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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. That is an interesting thought. I can see why someone might get the 7-year itch, especially someone who bats for both teams. Too bad the wife won't let you invite a stranger or a friend over for some fun...
  2. Tiger


    Okay, I love sandwiches. They're almost as good as penis but not quite.
  3. Are you complaining? Okay, I read the latest chapter, and I just about died laughing.
  4. My withdrawal symptoms have returned.
  5. My guess is blue.
  6. I cut my hair once when I was a child. My aunt (who happens to be licensed in cosmetology) had to fix it after that.
  7. I just read the latest chapter. I am looking forward to te confrontation that's coming. I know Justin can do it, but is he ready?
  8. Happy birthday! I hope it's a good one!
  9. I can see this both as an author and as an editor as I've been known to do both. I would have no problem editing for someone who happened to write British English. There are plenty of resources out there. I already know most of the words that have different spelling, so I can adjust accordingly. As an author, I have to be aware of it as well and not take it the wrong way if I happened to have someone from the UK, Australia, etc. editing my work. Luckily for me, my editor is an American.
  10. I didn't see it coming, not yet anyway. I thought maybe Cole and Amber would stay together a bit longer and that there'd be other stuff happening in the mean time. I did think Cole would fall apart, but I didn't think it would be quite that severe. I'm glad he's okay. I want Amber to pay. She can't be doing that to people. Okay, I so want Matt and Danfield to end up together. They're so cute. The problem is that I think Danfield may be a severe closet case. That will make things difficult.
  11. Blind Melon "No Rain" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYlAwvz8uwc
  12. Ugh... what Cole did was reprehensible. He is such an idiot. If he never gets to play hockey again, he will be getting what he deserves. As for Amber, it looks like JP might have her snuffed. Oh, and I really hope that Matt and Wade get together. They'll be perfect.
  13. I happen to agree. He likes playing the field. Also, I don't think he will end up with Brian. I know some want him to end up with Matt, but I really do see someone else coming along.
  14. He's not the only one who can be twisted and insane.
  15. I know there are keen differences between the two. That doesn't mean he'd have been anymore tolerant socially. He did seem to have ties with the Tories after all...
  16. Actually, you wouldn't like what it'd really mean. They're pretty lenient there. I even go there. I am way worse than you are, and I haven't been banned yet.
  17. Tiger


    SO who's the baby daddy? I wear shoes as little as possible. I even take off my shoes at other people's houses.
  18. Mark, the king was King George III. It was the Georgian era. His reign was from 25 October 1760 – 29 January 1820, but he did not actually rule in the last 10 years or so, because he was mentally ill. Thus, his son, George IV (Prince of Wales at the time), became the Prince Regent in 1810. He was both demonized and praised, though there were many advances in science, mathematics, and agriculture during his reign. Many in the revolutionary American colonists thought him a tyrant, though some remained loyal to the crown. I doubt he was tolerant of "sodomites". After all, he was the grandfather of Queen Victoria and the father of George IV, who may very well have been the most hated king or queen in the last 250 years. As for excommunication, there would be no such thing for Granger. Should he ever be caught by someone willing to apply the laws against sodomy against him, he would be hanged. And no, I didn't pull this info about George III out of my ass. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_III_of_the_United_Kingdom
  19. No, and I hope he doesn't get away with it either. He forgot bros before hos after all.
  20. I didn't think of it as a filler chapter. Okay, something needs to happen to the cheating skank. It seems like sometimes people forget bros before hos.
  21. I think it was a good ending. The last line wasn't the best, but I don't expect perfection. And guys, the issue of Calvert was never an easy one to resolve. I think he's going to end up staying. The poll is definitely favoring such. I hear some complaints, but it is a very special circumstance. While the decision should ultimately be Mark's, it doesn't hurt for him to have his readers' opinions on the matter.
  22. You mean people still write on paper?
  23. I bet that Granger will be knighted. That'd be awesome.
  24. Mark, it will be a long time until then. He's low on the totem pole. It could take 20 years or more.
  25. Well, since it doesn't look like there's a possibility of a story about Calvert, I decided to switch. It is no longer tied.
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