewing!
  2. Thank you so much! I'm glad you've enjoyed it so much, and I hope you'll enjoy my other stories as well. Always makes me happy to welcome new readers, so thanks so much!
  3. Thorn Wilde


    Indeed. Alan is very much a product of his upbringing. Let's hope that Matt can drag him out of his shell and make him happy.
  4. CHAPTER TWO One of a Kind ‘Hi, I’m Stuart.’ Nick looked up at the boy who had sat down at the desk next to his. The boy smiled. ‘Nick,’ said Nick. ‘Nice to meet you, Nick.’ Stuart looked Nick up and down, as though he were appraising him. It made Nick feel slightly uncomfortable, so he stared back, taking in broad shoulders, short cropped dark hair and sparkling hazel eyes under thick eyebrows. Then Stuart spoke again. ‘So, what’s your instrument?’ Nick blinked. ‘Huh? Oh!
  5. Thank you!! Thank for for reviewing every chapter, that means so much to me, and thank you for thoughtful comments. It's always so awesome to follow a person as they read one of my stories for the first time, so thank you epically for being an awesome reader, an encouraging reviewer and an over all fantastic person.
  6. Thorn Wilde


    Yay! Glad to have you here, Ron.
  7. If you just give the original a quick skim it should be easy enough to get into this one, I think. So happy you seem to be enjoying it! Chapter two will probably be up some time tomorrow.
  8. Thorn Wilde


    Whee! Thanks!
  9. OMG, thank you so much for all these reviews! <3 There's nothing quite so wonderful as logging in and discovering loads of positive comments. Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying this story. Hope you won't hate me too much by the end of it.
  10. There will be more soon. Thanks for reading!
  11. Thorn Wilde


    THANK YOU!!!
  12. Glad you're liking it. Thanks for reviewing!
  13. I've had several ideas for tattoos since my mid teens. Boy, am I glad I never got some of those early ones... I don't think quantity matters so much as quality. Myself, I think I'd only ever want a few tattoos, and probably nothing too in-your-face. Since I'm more of a word person than a picture person, I've played with the idea of tattooing song lyrics and poems that mean something to me on various parts of my body. I don't care one bit how many tattoos anyone else has got. To each their own. Personally, I don't find an abundance of super colourful tattoos to be very attractive, but I'm sure it can be on the right person, and it's not like anyone else needs or should want my approval or anyone else's for what they choose to do with their own bodies, just like I don't ask anyone else before I get a new piercing or dye my hair. *shrug* A friend of mine has a photo of Amanda Palmer that he took himself (he's a professional photographer) tattooed onto his thigh. It's skillfully done, but I would never tattoo someone's face on my body. It's kind of like getting your boyfriend's name tattooed somewhere.
  14. WARNING: Contains some violence. I found this while browsing YouTube today. Really nice, heartwarming piece, and the guys are pretty cute too. So, I thought I'd share.
  15. That is incredibly nicely done!
  16. Remember that promise. I'll hold you to it. I promise there will be some screen time for Matt and Alan as well, plus some focus on how Zoë gets on post-Craig, in case anyone cares about her at all. Thanks for reading and reviewing!
  17. There will be more very soon, I can promise you. Glad you're enjoying it!
  18. Thorn Wilde


    Yay! First review!! Thank you! Glad you're liking it so far. Can't wait to see what people think.
  19. CHAPTER ONE Too Many Friends It was September, and Nick found himself standing in his underwear in the middle of his bedroom, on the morning of his first day at Sapswell College, without a single clue as to what to wear. In the end he settled on his favourite Placebo t-shirt and black skinny jeans, and a white and grey checkered shirt over with the sleeves rolled up. Then he scrutinised his appearance in the mirror on the inside of his wardrobe door. ‘Zoë?’ he called. ‘Yeah?’ He
  20. PROLOGUE Detective Sergeant Richard Javelin pressed the record button. ‘This is D.S. Javelin, interviewing a primary witness in the case against Craig Spencer, on the twenty-sixth of April.’ He looked at Dave with deep green eyes. ‘Please state your name.’ ‘David George Thompson.’ ‘Please tell me what happened on the twenty-fifth of March.’ Dave drew a deep breath. ‘I was home alone with my cousin, Jason. Nick showed up at my house in the evening. It must have been about six
  21. Nick and Dave are off to college, but sadly not the same one. While Nick is attending Sapswell with all their friends from secondary school, Dave is commuting every day to Dorcrest Independent College. Staying together when you have to work to see each other every day is hard, especially when a new activity takes over much of Nick's spare time, namely his new rock band.
  22. I don't think I would mind much if they did this here, but it seems to me it could very much negatively affect the elderly and disabled.
  23. He was really great as the older Casanova in the BBC miniseries from 2005, too. He will be missed.
  24. I agree with you about Chuck. There was a dude who replaced the subject of all the Chuck Norris jokes with Lara Croft, though. That was badass.
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