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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Carlos Hazday


  2. Carlos Hazday


    I end up reading chunks of old chapters when new readers comment on them. Remember when readers were worried about CJ and Ritchie when I introduced the kid? Or when his parents died? We only get glimpses, but the boy's come a long way. I did make him sound like a kid in the beginning.
  3. Carlos Hazday


    Thank you! This chapter had a few things going on so I'm slowing the pace down a bit in the next two.
  4. Carlos Hazday


    That's something I've been trying to convey all along. CJ started small Veterans' Day events and an AIDS Quilt display. He's escalated his community involvement and activism always taking care of his 'family' first. Can you imagine what he'll be like in a few more years?
  5. Carlos Hazday


    The corruption in public institutions may be one more reason for CJ to run for office! I'm not done with Brad yet but you may have to wait a bit to find out more about him. As for Ritchie, I'm sorry to tell you that yes. you'll have to wait. But the next chapter will be to your liking, only two scenes. One with Ritchie and a second one with Lincoln.
  6. Carlos Hazday


    Thanks, Mike- This was one of those chapters that set the stage for the future. The relationship with Bradley Cooper's a little stronger. Gaga and Lincoln are new characters who will return, and Ritchie and Lucy face some serious decisions. Tune in next week and some questions will be answered.
  7. Carlos Hazday


    CJ's initial reaction is still to slash and burn, but he's learning. Having Owen and his dads around help calm him down. You'd think two intelligent teens, one bound for an Ivy League school and the other one for the Air Force Academy wouldn't be faced with a problem most often associated with lower income/education people. At least we know those two are fertile LOL
  8. Carlos Hazday


    Cris, take a look at the advice I gave Jeff above. Lincoln's a new character and we find out a bit about who he is in this chapter. We also know why he's around. I keep telling people most of my stories can't be skimmed over, too many details nestled in the tale.
  9. Carlos Hazday


    LMFAO - Careful what you ask for. I did tell you there was more Ritchie coming. CJ was ready to bash heads in when he found out about the extortion attempt. A little interaction with the dads and he thought of another way to solve the problem. Our boy's growing up and learning. Let's see which side comes out with Ritchie. Okay, I've decided to come out of the closet. I'm a tease... Pheeew! I feel better already. The grandchildren reference will be clear some time in the future. More importantly, there are several Easter Eggs in this chapter. Hints about things to come or maybe not. It all depends on how much I want to write. Look at it this way, it took two books before I actually disclosed what was in the letter Liz gave the guys!
  10. Carlos Hazday


    Moi? A tease? When Mann edited the chapter, he left a comment about how they weren't the kind of studs most of us look for. You have to admit it was a pretty good opening, someone without a dirty mind would immediately realize we were in a construction zone. I picked the song because I felt it would fit Gaga singing it and because of how CJ felt about the lyrics. Shallow was just too damn tempting not to use. When the chapter was written and edited, I told Mann I'd delete the Oscar reference if it didn't win. I made an informed decision and got lucky.
  11. Carlos Hazday


    At least CJ didn't get anyone pregnant when he was 17. Gay boys face different issues than straight ones do, We find out more next week!
  12. Carlos Hazday


    @Butcher56 Glad you enjoyed this one. Now, don't anybody jump all over my spit... there are 5 more chapters left in this book.
  13. Carlos Hazday


    Oops? You win the award for understatement of the week!
  14. Carlos Hazday


    Don't ever say I didn't drop a hint. I don't think CJ had Ritchie in mind when he made the comment but what the heck. The more the merrier.
  15. Carlos Hazday


    I think he ran to his big brothers first with his tail between his legs (how appropriate.) Please tell me you liked the car convo with Brad...
  16. Carlos Hazday


    Another wedding to plan? Are you trying to create a new profession for me? LOL We'll get details next chapter.
  17. Carlos Hazday


    Jeff, you need to read the chapter again. Slowly this time. The opening scene is the first time CJ and Owen meet Lincoln. That's why they introduce themselves. He's a new character and the reason for his introduction takes up most of the rest of the chapter!
  18. Not sure how you came to the conclusion one of your comments upset me. I'll repeat what I've said before: I welcome ALL reactions. It does not mean I will always concur with the comments, but when I don't, I will let people know. The way I did when we discussed Frank Lloyd Wright. I'm good with agreeing to disagree.
  19. “Damn!” CJ’s exclamation elicited a grin from the man. “Not what you expected?” The lack of a noticeable accent suggested a Mid-Westerner. “Sorry… Definitely not what I thought a Special Agent would look like.” He shook his head, returned the smile, and extended his hand. “CJ Abelló. And this is my husband, Owen Liston.” “G’day, mate. You’re big.” Leave it to Owen to state the obvious. Lincoln Duvall Ericson was indeed a large man. CJ guessed closer to seven feet than six
  20. Carlos Hazday

    August 2015

    @Will Hawkins All languages evolve and English is no exception. We often find older individuals clinging to antiquated writing because it's what they learned in school. Much of what you consider speech used by kids is now so common it's become the standard. Screw the Queen and her English. I think the language was the toughest one to master out of the four I'm fluent in. Silly grammar rules are not as consistent or well defined as in Romance tongues. Surprisingly, it's the one I'm most comfortable with these days. Use it or lose it definitely applies. As for homophones, who says they should be avoided? If the word fits, it should be used. As long as the correct one is employed.
  21. I think you can find that type of furniture anywhere. It's common in more traditional decor.
  22. It seems unfair Mr. Kees' stories are not as popular as some of the crap floating around. Yeah, I'm gushing and it's not something I'm known for. Frost Covered Marker was that enjoyable. This simple short story about two young men in Nazi-occupied Norway is more than an adventure thriller. It honors the many resistance members throughout Europe who risked and often lost their lives fighting Germany's occupation. Following the arrest of their teacher, Nils and Rune embark on a short adventure to reclaim something hidden next to a frost-covered marker. Snow and German soldiers stand in their way. WIll they accomplish their goal? No spoilers allowed so you'll have to read the story to find out. As in other stories of his, the tension builds nicely and carries the reader along. His descriptions are vivid and place you smack in the middle of snow-covered grounds sliding below our skis.
  23. Found it. My bad. But I assure you if that had been part of the story, I would have gotten it right.
  24. @Will Hawkins Hmmm... I just speed-read the chapter and didn't see a reference to the FBI or the witness protection program...
  25. Carlos Hazday

    Rocky Ground

    It is EXTREMELY gratifying that readers find my story interesting enough to react. It is why I make an effort to reply to everyone. If they took time out of their day to comment, the least I can do is respond.
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