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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Carlos Hazday


    LMAO What's a decade amongst friends?
  2. @Will Hawkins I read each comment about how her final day and death were moving with interest. Some people complained I dropped the ball and didn't 'milk' enough drama out of the events. Sometimes I hit readers over the head with things. At other points, I let the characters make a comment which I hope resonate with the audience.
  3. You're a better man than I am. I turned it off after a few minutes. Couldn't stomach much more. Trump's divisiveness will be his downfall one day soon. Hopefully sooner than later.
  4. @Will Hawkins I'm not even sure if the 'no-saluting-outside-uniform' is a proper policy. But I've read about the USMC practice a couple of times. The rule definitely does not apply to the President. Bush 41 was the last one to serve and every one since has saluted. I don't consider Bush 43's time in the National Guard real service since there's doubt he ever actually did.
  5. That's what I've been saying! I've tried to show changes in a subtle way but if you read an early chapter right before one of the latest ones, the difference in attitude and behavior appears clear. My goal is for the story and the characters not to stagnate
  6. @Will Hawkins I have a feeling there'll always be a dog or two around these guys.
  7. Post your pictures on another site (I've used Facebook and Instagram) then post a link to the image on GA. It's how I keep sharing Throwback Thursday pics most weeks without hitting limits.
  8. Carlos Hazday


    Lincoln will return. We don't know if they did or not, but we'll find out in the next chapter Not if they don't find out... Wake-and-bake's for Harley, I wouldn't be able to type if I did it. Y'all are just a bunch of pervs!
  9. Carlos Hazday


    Happy Mother's Day! Since everyone's wondering, here's what really happened. Ritchie and Lucy drove out to the Virginia countryside looking for a place to park. They undressed and before Ritchie could anything, a saucer-like thing appeared above them. A shimmering cylinder of light streamed from the contraption and next thing you know, the teens are in a sterile-looking room strapped to recliners. The creature standing between then had two long appendages protruding from its midsection. They looked like twin penises. After the initial scream, both passed out. M-preg plot starts there.
  10. Carlos Hazday


    LMAO... I can't. Wasn't born in the US!
  11. Carlos Hazday


    Ooops, just realized the next book to be posted won't be Dolphin Delivery. There'll be a one chapter book after this one.
  12. Carlos Hazday


    Or was it total misdirection? Maybe an outright lie? I'm not saying anything else until after the next chapter posts.
  13. Carlos Hazday


    You know how that family's about nicknames. CJ slapped that one on his nephew the first time the kid went swimming. Their big, annual motorcycle trip in 2019 was to Laconia Bike Week and New England. Funny you should mention motorcycles. We have one more trip coming up before the book's over.
  14. Carlos Hazday


    I had to remove NYE on Times Square after security tightened. My bladder won't stay quiet for that long and I'm not ever wearing a diaper! I could get a room at the Marriot Marquis, but I'm too cheap to pay whatever they charge for that night.
  15. @Will Hawkins You can always leave a comment on the chapter before reading what other people had to say. LOL
  16. Carlos Hazday


    Harley speechless? Get a grip. Death may be the only thing to quiet that one down.
  17. Carlos Hazday


    With that as the opening line and 'Lucy's pregnant' as the closing one, the rest of the chapter would have been easily forgotten! As for hidden contest, just remember I don't always reveal details right away. Hell, there are hints of things to come in Summer that have not yet been fulfilled!
  18. Carlos Hazday


    Harley's reaction: "That's cool, bruh. Wanna smoke a doobie?"
  19. Carlos Hazday


    I had to delete my initial response; it gave away some details revealed in the next chapter. Easily confused here. Very good about Lincoln! He returns next chapter for a social visit and we'll hear more about him before this is all over. The title of my next book is... You ready? It's been written for a while and is currently in Renee's hands for editing. The title is: Dolphin Delivery!
  20. Carlos Hazday


    And Cesar was complaining about being too young to be a grandfather! About that IF, you think Lucy stepped out on him? Those two have been dating for like 4 years or something like that!
  21. Carlos Hazday


    It's funny how some readers miss details, and others try to find significance in paint color or something similar. I'm getting better at misdirection.
  22. Carlos Hazday


    Very! You have any idea how hard it was to deflect when people asked or got close to figuring it out? LOL
  23. @Will Hawkins I'm certain Brits can understand the accent. They may have some problem understanding someone from Appalachia of an inner city anywhere in the US. Whenever I watch sporting broadcasts from England or Australia, I turn on the Closed Captioning feature on my TV. I end up doing the same for Game of Thrones!
  24. Carlos Hazday

    March 2016

    The picture I took during a trip to Washington. That's one of Walls' buildings. The other one is a modern glass and concrete thing. The Roman numerals to the right are the book number in the series.
  25. Carlos Hazday


    Left hand only. The right one was busy celebrating National Masturbation Month.
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