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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. And that's what bothers me about car crashes: they're an easy way out for lazy writers. How about a little imagination? Someone hitting a rock or a tree while skiing and breaking their neck would be more my style. With Liz, I never mentioned what type of cancer she battled on purpose. In the back of my mind, it was pancreatic cancer. Someone I knew had lost his battle to it a couple of years before I wrote that story line.
  2. I love to recycle characters! Did it with Singer and Ranger, and I plan to do it again with Cadet. Some of Ritch's group at the Academy will have spots in CJ's administration. I couldn't include them in Hail to the Chief, since most of them didn't even have names when I first outlined Ritch's story and wrote about the inauguration. For the record, I do have one recurring evil character. Donald Trump has been mentioned in quite a few of my tales.
  3. They're still a Jeep family. Planning for Defiant's demise, I had Brett purchase a new one in Malibu. So much for Liebe inheriting her dad's first car.
  4. Granger seems to enjoy their 'bonding,' maybe Patton would have too. Now we'll never know.
  5. Only the death of a core cast member would truly satisfy him. I'll keep throwing crumbs his way to try and keep the wolves at bay.
  6. I don't think we'll ever face a storm like that one in South Florida, but the same thing would probably happen here.
  7. Too many damn stories kill characters in car crashes or with breast cancer. I already did the car thing back in Autumn, but it was so long ago, we may be due for another one. Otherwise, I'm glad you've noticed I don't repeat events very often.
  8. @dughlas Sometimes, I bounce ideas off Mann before I write. In this case, he has no idea who it'll be. I need to kill somebody to keep him happy. And I don't know why he's telling me no redshirts, that's exactly what he did with Patton. (I think that was his name. Definitely forgettable.)
  9. The character I plan to kill has already been introduced. I just need to decide on where, when, and how. Y'all may start guessing who that is too.
  10. Aware this chapter would post today, I cursed myself when I saw the pileups in Texas. I should have taken the opportunity to kill a bunch of people and destroy a bunch of vehicles.
  11. Let's see if anyone can guess what kind of car Ritch gets to replace Defiant with. I've been to Mesa Verde NP and always thought it would be CJ exploring the place. Couldn't resist the temptation of Ritch doing it, since he incorporates the exploring with his regular airplane rentals. I was breathing heavy by the time I was done hiking.
  12. But Mann just told me no redshirt characters! For those of you not familiar with the term/concept...
  13. I'll PM you later so you can start plotting.
  14. I can't help creating lovable characters.
  15. Wealthy, good looking, and probably in the best shape he'll ever be in, Ritch's a babe magnet. Let's hope it doesn't backfire on him.
  16. Defiant, more than any other family vehicle, participated in plenty of adventures. I actually felt guilty when I decided Ritch needed a new car. Why trade it in when I could use it's demise to create a small dramatic moment. I already know who the next character to die will be. It may not happen in this book, but y'all can start guessing.
  17. Maybe next time the boys go night skiing, I'll have a wolf attack them. Would that make you happy?
  18. He's following tradition! Just airports instead of seaports.
  19. LMFAO Are you as jealous of him as I am? At least he's using protection. It wouldn't do for any of those women to become his baby momma!
  20. @Mann Ramblings often complains I don't kill off characters, so I destroyed Defiant. He's still complaining.
  21. “Mesa Verde National Park was established in 1906 to preserve the archeological heritage of the Ancestral Pueblo people, both atop the mesas, and in the cliff dwellings below. The park includes over 4,500 archeological sites with only six hundred of them being villages built into the rock face.” The speaker flashed a quick smile at Ritch and Will before returning her attention to the individuals surrounding her. “Around 550, before Europeans explored North America, some of the people living
  22. @BlueWindBoy Wait a minute, you went to GU? What class year? Yes, you were close on CJ's birthday plans, but I hate to give away spoilers in the comments. Next two chapters will cover the trip. Wait until you see where I take them for CJ's 21st! I think Jimmy Carter's daughter went to Sidwell, so did Biden's grandchildren, and obviously the Obama girls. Any prep school will have it's share of those who feel a sense of entitlement. I'm glad I went to a public one. Unfortunately, both my brothers went the prep route. LOL
  23. Carlos Hazday

    October 2015

    LMFAO I can't keep track of how many Presidents CJ meets by the end of the series. Marco's 5'9" short. I think CJ tops out at 6' or really close to that. I'll have you know Deliverance takes place in Georgia! WV is really a natural wonder. I've ridden through it a few times, and loved it.
  24. Thank you
  25. Why is it, with Gus' future playing piano threatened, the baseball game is what stuck in mind? I was at Miller Park, on the old Harley-Davidson deck, rooting against the Yankees. 😁
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