Lucy's decision to go on the pill was made before the events in this chapter. She's never been a major character and a discussion of pros and cons would be outside the realm of what I wanted to cover. As far as birth defects, it sounds like a scare tactic similar to immunizations. I admit my knowledge is limited since it's not something I've had to deal with.
Your comment about Ozzie summarizes my intent for that section of the chapter. Ritchie's learned he's not alone and can always go to his 'brothers' for help. The fact he talked to Owen before CJ arrived shows how much the kid trusts the Aussie. CJ taking time to think before acting was something else I wanted to highlight. His dads blew up at him a few times and he doesn't want to repeat the mistakes. And as far as Owen goes, I'm pretty sure the money concerns bothering him in the past are gone. Him being the one to offer the money was on purpose.
Considering recent news about Alabama, Georgia, Ohio, and other states trying to interfere in a woman's right to make their own decisions, I'm amazed at the timing of this chapter considering it was written so long ago.