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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Not bad... Considering it's a romance story. A hint for next time you write dialogue for an American character. You may want to skip using bloody and bloody hell. Those are more for the Brits, Canucks, Aussies, and Euros.
  2. Carlos Hazday


    FBI agent they met when inspector wanted a bribe.
  3. Carlos Hazday

    The Tale

    I admit to rushing through the first half, but I still noticed the cleaning. Lol. As I told you before, not really my cup of tea but you did a good job. Particularly with the ghostly effects. Well thought out and written.
  4. Carlos Hazday


    Thanks, Robb! The first long motorcycle trip of the year starts a week from tomorrow. Time spent on the motorcycle alone with my thoughts has led to scenes/stories in the past, and I suspect the pattern will repeat itself. Considering some of the trip is already part of research for a future story, I'm certain this one will be no different. I'll see you back here in a couple of weeks when the next installment goes live.
  5. Carlos Hazday


    @quttzik Thank you! Providing a respite from day to day struggles was high on my list of reasons for writing. For myself and readers. Whenever I see new readers pick up the series, I want to scream Don't stop! The writing gets better. I'm glad you persevered. My hope is my writing continues to improve and I can offer new stories readers will enjoy. I will revisit some characters in the future, but I also have new ones on the way. I do promise a similar tone: positive stories about people unwilling to sit and wait for life to happen. My guys tend to be fighters.
  6. Carlos Hazday


    Let me know if and when you're in South Florida. I'd enjoy meeting you.
  7. Carlos Hazday


    I think if CJ ran for office, it would be because he feels he can do some good and not for the power. Considering I've had him take some controversial positions readers don't always agree with, people still supporting him has been a great experience. Proof we can all agree on basics like honesty even when some of the details may not be to our liking. I kept thinking about John McCain and that's why I included a quote from him in this chapter. The man had integrity, something our current president sorely lacks.
  8. Carlos Hazday


    I'm so glad I'm single...
  9. Carlos Hazday


    I shall! Spanking might be a way to deal with a husband hiding a manual. Then again, why reward the boy?
  10. Carlos Hazday


    Sometimes I get tongue tied when reading comments. Yours is one of those. Thank you for the praise. I love the fact readers have embraced my guys and allowed them into their lives.
  11. Carlos Hazday


    You may not comment often, but I've enjoyed the times you have. Consider doing it more often in the future LOL Let's see what I come up with to keep everyone up to date on CJ's life. Thank you!
  12. Carlos Hazday

    GMA I

    Fixed it!
  13. Carlos Hazday


    @Will Hawkins LOL- I have a series of spreadsheets to help me. The obvious one is character names. Depending on how important each one is, I have certain details about them. Date and place of birth, education and profession, relationships, and for some smaller details like vehicle(s) owned. After working with them for so long, some of the information has wormed its way into my brain. I don't refer to the list as often anymore, but there are times when I forget things. I'm too old to trust my memory.
  14. Carlos Hazday


    Sorry about the delayed response, your comment was overlooked due to the overwhelming response to the next chapter. Based on what I've seen, very few first-time parents are entirely ready when the child's born. CJ and Owen may enter fatherhood with confidence, but doubts will always creep in. Than you for the praise.
  15. Carlos Hazday


    @bry767 Did you like the song so much you decided to quote it without a comment? LOL
  16. Carlos Hazday


    Damn! I included all that in the story? I'm impressed! LOL I'm not done with these guys. You'll get a glimpse here and there at what they're doing but I don't foresee a full novel about them for a couple of years. I actually have my writing schedule pretty well set for the remainder of 2019 and all of 2020. Thanks, buddy!
  17. Carlos Hazday


    Damn! I included all that in the story? I'm impressed! LOL I'm not done with these guys. You'll get a glimpse here and there at what they're doing but I don't foresee a full novel about them for a couple of years. I actually have my writing schedule pretty well set for the remainder of 2019 and all of 2020. Thanks, buddy!
  18. Carlos Hazday


    Thanks, Mark. Maybe this story's success will inspire others to write positive stories. Life's imperfect and I've tried to show that. It's how we react to difficulties that define us. Now all we need is a real-life CJ to appear.
  19. Carlos Hazday


    You're welcome and thank you for following it. We'll be back in a couple of weeks.
  20. Carlos Hazday


    Thank you, my friend. Although this part of the ride's over, I do have a couple of short stories percolating. We'll get a look at CJ and Owen soon enough.
  21. Carlos Hazday


    Are you a mind reader? Working title is Leaving Atlantis. I've wanted to revisit the premise and that will be how I do it. An origins story about how the dolphins came about and ended up in Eastern Canada. If I can keep to my tentative schedule, I hope to write it later this summer and publish it early next year. Unsure if it'll be a one-chapter short story or something a little longer. I'll figure that out once I have a good outline.
  22. Carlos Hazday


    Thank you! I do repeat myself now and then. But when I do, as with motorcycle trips, I try to differentiate them enough so the reader doesn't get bored. Authors are encouraged to keep the story moving and I've tried to do that. Sometimes, I may have skipped mundane events but that was by design. Sunday Chinese food's a good example. Once I established the pattern, a line or two seemed sufficient to evoke the atmosphere and the event. I'm so glad you've enjoyed the adventure. Stay tuned, it's not entirely over yet.
  23. Carlos Hazday


    I've repeatedly said I don't write silly romances, but that does not mean I don't write love stories. The entire CJ series is just that. A love story about life. About loving who we are and not allowing others to demean us. Thank you for reading and for the praise.
  24. Carlos Hazday


    LOL The White House is actually mentioned in the next book! We don't go inside but we meet the residents. See you the first Friday in July.
  25. Carlos Hazday


    Thank you for summarizing my writing philosophy. There are plenty of authors who believe you need tragedy to write a successful story; they concentrate on the half-empty glass. I see it as half-full instead. Yeah, I write about painful matters at time but I will always concentrate on the positive. Let's celebrate life and particularly the achievements of gay men. I've said it countless times; angst and indecisive characters are not for me. THe title of this book being perceived as a bad omen never entered my mind. I'm glad I was able to pleasantly surprise readers.
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