I've had so many freaky dreams lately. I blame the meds. There's one that particularly stands out, though. It was about these two android guys with really huge... yeah. Keeping it PG. But that's not actually what I remember so well about it. In the middle of the dream, there was a bit where I was drinking tea with my friends, and Edd spilled some, so I tried to give her a some paper towels to wipe it up, and I kept trying to get them off the kitchen roll but somehow I was doing it wrong. Like, I was trying to tear them the wrong way or something, so the roll went rolling and there was paper everywhere, and just then I woke up for a little bit and laughed for like a minute straight. I was sleeping on the couch just then, and Magpie was sitting in the other corner watching handball and he looked at me like I was crazy, and I tried to explain why I was laughing but it didn't make much sense to him. Then I fell asleep again and dreamt the rest of the dream. The next time I woke up Magpie asked me if I remembered waking up the first time. Apparently, he was slightly worried about me.