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Promising Author
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Everything posted by kbois

  1. kbois

    Caleb's Curtain Call

    Loved having you along!
  2. I'm sort of in a bury-my-head-in-the-sand mood too. But alas, I can't. Job applications await. I can’t believe how easy resume writing is compared to when I graduated college. No electric typewriter needed. Lol. Time to go navigate Florida's unemployment benefits application. Ugh.
  3. kbois

    Reilly's Resolution

  4. Kage is my #1 character of mine I'd want to cuddle with. Even though the answers wouldn't tell you anything about the characters, they may inspire a reader to find the story and give it a whirl. Sometimes dropping a vague answer will push a new reader to discover more of an author's works.
  5. Oy. You've got a tough job but you've been fantastic at it. What is your favorite story/collection on Gay Authors? Probably the CAP series, but if I don't give @Mrsgnomies Boss Nanny & Jay's Loelife an honorable mention she'll be all butthurt. What is your favorite food? Toss up between a great burrito and a fantastic burger. Pizza is rarely shied away from either. If you could accomplish one thing for 2024, what would it be? Find stability in my life. Last year was a rollercoaster and it seems like I got back in line when I meant to head for the exit. I like @Aditus's idea of featuring new authors. It's a great way to promote them. Maybe tear a page out of our collab. Have a couple of questions formatted a la Family Fued. So instead of asking for a specific answer it can be; "We surveyed one new author. Top 5 answers are on the board. Name a character of yours you'd love to cuddle with." (Kage #1) Great job. Keep it up!
  6. kbois

    Reilly's Resolution

    I get that. I haven't had the best week. Woke up in one of those funds today but decided cleaning a couple of rooms would be more productive than moping. Hugs.
  7. kbois

    Reilly's Resolution

    Unfinished stories are the reason I vowed not to post anything until the whole thing is written, even if it's a super rough draft.
  8. kbois

    Chapter 7

    You have no idea how much those words came back to bite me in the ass. Lol. I'm glad you're enjoying it. Kage is my favorite.
  9. kbois

    Reilly's Resolution

    I don't think I could get rid of you lot if I tried.
  10. kbois

    Reilly's Resolution

    Of course you did.
  11. kbois

    Reilly's Resolution

    Geez... I sure as hell hope it won't be that long!
  12. kbois

    Reilly's Resolution

    Having a good (if somewhat nutty) support team makes a huge difference. Although I may drop @astone2292 if he doesn't at least comment once on this ending. Geese. He better have a good excuse for his radio silence.
  13. kbois

    Reilly's Resolution

    The muse is musing. Or is that amusing? πŸ€” I'm glad you enjoyed the series.
  14. kbois

    Reilly's Resolution

    Thanks, right now I'm mulling a few things over and tapping out a couple of chapters to see if it's gonna be a good fit. Sometimes characters start out with a bang and then go radio silent.
  15. It's been an emotional weekend and I woke up with not the brightest outlook. I know things will get better but I'm going to take a moment to wallow in whatever these emotions are. I lost my job on Friday. It sucks knowing that I was good at what I did and I really enjoyed the residents I worked with. But over the past two years, the owner's focus flipped to home sales and my heart is just not into it. I did travel sales for 20+ years and am still burned out. I think it's better to not work for a company that covets profit over everything else. I've seen a change over the past few years and not a good one. Yesterday, I posted the last chapter in my shifter series. It's been over two years with these characters in my head. I feel like I've grown a lot as a writer. My comma problem has definitely improved, lol. I've learned that sometimes you have to make a heartbreaking choice for the betterment of the story. I'm going to miss these guys hammering away at my brain. It's not a great way to start the new year, but the job search starts tomorrow. Something will work out and I'm crossing my fingers it will be a much better opportunity, and I do have ideas for other stories. I hope you all have a good day.
  16. kbois

    Reilly's Resolution

  17. kbois

    Reilly's Resolution

    I'm so proud to have a reader like you who has been with me since the first chapter of Tattoo. I don't know how long it will be before I post again, but I'll try not to make it a lengthy hiatus. πŸ˜πŸ’•
  18. kbois

    Reilly's Resolution

    Ok Reba
  19. kbois

    Reilly's Resolution

  20. kbois

    Reilly's Resolution

    I wanted to include Ben and Zev but felt it was too crowded for this epilogue. They didn't protest. Whi knows, maybe a short stand-alone story featuring them will pop up some day. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ I still think we may see Kage again someday. My brain keeps seeing him and Lucifer together wreaking havoc in Hell. πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜‚πŸ€£ I always try to come full circle with my story endings. It's just one of those little author quirks. Thanks for reading and until next time.. 😘
  21. kbois

    Reilly's Resolution

    I look back on Tattoo with love. Despite all its imperfections structure and grammar-wise, the characters will forever hold a special place in my heart. I've learned so much along the way. The biggest lesson was the hardest- how to write something that breaks my heart. #KageπŸ’” Maybe one day I'll earn that 'Signature Author' badge.
  22. kbois

    Reilly's Resolution

    It was with a sad, yet happy heart that I marked this one 'complete'. It's consumed a helluva bug chunk of my spare time (and maybe more than "a few" work hours. Lol). But all good things must come to an end. There are other stories waiting in the wings, impatiently nagging me to get writing. (Which I did a little of today). Starting a new story is like the first few months of dating. You gotta get to know each other in order to be comfortable. I was really comfie with all these guys, so breaking in new characters will be a period of trial and error. I want Nat to let me stay at the beach house. Lol. Reilly has made huge strides in discovering who he was meant to be. At heart, he is a nurturer. Sebastian being comfortable with who he is helped his mate come out of his shell. This story truly is a tale of filling the void with a chosen family. With the addition of Tyler's clan, the dynamics of what we see as family just gets a little broader. Reilly and Elijah are the types of souls who journey through lifetimes finding each other in some sort of special capacity. They are soul mates in a different way. Thank you for all your comments, feedback and encouragement along the way. If our paths ever cross, I'll buy the first round. ❀️
  23. kbois

    Reilly's Resolution

    And you're very welcome.
  24. kbois

    Reilly's Resolution

    I have no idea how I squeezed everything into 3 stories. Although Shadow Effect was 40 chapters. That's a lot. As for Spanish beach theme in Brazil? I've seen all sorts of beach decor in places hundreds of miles inland. Besides, doesn't Nat cover all of South America? Not all is Portugese. Lots of Spanish influence. πŸ˜‰
  25. kbois

    The Confrontation

    Of course.
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