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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Carlos Hazday


    Thanks, bud.
  2. Carlos Hazday


    It'll all depend on when they find out. Since Ritchie specifically approached CJ and Owen not wanting Cesar to see a large expenditure, it may be a while. I don't think CJ would betray his brother's trust. Additionally, the dads may be a bit more relaxed than you suspect. The second child always has it easier and since CJ's already stood up to them a few times, they may decide not to do anything too drastic which could bring CJ's wrath down upon them. Also, the dads support Planned Parenthood, I made certain that was noted in the chapter. They are obviously not anti-abortion.
  3. Carlos Hazday


    @dughlas You've pretty much mirrored my views. If anyone's opposed to abortion, they don't have to have one. I wouldn't, but I wouldn't dream of forcing my personal beliefs on anyone. Lucy made a decision and Ritchie supports her right to do so.
  4. Carlos Hazday


    I get the feeling CJ followers are a bunch of size queens. Sorry, ladies, I'm referring to the men!
  5. Carlos Hazday


    Your fault for raising her to think for herself instead of being a sheep (ewe)!
  6. Carlos Hazday


    I wholeheartedly agree. Daddy can have an opinion but the decision is ultimately mommy's. What amazes me is all the anti-abortion idiots who proclaim the sanctity of life but then forget about the kids' welfare. One out of five children in the US live in poverty and many go to bed hungry. How about we worry about the living instead of a fetus? Don't get me started! LOL
  7. Carlos Hazday


    It would be hypocritical of the author, CJ, or anyone else to try and dictate how a woman should behave when we all oppose the government telling us who we can love. This is one of those areas where institutional intrusion reinforces CJ's belief in limited government and the evils of religion.
  8. Carlos Hazday


    Ritchie benefits from having superior role models. With Brett, Cesar, CJ, and Owen around, Ritchie's actions reflect what he's learned from the dads and his brothers.
  9. Carlos Hazday


    An abortion is a personal decision best left to women. I wouldn't dream of telling anyone what to do. There'll be a short comment following up, but this is CJ's story and delving deeper into what's a peripheral issue for the MC didn't sound right. Four chapters to go and the next one's a motorcycle trip. The biggest drama will be whether CJ wears a helmet or not.
  10. Carlos Hazday


    Those two were meant to be together. Now and then, they force me to write sappy lines. LOL
  11. Carlos Hazday


    Lucy's decision to go on the pill was made before the events in this chapter. She's never been a major character and a discussion of pros and cons would be outside the realm of what I wanted to cover. As far as birth defects, it sounds like a scare tactic similar to immunizations. I admit my knowledge is limited since it's not something I've had to deal with. Your comment about Ozzie summarizes my intent for that section of the chapter. Ritchie's learned he's not alone and can always go to his 'brothers' for help. The fact he talked to Owen before CJ arrived shows how much the kid trusts the Aussie. CJ taking time to think before acting was something else I wanted to highlight. His dads blew up at him a few times and he doesn't want to repeat the mistakes. And as far as Owen goes, I'm pretty sure the money concerns bothering him in the past are gone. Him being the one to offer the money was on purpose. Considering recent news about Alabama, Georgia, Ohio, and other states trying to interfere in a woman's right to make their own decisions, I'm amazed at the timing of this chapter considering it was written so long ago.
  12. Carlos Hazday


    I've been through what CJ and Owen faced twice. In both cases, I provided funds and a place to rest. Things are a little different these days since an early pregnancy can be terminated using abortion medication. Ritchie will be with her right after, and I hope will keep tabs on her while the pills work. I think it takes up to 48 hours before the uterus empties itself.
  13. Carlos Hazday


    I'm sure everything will be fine. It's the back-alley, coat hanger abortions some people would like to see return that are really dangerous.
  14. Carlos Hazday


    I can't win! LOL Y'all complain about long chapters with too much going on but when I give you one with only two subjects being covered it's too short.
  15. Carlos Hazday


    Not the shortest one in this book!
  16. Carlos Hazday


    They won't move into the house until after this book's complete. I end this one with CJ's college graduation.
  17. Soft jazz emanating from the speakers was the only sound in the apartment as CJ stared at his brother. Owen moved toward his husband with a glass of wine, and Ritchie squirmed in his chair before downing the remainder of whatever was in his. He met his brother’s eyes, but a moment later dropped his sight to the empty goblet. “Ozzie? Could I have a little more?” Owen nodded, fetched the bottle from the kitchen, and topped off the teen’s glass. “CJ? Are you going to say anything?” Ritchie’s
  18. Carlos Hazday


  19. Carlos Hazday


    A schmear of cotta cheese? Yuck! Too runny! To this NON-New Yorker, it's always cream cheese. Preferably the one with chives or veggies.
  20. Carlos Hazday

    GMA I

    @Will Hawkins Glad you're still enjoying the story. This book's still publishing so about twenty more chapters or so and you'll be all caught up!
  21. Carlos Hazday


    @Will Hawkins Thank you. I'm always pleased when something I write evokes happy memories for readers.
  22. Carlos Hazday


    @Will Hawkins The Secret Service in the US and their equivalent in other countries helps protect leaders but private security services have proliferated for the common man. Maybe not so much in the US, but in other countries, someone with CJ's wealth would most likely be followed by a bodyguard everywhere.
  23. Carlos Hazday


    You sound practical... like the reader who questioned Ritchie getting a 15k watch for Christmas. If money's no object, and it isn't in this family, a Tesla's a better choice than a Ferrari or a Lotus. Owen being a rabid environmentalist had a lot to do with the vehicle choice.
  24. Carlos Hazday


    The only way to outlive death is to do something worthwhile while we can. We can then live on in memory and in the people our actions influence.
  25. Carlos Hazday


    Narrow town/row houses like the one I describe are common in older Washington neighborhoods. When I was researching where I was going to have them buy, the Capitol Hill area ticked off most of what I wanted: older homes near parks and close to a Metro station. The fact it's only a mile from the US Capitol was a bonus. If you google the address and use street view you can get an idea of what the house looks like.
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