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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Carlos Hazday


    Thank you, Michael. It's been a pleasure to share CJ's story and I look forward to doing it again real soon.
  2. Carlos Hazday


    He's decided to go by Rich now that he's a college man. LOL Now the question is: If CJ runs for President, would you vote for him? I'm starting a Draft CJ move. I'm glad you came along for the ride!
  3. Carlos Hazday


    The story of CJ and Owen is the stuff of lore and legends. The events recounted in this series will be spoken of with reverence and delight years from now. How's that for total bullshit? LOL I've been using this trans-dimensional doohickey that allows me to peep into the characters lives, and it broke. I have like zero reception right now so until I can find someone to fix it, we're at the end. I tried the Geek Squad at Best Buy and they had no idea how to get it working again. Anyway, your comment about this not being a gay story left me thinking. Early on I decided that the dads would be surrounded by a group of gay men but I wanted CJ's group to be mixed. I think it reflects evolving sensibilities. I carried it further in this chapter with the comment about the Juniors having males and females unlike the Elite and the Squad that are strictly male. I hope one day soon a character's sexual orientation will become irrelevant in most stories. Or in movies ad TV shows.
  4. Carlos Hazday


    LOL Sorry but July's offering has been in the can for a while.
  5. Carlos Hazday


    Thanks, Mike. You have no idea how much it means to me readers emotionally connected with the story. It's something most authors strive for but not always accomplish. Stay tuned, I may have a surprise next month.
  6. Carlos Hazday


    Thanks, Dave. I considered making this chapter an epilogue but that wouldn't have made much of a difference. I had two momentous events to end this book with. Having a kid and graduating from college a couple of weeks later may have been a lot but I wanted to go out with a bang.
  7. Carlos Hazday


    LOL- I can provide relief at least for the first Friday next month and in August. Maybe more after. Make sure you follow me so you'll get notifications. Thanks for sticking with me.
  8. Carlos Hazday


    A Patrick spinoff is on my list of possible stories. But you're gonna have to be patient, I have half a dozen others in the planning stage. Maybe I can put something together late next year. It takes a while to get a story published. At least it does if I want it to be any good! LO:
  9. Carlos Hazday


    I have a list! Around 250 named characters so far. Lincoln's the FBI agent CJ & Owen met when the building inspector tried to black mail them.
  10. Carlos Hazday


    I know, right? I never thought it would go on for so long or be as well received as it was. I'll be forever grateful to readers like you who helped motivate me with your comments. See you back here in a couple of weeks.
  11. Carlos Hazday


    Sorry... not really. If I make readers cry it means I touched them. That's good in my book. Make sure you follow me so you'll be notified next time I post something. But be careful, I may incite more happy tears.
  12. Carlos Hazday


    LMAO! You don't know the half of it! What you've seen is slotted for September through November. I think you'll like what I have coming up in July. Not the magazine interview you read at one point, but something similar.
  13. Carlos Hazday


    Oy! Tears again? I admit CJ's speech and then Brett's made my eyes water. And I wrote the damn things! It's been quite an experience. As I mentioned above, CJ's story isn't the most popular on GA but it's up there. THAT has blown me away. I've not followed trends, I've not had an antagonist to kick around, and I've had my character express opinions not always well received. But I tried to ground everything in reality. If we accept some basic premise like his wealth, everything else is possible. Maybe after the 2020 elections I can write about CJ jumping back into politics! That's sure to drive some readers away but it would be fun. You and I seem to tear up over similar things, I look forward to seeing how you react to next month's offering.
  14. Carlos Hazday


    Thanks, Mike! I think it's totally unfair you don't get to read ahead. if the boy won't share, I will. I have two stories you may be a good beta reader for at least portions of. I'm an anal retentive accountant so I have a schedule of what I want to write over the next twelve months. Once story involves someone who wants to enter law enforcement and another one involves the main characters hiring live-in bodyguards. I'll call on you with questions. And you can hide them from tim so he has to wait until they're posted.
  15. Carlos Hazday


    I became frustrated toward the end. Since I was writing in the future, I couldn't reference real life events and some locations I became scared of using fearing they would close down. Maybe once real life catches up to CJ and Owen I can revisit them. In the meantime, there are some very good authors on GA. If you like my style, try some of @Mann Ramblings He's not only my primary editor but an accomplished author. Most of his work is science fiction but it's always entertaining. Who do you think taught me about cliffhangers? LOL
  16. Carlos Hazday


    I wanted CJ to be naked underneath his gown, but having him introduce Liebe to the crowd was much, more interesting. At my graduation a bunch of fraternity brothers carried Champagne bottles hidden in our sleeves. I'm not sure who spoke since I may have been slightly drunk. At least CJ waited until after the ceremony to start drinking.
  17. Carlos Hazday


    This was a coming of age story and I think I've got CJ and Owen ready to face the world. Spinoffs, eh? Those can be fun.
  18. Carlos Hazday


    I'll try to help, Clancy. I like posting on Fridays since it gives readers the weekend to enjoy the story. I'm posting the next two on the first Friday of July and August so hopefully that will help fill the void. Thanks for the praise. I know I've improved as a writer but I'm not where I want to be yet. You guys will have to suffer through more of my scribbles until I get where I want to be.
  19. Carlos Hazday


    You're welcome! As I mentioned in a previous comment, I'd love to hear which characters people would like to read more about. You vote for Harley has been tallied. Funny you mention the Amex black card, I watched someone use theirs a few days ago. Me? A regular credit card is just fine. No need to spend a couple thousand dollars in annual membership fees. Leave that for the wealthy folks. LOL
  20. Carlos Hazday


    Epic story? WOW! Thank you. Let's see how you like what comes next. Follow me to get notifications but plan on being back here no later than the first Friday in July.
  21. Carlos Hazday


    I'm happy you've enjoyed it so far. Stick around what comes next may surprise you.
  22. Carlos Hazday


    Although I wasn't entirely happy with my Nifty experience, I'm glad I posted the first four books in the series there. You and a few others followed me to GA and I'm delighted I was able to introduce you guys to this site. I'll be back with more next month.
  23. Carlos Hazday


    I'm delighted by the response to this chapter, this story, and the series as a whole. So you want more of the religious, hockey player and someone mentioned wanting more of the biker pothead Harley. Anyone else have a favorite cast member they'd like to hear more about? I'm accepting requests. LOL
  24. Carlos Hazday


    Thank you! The positivity you mention was always in the back of my mind while writing. I wanted to prove a story without a broken character could be popular. CJ and crew aren't perfect, but I tried to always have them look at the future as promising instead of dreading it.
  25. Carlos Hazday


    Thank you for the continued support. I've read a bit about the Air Force Academy and I think it would be a great setting for a story. Maybe in a year or so. As for Brett and Cesar, I understand they plan of traveling and maybe go out dancing once in a while. They were too busy to do so while CJ and Ritchie lived at home. With both of them out of the house now... It might be fun to write about a couple of gay guys in their forties; there's enough teen stories around already.
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