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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Whenever a chapter exceed 5k words, it's a candidate for splitting.
  2. Next time, and in every chapter, we'll get to hear a bit more about Fanning and how he alienates his family and everyone else. Some of that was inspired by how relatives of January 6, 2021 insurrectionist turned them in to the FBI. And we might get a mention of Bela Lugosi in the middle of it all. LOL
  3. Take a look at my previous comment. This story's one of the puzzle pieces about their summer. Between Mexico and CJ returning to school, they have some 3 months to return to a 'normal' life. Of course, their normal's nothing like mine would be. I often try to put them in situations I'll never be in.
  4. I had to break the Friday chapter in two because it was too long. Coming up's the day's second half. Clambake! The altercation with Fanning will be a recurring topic of conversation over the weekend, but it'll be joined by a new one. Last article I read, they do plan to rebuild the collapsed portion and are raising money for the project.
  5. There's more coming from Jake and about the trip to Cuba. CJ may be incorrectly assuming he'll spend his time day drinking and looking at great Colinial architecture. The Cubans may have a different idea. You can tell those two complement and learn from each other. Owen's not afraid to flash his credit card, and in the next chapter we'll hear CJ say he believes in environmental causes.
  6. I think those two go at it on a regular basis. And considering they don't have a toddler prone to interrupting while in Newport...
  7. You know CJ, as Owen once said, he collects people. It'll be a bunch of conservatives in Newport, but at the next wedding in Mackinac Island, he'll be dealing with liberal Michigan Democrats. That story will feature characters we haven't heard from since CJ's high school dates.
  8. Once I write all 9 short stories covering the summer of 2022, we'll be able to read them almost like one. This is a couple of weeks after Mexico, so events there will be fresh in their minds and their friends will ask questions. I'm taking that opportunity to slip in a few details. The events in Mexico also accelerated CJ's jump into politics, so those plans will color some of their actions. I introduced Paul Parker years ago planning on this wedding and future events. Hell, I even had CJ say Paul would be part of his old-boys-network back then.
  9. This is a message I sent this morning on the family chat. Feliz Dia de los Reyes. Happy Insurrection Day. And most of all, happy birthday, Jen. (Jennifer's my sister-in-law.) When I was a kid and the family lived in Puerto Rico, my brother and I would leave food and water out for the camels.
  10. I think readers sometimes miss my posts when they're not on a Friday. On the positive side, you get to read a couple of chapters today!
  11. “He knows how to sail.” A grinning Jake Cruz pointed at CJ. “I wanna be in his boat, just in case.” “SPIKE!” CJ hugged the man so hard his friend begged to be set free. “You know how to sail?” The wedding planner had arranged an outing Friday morning, and the woman asking was one of the day’s boat captains. Likely a college student with a summer job, she licked her lips while scanning CJ. The white V-neck beneath the unzipped Georgetown Hoyas hoodie was tight enough it showcas
  12. Didn't I just mention short term memory loss. LOL You may notice I always refer to him as Owen unless it's in dialogue. Then, it's Ozzie for friends, and Oz for CJ and Liebe.
  13. No need to apologize. Since the story's set in the US, when politics are involved it'll be primarily American issues discussed. The international stuff will pop up now and then. If I write about his time as US ambassador to the United Nations, the international stuff would take center stage.
  14. Good to have you back, my friend. I'm trying to show CJ thinking a bit more before he lashes out, but still struggling with it. I just wrote something where he tears into a politician, does it indirectly, and later realizes it may not have been the smartest move. Although he's always been mature, he's still a guy in his twenties, and impulsive at times.
  15. Thanks, James. Happy 2023 to you too.
  16. @Freemantleman I have enough trouble keeping up with American political shenanigans to track dysfunctional governments elsewhere. Things like Russia invading Ukraine are significant enough to comment on, but otherwise...
  17. Their eyes may never leave Wolverine. Jackman's jacked!
  18. Damn! Now I want to read sections of Circumnavigation again.
  19. LOL This is one of my other options. considering the show will end it's run on 1/1/23 when Jackman leaves https://www.broadway.com/shows/music-man/?gclid=CjwKCAiAwc-dBhA7EiwAxPRylN9efdrEz1s7sPTg57f4shQg8EAlL_TZGrhDkoM8iHELZ_GvQWgVvxoCGIMQAvD_BwE
  20. Nope, I know the king or queen are mere figureheads. Convenient when turmoil surround elected officials. My comment was based on the UK's recent prime minister fiascos. I recently read something about how the kingdom's economy has been hurt by Brexit. I think we have Boris to thank for that mess.
  21. CJ seldom courts attention, but you're right, he's a magnet. He and Owen will embrace their notoriety when they accept the fact it can help them achive some of their goals.
  22. I keep telling you that with so many readers being in my age bracket, we need frequent reminders of what's happened and who's who due to memory loss.
  23. I didn't want to torture my readers with two church tours in the same story, and I thought La Sagrada Familia would be something CJ would insist on. Pictures and videos I watched left me wanting to explore some of those caves. It's why I had the boys and their grandfathers go exploring. I'm surprised you caught the gazpacho police thing. I thought it was a funny line and decided to use it even though I suspected the connection to a certain wacko would only resonate with a few American readers. Welcome to the Americas! Never been to Antigua, but I'll have to pass. There's a milestone birthday coming up and I'm planning at least a week in the Pacific Northwest for it. It's a part of the country I've never visited. I've been stuck at 41 visited states for the past few years. Where to next?
  24. Happy 60th, young man. I pride myself in acknowledging all comments but somehow I missed yours. My apologies. Funny you mention climbing the bridge. Recently, somebody said they'd never do it. I'm glad you conquered the fear factor; that climb was a wonderful experience.
  25. We'll spend the rest of January reading about their weekend in Newport. Sit back with a glass of wine or something and enjoy.
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