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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Funny thing is except for Colorado and California, their trips have been over long weekends. If I had their money, I'd jet off to NYC for 4 days too.
  2. uh, uh... You go ahead and jump if you want. I'm staying put right here where I'm safe. Did you see how far the bottom of this shit is?
  3. Glad you enjoyed those, Theo. I wanted Owen to tell those stories and publishing them separately allowed me to give more than a few lines in another story.
  4. If I tell him I'm killing off CJ, Ozzie, or Liebe, he'd be the happiest guy around. You ask me? He's just a weirdo with pretty darn good writing skills.
  5. I'll add a little spoiler. Just as CJ has evolved over the years, so will Liebe. I mean, she'll remain opinionated but her tastes will change. I just pity the boys who try to chase her.
  6. Do they, now?
  7. Crypto's like investing in foreign currencies or gambling with one of the sports books so popular these days. You can make money or lose it. As with most investments, the rich do get richer more often than not. Let's see if CJ and Owen can make ten billion in a few years the way some people have.
  8. Damn! I forgot about those two. CJ and Owen married waaaaay early. Particularly for the trend amongst college educated individuals. These days, getting married in your thirties is fine except for Mormons.
  9. That reminds me I haven't revisited CJ's affinity for water sports. Luckily, the next novel will have lots of those.
  10. I'm not sure about that. Since I'm being accused of ending this chapter dangling from a mountain side, I may just change the last chapter and end up in a giant cliffhanger. Hell, what you all claim's a cliffie needing to get resolved in this story wasn't even one. It was a throwaway line by a reporter that stirred the pot.
  11. When have we seen CJ just lounge the day away watching TV. I'm sure he's done it, but his nature is to explore and learn. Me, that's another story. A basketball game and some weed... Oh, wait, that was last night.
  12. And you super-sized them both! It's like a 2-4-1 special at Mickey Ds
  13. I picked the place months ago and can't remember. LOL Between the drinking and the golf tournament, I do want to include at least a reference to Rock Island and its windmills. Mackinac is a go. Im trying to decide if they stop in Ann Arbor to harass @Mann Ramblings
  14. Because the puppetmaster thought that would be a great line to end the chapter with? 😈
  15. Did you forget the antiperspirant this morning?
  16. That scene's based on a similar one I witnessed some 20 years ago. In an UES kid's boutique. Having permissive parents who refuse to sweat the little things, Liebe will get away with stuff my parents would have never allowed.
  17. How did you know they're into rough sex?
  18. Cliffhager? Come on, man! That isn't a cliffie at all! You people are seeing ghosts!
  19. Mexican incident? We don't need no stinkin' incidents. Lol
  20. Thanks, Dugh. Glad you enjoyed this one. Hope you feel better after some rest and maybe strong meds. Unfortunately, I fear by the end of the month, their Mexican adventure will come to a crashing stop.
  21. Carlos Hazday


    “Are you gonna leave any for us?” Without looking at CJ, Liebe shook her head, used an index finger to dig out another glob, and stuck it in her mouth. The flat bagel with a schmear and nearly transparent slices of Nova, tomato, and onion remained untouched. Owen reached for the other tub. “I think the vegetable one’s history. We’re stuck with chive and onion.” Since both Thursday and Friday were holidays in Mexico, they had flown into New York on Wednesday night and planned to
  22. Keep the Claus references coming. You've made me smile two weeks in a row!
  23. Lots of choices in the area. If you remember, CJ and Owen's first trip was in the fall to Tulum. That resort has become rather popular.
  24. LMAO - I just want to be invited!
  25. Yeah, I'd say as a supervisor, he's not doing the best of jobs.
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