As mentioned in Corrupting the Innocent, when Lucifer was at the zoo, the predators instinctively deferred to the apex supernatural. Non-shifting animals can sense supernaturals. Don't you know it's why animals stare off into nothingness with their hackles raised? You should, weinerdog, you should.
I'm not going into details of the sex lives between the humans and the hybrids. Use your imaginations.
As of right now, speech is not possible for the twins, but should that change, the ability to communicate silently will be a plus for all the shifters in a showdown.
I can guarantee it'll be a few months before I'm anywhere near ready to post the next story. This one was written in four months, which to me is insane. The next one won't be as long, but has so many more moving parts to keep track of. I'll do my best though!