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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. @Clancy59 You're not the only one! I wrote this yesterday for a future story. Air Force One captain, Surgeon General, National Security Advisor... I have so many positions to fill when CJ becomes President! So you're certain Northman will play a big part in upcoming events?
  2. See what I meant in a previous comment? Fixation on what's to come won't make it arrive any faster. LOL Y'all can do the math: this is chapter 28 and I promised 37. Let's see how much I can cram into the upcoming chapters.
  3. I may or may not have plans for Edrice, Federico, Joel, Miranda, Mitch, and Will. CJ spends time with some of them when he speaks at the Academy and during the graduation celebration.
  4. Thanks, mate.
  5. LMAO Everyone's so fixated on the end, I'm afraid y'all are gonna miss out on upcoming details. We have a couple of trips coming up, and I found new ways for CJ to annoy Northman.
  6. I had fun writing stuff most kids on spring break would do. A little different from what several West Point cadets did during their vacation in my city. Idiots, including football team members, overdosed on fentynal-laced cocaine.
  7. Although I've added new material, this chapter and the next one recycle plenty from Cadet. You my lern more about Mayan ruins than you ever imagined you would. So, I was watching TV last night and as often happens, my mind wandered, and you intruded in my thoughts. I decided the dress code for a certain event would be morning dress, uniforms, or suits and since there won't be members of a Scottish regiment present, there won't be kilts involved.
  8. Carlos Hazday


    “I could get used to this.” CJ glanced at the dregs in his and Owen’s glasses and raised a hand to attract the bartender’s attention. “Sofía?” The young woman waved at him as she stepped out from behind the bar. “I’m going on break, embajador. José will take care of you.” Her coworker grinned and winked at CJ and Owen. “What can I get you, embajador?” While mixing the first round of drinks, José and Sofía had extracted sufficient information to christen CJ ambassador because of his j
  9. Carlos Hazday


    Anticipation made it hard to read steadily, I wanted to jump ahead. Great writing of the tense scenes. Hopefully, we’ll get to see dear old dad eat crow during the aftermath.
  10. Repeated readings seem to be a thing. It's fun when a new readers does it and they leave reactions to chapters and comments. I often end up reading here and there. Some of those comments are funny as shit.
  11. LMAO Hurry? But I already wrote them and posted them! Unless you can make Fridays come around more frequently...
  12. Hi, Bill- You shouldn't worry about how long the story is; just enjoy the ride! There will be a total of 37 chapters.
  13. Thus one I tend to misspell at times. The Spanish version often creeps into my writing. One of the reasons I read over things so many times.
  14. That's nice, dear. Bless your heart.
  15. LOL- Yeah, I recycle a few scenes from Cadet in the next two chapters, but there's a little new material too.
  16. Something like CJ calling Peter names? I'd planned on CJ's reaction being over the top so I could revisit their interaction later. @WolfM made comments that led to changes. To a pissed off CJ, he's not hurting anyone, but Owen saw it differently. We get another Chipper concert soon (yes you get to see him perform twice in this book) and we'll see how Peter and CJ deal with each other.
  17. @Clancy59 Most of us like to think we've evolved sufficiently to avoid physical violence, but the fight or flight response is hardwired into our DNA. Sometimes fists come into play. I started with CJ ready to 'throw down' at the slightest offense and have been trying to mellow his approach to conflict. He, like Smith, will have to decide what the right approach is in the future. And let's face it, some people won't listen unless there's pain involved.
  18. Read it and found it interesting. However, as with @Clancy59 race did not enter my thinking about the event. To me it was a pissed off man striking an arrogant one. I've never cared much for Rock.
  19. We'll see who's available. Not sure if you've noticed, but I've cut back on using real people a bit, and I plan to reduce it even more. It's tough to do while writing in the near future, I've ended up with a few inconsistencies.
  20. My fear with the meme was a negative reaction from readers adamant Smith was wrong. I've tried to make CJ a middle-of-the-road guy, and I'd love to have him face off against someone like Hawley and AOC (I'll use fictitious characters) who would attack him from different sides of the political spectrum. He's very liberal in some areas, but he supports gun ownership, the death sentence, and harsh sentences for crimes he considers the worst. And since he's not the most PC person in the world, I might have CJ call the NC looney tunes representative Wheelchair Guy (more on that nickname soon) when Cauthon disparages him. I want to channel a bit of the outrage in the "Senator, have you no shame?" episode with McCarthy.
  21. You're going to absolutely love Liebe in my next story. At six, she's absorbed her fathers' attitude about unequal treatment. Let's see if this works.
  22. Funny... just like the English language. I often wonder why people and things are either overwhelming or underwhelming. Isn't anything just whelming?
  23. Probably not. Take a look at a list of Australian wines and the options are endless.
  24. I'll leave a thumb drive with all my notes for one of my heirs to discover in a bank safe deposit box. Wasn't that what happened with Herbert?
  25. They're the PLUS in The Squad+ Doesn't that make them special? Since I've considered only one other Elite spinoff, The Squad+ will be my catch all.
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