Come to think of it, Winkler does need some good lovin'. I think at this point, Granger would be open to it. In fact, I thought whoever it is will have their way with him. Still, I really hope it's Calvert.
It's the same for posting in Writer's Corner if I remember correctly, though he's unlikely to find spoilers there.
I think it's good to know what a story is about. However, I don't like to read spoilers and generally avoid doing so. If others want to post them or read them, it's their business.
Granger is an interesting character indeed. It seems that he wants to be able to have his cake and eat it too. Ultimately, he will need to decide if his trysts are worth losing Calvert. He has a hard time saying no, or so it seems. Also, one has to wonder what Sir Evelyn's reaction would be if Granger decided to no longer sleep with him. Also, it seems that Calvert has a much different reaction than Travers did.
Well, the whole issue of dogs is one concern, but I mean if you have stuff in your luggage, it's usually not a good thing, and if stuff is on your body, it can change your appearance if you overdo it.
There's nothing wrong with pacifism. It's time for humans to evolve. I like how the Quakers simplify things... no need for a preacher to tell you what to think or a need to bash gay people. It'd be nice if more people would join them. It'd certainly make things better in the US by a long shot.
I can't believe neither of you took notice of the evil cliffhanger. Whose hand was wrapped around Granger's cock? It couldn't have been Sir Evelyn. Perhaps... could it be that Calvert finally came to his senses? Perhaps Humphreys is in need of some extra attention or perhaps Jeffers is in need of a release.
I agree, Nephy. As I said before, unless it's something like Ebola, I think the loss of life will be minimal in the industrialized world. Undeveloped or developing nations are likely to suffer more, and while that is certainly not something I like to see happen, it's inevitable if there's a pandemic.
I bet it was really an awesome concert. I agree with Wen. It'd be nice to bring the spirit back. Though it went too far, it'd be nice for people to revisit the dream of peace.
I voted "Yes" to all of them.
Why the f**k would you try to get on a plane with suitcases, briefcases, etc. with drugs anywhere in the world? It's like people have f**king holes in their heads. You're not going to get away with it anywhere. Yet, people still try it. Hell, you're not even likely to get away with swallowing balloons full of drugs, and it's dangerous to do so. Are people stuck on stupid or something? Does anyone actually know of anyone who's actually gotten away with it in recent times?
I watch the news just for the weather. There was a time that I was addicted to news networks, but that changed a while back. Now I may watch the local news, but that's mainly for weather. I hate hearing about all the murders and other horrible actions. There is too much evil in the world.
I don't consider that fair. You have to remember that Sir Evelyn outranks him and that they've been known to have trysts in the past. There's also a strong bond between the. Also, I'm sure he would have sex with Travers again if they crossed paths again. Just because he is polyamorous does not make him a slut. He stopped Fitzwilliam. It is unlikely that a true slut would have stopped, choosing instead to give into their lust. He'd also sniff out others on the ship to consort with. Even though it was technically illegal, I doubt many would refuse because 1) he's the captain and 2) they're at sea and judging by the fact that a woman hasn't been spotted on the ship during the showers, no women are available. You do the math on that one.
Geeze... they're making a mountain out of a mole hill. 1,800 isn't that many when one considers the millions who have died of AIDS or how many would die if something like Ebola spread around the world. It's not even nearly as bad as the flu that spread around the planet in 1918 that killed millions of people. Yeah, it could hit again, but I don't see it causing millions or billions of deaths.
Of course eating rat meat is gross to me, but that doesn't mean that others don't eat them. I'm pretty sure a bum on the street would eat a rat if the opportunity arose, and the bum would be rather idiotic to pass up the opportunity. Whether this applies to people on all ships or not is difficult, because I doubt captains went around logging every instance of midshipmen eating rats.
Another thing we must remember is that religion changes over time. I have little doubt that early Christians had the best of intentions and believed strongly in a compassionate god. However, Christianity quickly became a state religion. That changed it forever, because politicians use religion (or in some cases lack thereof) as a means of controlling the masses. The United States started out as a nation of people escaping religious persecution, but there were already many distinct belief systems at the nation's founding. I should stop here before I start talking politics though...
Actually it is a question of accuracy. The story itself is fiction, but the setting should be as historically accurate as possible. If you have any doubt about whether sailors consumed rat meat, look it up. You might also find instances of cannibalism in extreme cases.
Edit to add: I did not find anything about rats or cannibalism, but this article is interesting nonetheless.
I still find it rather disgusting. Still, I guess rats would be nothing when one considers that pieces of dead bodies were proudly displayed all over England as a reminder to citizens not to defy the king.