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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Isn't NETFLIX coming out with a show about you and Sean? I'm happy with how this one turned out. Far from perfect, it still accomplished my goal of establishing where Colt came from and where he's headed. Let's see if he gets there safely.
  2. Thanks, Tony. Next is an entry for the fall anthology, sbout a quarter of it already written, featuring the dolphin shifters introduced in the last antho. After that, I'm working on a novel giving us a glimpse into another CJ-verse supporting character's life. CJ's brother's four years at the Air Force Academy.
  3. A short meant to give the MC a little air time before I tackle further adventures/events. I'll revisit the premise. Thanks for reading, Doc!
  4. You're welcome and thank you! I enjoyed giving Colt the same treatment I did with Tony in PRIME. I became attached to these two when I first created them and I'm glad I was able to revisit their origin.
  5. Sometimes innuendo-laden stories are more fun than those explicit ones. Thanks, Wes!
  6. Thanks, Chris. Now that both PRIME and WOOF are open for business, next story will bring the respective owners together.
  7. The story was meant to introduce Colt and give us a thumbnail sketch of him. The other goal was to open the gym. Hopefully, both goals were accomplished even if it was a short one.
  8. Thanks, Theo. I have 2 stories in the works, and one's a long CJ-universe spinoff. I also have at least a dozen other stories on my list. As long as I can type, I'll keep writing. I like it. LOL
  9. Colt will probably work as many hours as he did with the investment bankers for less money. But he'll be his own boss and that often trumps the hours and income.
  10. Can you believe how long ago I introduced these characters. I'm really enjoying revisiting. Maybe I'll make sure Sean stays single just for you LOL
  11. Old hurts sometimes flare up and our reactions aren't always rational. BTW, Heat's up 2-0 over the Celtics. My boy Edrice has had two outstanding games. That's probably more detail on the NBA playoffs than you needed today. LOL
  12. I remember when Penn State and Miami were both independent and played each other all the time. Colt, I think, wasn't even aware of how much he'd been holding in. Avoidance is a way of dealing with issues that doesn't always work. Even after years of not interacting, a mention from Mrs. Mann, and one glance at his former friend in the diner both made Colt lose it.
  13. I actually thought of fling but decided a Dutch word I'd somehow learned of would be better. My story... sticking to it.
  14. @dughlas I dislike Ohio State but am able to stomach most of the other teams. I kinda like Michigan. Mrs. Mann, while trying to do what she felt was right, forgot to ask Colt about it in advance. The yelling and disagreeing may have been avoided had she done so. Of course, she sounds a bit too clueless if after all these years she's unaware her son does not like Sam. As for the argument because I gave birth to you being used as sufficient to justify almost anything, My brother and I had a similar response whenever our mother brought it out: Nobody asked you to fuck with Dad and get pregnant. We would have not minded never being born. We wouldn't have known. Throwing in the 'fucking Dad' line always got a strong reaction. Mom was prude who raised sex perverts. As a kid, my block had six houses with a beach club across the street. My godparents lived next to us and my mother's uncle at the end of the block. Even after all those households except one were relocated to the United States, the friendships continued. Times have changed.
  15. LMAO Although I worked hard to ensure a new reader would not be affected by these characters having been around in other stories, I had to find a spot to introduce Sean. It was weird writing about him being an escort and doing porn. It's been a while.
  16. If Sean worked at a gym near here I'd join up.
  17. Those slow moments will get more frequent with time. I'm saying that based on personal experience.
  18. Planting Seed one day and Nailing Studs the next. Where do I sign up. I've used affairette before but my editor still flagged it as not a real word. Hey! I wrote it down so it's real. LOL
  19. Carlos Hazday

    La Calunna

    I can so relate to Rick being referred to as a kid. I do it all the time with grown men in their 30s and 40s. Privilege of the older crowd. Did I mention I hope Willy gets his willie chopped off?
  20. You definitely grasped my intent. Colt has cleared out some of his baggage (hopefully) and is now ready for whatever the future brings. Right away may be tough. LOL But hopefully before the end of 2021, got a couple of big projects to complete before I tackle the Chelsea boys again.
  21. Yes, this one is complete. I wanted to revisit the openings of PRIME and WOOF before embarking on further tales about the owners.
  22. You're no good with short stories, are you? LOL I plan to rework and expand the oneabout Colt and Tony meeting sometime in the next few months. It's on my list already.
  23. Sex on two legs walks in and there goes the business plan! My goal was to set Colt up for meeting someone and getting on with his life. Next story will cover that.
  24. The story takes place in 2013 and prices for those medallions were already in flux. All this was before ride sharing, today, their value has probably sunk further thanks to the pandemic. It's so weird to watch NYC street scenes on TV and not see streets packed with yellow cars.
  25. Studs... in the order they were posted.
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