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Promising Author
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Everything posted by kbois

  1. kbois

    Chapter 16

    That's what I get for trying to post with my brain offline
  2. kbois

    Chapter 16

    Hybrids getting healed. We tried.
  3. kbois

    Chapter 16

    Your three suggestions were quite helpful.
  4. kbois

    Chapter 16

    That's ok, I haven't really read it either.
  5. Asa tried to smile as he handed over his passport to the customs official, but he knew it fell short. It had been a long trip, and he was tired. Thankfully, the officer barely glanced at him, merely glanced at his photo, then waved him on his way. Caleb and Corbin received the same treatment as him—perks of flying privately. Sebastian sent the High Council’s jet to take them to Frankfurt. He argued that, as senior Alpha, it was his right to choose who could utilize the plane. Besides, Reil
  6. Disclaimers regarding lack of expert knowledge in any subject are an author's best friend. Hell knows I've used them often enough. Lol. Tumor shrinkage aside, I think this may be a Iull in the storm. Even hurricanes have blue skies in the eye. I'll be cruisin' now.
  7. kbois

    Chapter 15

    I'm still working on editing.
  8. Dementia is a cruel bitch. It's so effing hard to watch someone you love have who they are stolen away one memory at a time. I was luckier than most of my brothers as I was one of the last ones my mom forgot. The first time she didn't recognize me sliced my heart in half. We were so lucky that she wasn't prone to violence or outbursts. She was stubborn AF though If she didn't want to to do something (like change her clothes after dressing herself with 3 shirts, pants on backward and underwear over her pants) it was like moving a mountain Even though dementia is progressive, everyone who suffers from it goes at a different pace and with different symptoms. Lacy presents with mean outbursts and horrible accusations and has the potential to be physically violent. Dylan is doing the right thing by sending Dominic to a psychologist. Kids are surprisingly resilient, especially when availed of therapy. Dylan needs to listen to the nurses and let them decide if Lacy is in the right frame of mind for visitors.
  9. kbois

    Chapter 15

    Thanks! Just a little residual congestion. I'm just happy my head doesn't feel like it's being squeezed in a vice anymore.
  10. kbois

    Chapter 9

    You rebel.
  11. kbois

    Chapter 15

    Caleb and Asa are easy to write. Their relationship is so natural and real. Germany is worrying everyone. As it should. Asa with a Grinch grin isn't hard to imagine. Lol
  12. kbois

    Chapter 15

  13. kbois

    Chapter 15

    There are a lot of possibilities but.... we don't know the pups' backstories yet. They could have families out there somewhere.
  14. kbois

    Chapter 15

    Thanks! I'm currently keeping an eye on the pot. It's simmering nicely.
  15. kbois

    Chapter 15

    Deep down I'm sure you have one romantic bone in there somewhere. Inner ear maybe? One of the tiny ones?
  16. kbois

    Chapter 15

  17. I'm glad you're doing better!
  18. kbois

    Chapter 15

    Maybe some day. I gave other characters who are knocking on my brain cells. I gotta figure out what they want.
  19. kbois

    Chapter 15

    Why are y'all so insistent on Corbin finding a mate?
  20. kbois

    Chapter 15

    Yeah... I really do enjoy making all of you walk a tightrope over an alligator filled lagoon without a net. Calm before the storm? Indeed, but I'll just let you hang for a few chapters.
  21. kbois

    Chapter 15

  22. kbois

    Chapter 15

    Let's just call it a bossy kinky side.
  23. kbois

    Chapter 15

    Eclipse and Hank should be fine stabled at the main house. Hank has a bunch of new foals to play with and I'm sure Eclipse is wishing he wasn't a gelding with all the mares around. Lol
  24. kbois

    Chapter 15

    I cracked up too when Caleb made me write that paragraph. He should do stand-up. Lol. At least the owl enjoyed it! Asa and Caleb have love, passion and wicked senses of humor. Awesome combination. Corbin.... his fate is still undecided. 🤷‍♀️ The Fae worlds has it's own shit going down. I think the King is realizing that having so many kids means cleaning up their messes. I'm sure the boys appreciate your good wishes.
  25. kbois

    Chapter 15

    I think Caleb is now officially a switch. Asa is pushy when it comes to getting what he wants.
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