CJ was in the public eye for a while, retreated into private life, and is now exploding into being a celebrity. All these events will resonate with voters when he runs for office.
He's gonna come off as a complete douche when CJ writes his book. Our man will be 'diplomatic' about Northman's behavior, but he won't avoid the matter.
LMAO - What a surprise they won!
This book covers so many episodes already written about, I really tired to differentiate them. Since this was from CJ's POV and not from Brad's I thought the chef and restaurant references would be more appropriate. Had to keep the actual winning reaction 'cause I really liked it when I originally wrote it.
I think I'd hang a picture of the nine of them on my wall. All that eye candy and two cute females.
In the next chapter, we see Stephen suffer through the entire interview. Oh, wait, that's not what I wanted to highlight! CJ charms the reporter during the intervie. That's my goal. LOL
I had technical difficulties this morning. The coffee has not kicked in entirely yet.
Anyway, I posted the wrong chapter and had to scramble to edit it out and replace it with the correct one. Take a second look in case you read the wrong one. As usual, you were fast! LOL
“Okay, give me a few minutes and we’ll move to the sand.” Rogelio Tanaka, the photographer chosen by The Advocate for the shoot, placed his camera on the coffee table and turned off the light rings.
A reporter for the gay magazine had interviewed César and Brett earlier in the week and chatted with CJ and Owen over the phone while they were still in Mexico. Saturday afternoon was the most convenient time to take pictures of the four men together.
“I gotta pee.” Brett stood and droppe
Thanks, Terry.
As soon as I find some time, I'll return to these characters. I'd like to write two more short stories taking the characters through the present.
I wrote about the family owning artwork early on, but had to define the Davenport collection when planning Malibu. I had Brett's parents own mostly mid-century American artists. For this chapter, I wanted to add a new one, and I started looking based on dates. Coming across Lichtenstein's jets and pilots, which I wasn't familiar with, I figured they would provide a nice angle with Ritch.
Thanks, Terry. Where did you read my stuff before.
As for the series I refer to, it's the CJ one. He was involved in domestic politics while a kid and is now working at the US embassy in Mexico City, so he's dealing with international stuff.
The Russians sure as shit found that out the hard way. The ability to improvise when situations change will more often than not lead to victory. And not only in war.
I think I've posted most of my tats here at one point or another. Not even sure if I have any pics up, but I know the ink ones are gone. One of the dolphins got me in trouble with a moderator. It's on my groin and I have to shave for it to really be seen. I cropped the hell out of it, you could tell where it was, but there wasn't even a hint of anything. It ran afoul of regulations. LOL
My big series has a lot of political and more recently geopolitical threads. I've been thinking a lot about how my MC will react to Russia's belligerence and the aftermath. If Putin loses convincingly, there might be a push to damage Russia the way the Versailles Treaty tried to hammer the Germans. Anyway, just what's been rattling in my mind recently. Maybe I should think about pre-CE politics instead. LOL
Full disclosure: I have 3 dolphins tattooed on my body.
Their grace, intelligence, and teamwork are qualities they share with wolves. When searching for my hook for a lycan story, I thought that would work. It was different to have non-wolf shifters as protagonists.