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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

A Roommate Wanted - 1. Chapter 1



Jordan stared at the classifieds. He hated trying to come up with a witty ad for a roommate, almost as much as he hated the thought of having a stranger move in with him.

With the down-turn in the economy, everyone was doing things they didn’t want to do. People everywhere were cutting back, trying to make the most of a bad situation. Mr. Demchez had already cut his hours a second time, some of the other guys at the shop had gotten laid-off without any warning at all. They received a pink slip in their paycheck, where next week’s schedule would normally have been.

Jordan was one of the lucky ones. He still had hours to work, but not many. Searching the classifieds for a second job to help supplement his dwindling income gave him the idea. If he rented out the second bedroom, then he’d have enough money to squeak by, at least for a little while longer.

Single white male,” he mumbled under his breath. “What? Crap! No!”

He scribbled through the words before crumbling it up and tossing the sheet of yellow legal paper on the ground with a dozen other yellow balls.

Shit, that sounds like one of those desperate Personal Ads. I don’t want anyone to think that I’m some kind of weirdo.” Jordan smoothed down a fresh piece of paper and tried to start again. He stared at it until the words popped into his head. The ink flowed out of the pen, telling him what to write: ‘Incredibly Neat & Clean, Unfurnished Bedroom Unit Suite - Roommate Wanted’

His eyes scanned over the words, checking his spelling. He didn’t see any errors that would make him look like a doof. Adding the figures for rent and utilities, Jordan added his email and the street he lived on.

There was no need to give the exact address until he found a potential roomy. He didn’t want any freaks dropping in unexpected.

The ad was perfect. He wasn’t really good with words, but he was actually impressed with himself. There was nothing left to do, except sit back and wait.


Checking his email, before going to bed, Jordan was shocked to find 25 new messages. He blinked his eyes and shook his head in disbelief. He thought it might take a day or two to get any responses, but that wasn’t the case.

Jordan took his time sifting through all of the potential candidates and labeled them: yes = people with jobs, no = skeezy ones that sounded like pervs, and maybes = they seemed nice, but something was just kind of off.

He narrowed it down to 5 people, who happened to be all guys. Jordan preferred that his new roommate was a guy, but he would consider girls too. However, all 25 responses had come from men.

A quick message with his address, and scheduling designated times to meet, had him climbing into bed an hour later than he planned. He drifted off to sleep thinking about the new person he would be inviting into his home.


KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! The fist at the door sounded angry.

Jordan flinched when they beat on his door a second time. “What the hell?” He muttered under his breath. It wasn’t like he was doing anything wrong.

He stomped over to the door. If that was Mrs. Hayes from 6B, coming up here to complain about him moving the furniture around, he was going to tell off that old hag!

Jerking the door open with as much force as he could, “what do you--” Jordan yelled at the stranger standing in the hallway.

The guy’s dark eyes opened wide as he jerked away from the door.

Oh my god,” Jordan’s pale face immediately flushed bright red. Noticing that the guy had taken a second and third step back, Jordan needed to stop him before he turned tail and ran.

I’m sorry if I’m--” The guy tried to apologize, but Jordan quickly stepped into the hallway with him.

No, I’m sorry! I thought you were the old lady who lives below me,” Jordan tried to explain.

He gave Jordan a curious glance.

Shit that didn’t come out right. “No, what I mean is, I thought she was coming up to complain about the noise. I was moving some furniture around.”

That explains why you didn’t answer the door the first two times I knocked.” His voice was so deep and sexy.

Jordan felt his heart rate double, sending all of his blood straight to his dick. “I-I-I…uhmmm,” he stuttered for a second before taking a breath to steady his nerves. “I must not have heard you knocking.”

Stepping back into the apartment, he was glad when the guy followed him inside, instead of running away.

I’m Sebastian,” he said, holding out his hand. “The room is still available, isn’t it?”

The skin of their fingers touched in a casual handshake. It should have been nothing, a simple touch. So, why did it feel more erotic then an all-night bender watching gay porn?

Jordan nodded his head, afraid that he would start stuttering again like an idiot or say something really embarrassing.

Sebastian’s skin was a dark color, unlike anything Jordan had ever seen. It wasn’t quite brown or even a dark olive tone, it appeared to be…almost…red. The light shimmered on his face and bare arms. His fingers itched to touch him again.

Clearing his throat, Jordan asked him, “Would you like to see the room?” Then immediately felt like a jackass. Sebastian was here to rent the room, duh! Of course he wanted to see it.

Jordan silently led him through the apartment without looking back to see if he was following. He was afraid that Sebastian would be laughing at him. This guy was too good-looking to be single. He had to have guys…and probably girls…lining up for a shot with him. It was just best to show him the room, so he could be on his way.

They squeezed past the big bookcase that blocked the doorway.

Sorry about the mess.” Jordan gave a nervous chuckle. “There’re still a few things I haven’t moved yet.”

Sebastian looked around. He checked the closet and poked his head into the small, but private bathroom. Jordan had already pushed the bookcase out of the room, but the futon and desk were still there.

When the guy stopped and stared out the window for more than 30 seconds, Jordan worried that Sebastian had changed his mind about the room.

Jordan watched him run his long fingers through his short black hair. His dark eyes scanned the view of the surrounding buildings.

Perfect,” Sebastian turned around with a seductive grin, “when can I move in?”


Candidate number two wasn’t due to arrive for another two hours. Jordan sent him a quick text, to break the bad news, that the room was no longer available. The guy seemed a little bummed, but it must not have been too bad, because he ended his message with an 😛 icon.

It was late when Sebastian brought back his stuff, which filled one stuffed backpack and this weird looking box. The sides had strange shapes and symbols burned into the wood. It must have been heavy, by the grimace on Sebastian’s face, but he never asked for any help. He carried it into his room, set it inside, and then closed the door.

Are you sure you want to sleep on that crappy old futon?” Jordan asked, while leaning against the wall, watching Sebastian pull things out his backpack.

Yeah,” his black eyes sparkled, “it will save me some money, not having to go buy a bed and it’s probably a hell of a lot more comfortable than the floor.”

Temped to offer to let him sleep in his bed, Jordan shook that thought from his mind as he quickly shoved his trembling fingers into his pockets and made a beeline for his own room.


The red numbers on the alarm clock were annoying. They pulsed as the time slowly ticked by. Jordan kept staring at his doorknob. The shiny metal reflected the angry red light. He wanted it to rattle or shake or at least do something.

He wanted something that would give him an excuse to get out of bed and open the door. If he got up and opened the door…he might catch a glimpse of his new roommate. If the guy was already asleep, then he would only hear his soft breathing.

Sebastian doesn’t snore! Jordan didn’t know where that absolute knowledge came from, but he was positive that a creature as gorgeous as Sebastian would not do something as obnoxious as snoring.

Jordan climbed out of bed. The cool night air chilled his naked flesh as his feet hit the floor and he inched closer to the door.

What harm was there in just unlocking the door? As long as he didn’t leave his room, everything would be fine. Right? He tried to rationalize his actions.

Touching the cold doorknob, Jordan froze.

What was he doing? His hand trembled.

He had a stranger living in his home, for crying out loud!

This guy might be the sexiest guy to walk the earth, but Jordan didn’t know him from Adam.

*** (Night 1) ***

The sun was bright, birds chirped, and a soft gentle breeze ruffled Jordan’s shaggy brown hair. From the moment he opened his eyes, everything felt so fresh…so new…life felt perfect.

He was practically walking on clouds as he strolled into work and punched his time card a full 7 minutes early.

Oh shit!” Harold gasped, seeing the bright smile on Jordan’s face. “You got fucking laid!”

The fat geeky guy was always jabbering on about some kind of perversion or another, so Jordan usually just ignored him when he opened his big mouth, but today, the other guys in the store joined Harold.

Man, you’re right!” One of them said.

Looks like little Jordy got his pecker wet!” The teasing continued.

Most of the time, Jordan was a good sport when it came to the guys razzing each other in the store, except when it came to sex. He hadn’t had a long-term relationship since before he got this job at the electronics repair shop. Since his last few dates hadn’t gotten past first base, there was no need to let them know which dish his satellite signal reflected off.

Jordan chuckled to himself, which sent their tongues wagging for details.

Is it that cute little brunette that left her keys here last week?” Harold grilled him. “I knew it! I knew it was just a plot to come back and get your number. Am I right?”

Come on, dude, spill.” Someone shouted.

We want details!” Another whined.

Stepping back from the guys pressing forward, Jordan shook his head and laughed. The girl might have been cute, but she wasn’t his type…not that he really had a ‘type.’

Jordan was kind of plain. His slightly overgrown hair and light-brown eyes were the exact same shade as the freckles speckling his nose. If it weren’t for the flush of embarrassment coloring his neck and cheeks, he wouldn’t have any color at all.

Stop it!” Mr. Demchez’s voice boomed over everyone else.

The guys scattered, returning to the jobs they were doing before Jordan walked in. He was never so relieved to see his boss. “Thank you, Mr. D,” Jordan muttered when he slipped past the old man.

Don’t worry about it…lover boy!” The old guy slipped the last part in just loud enough for the two of them to hear.


Jordan rushed home right after work.

He thought about picking up a large pizza from King’s down on the corner, but thought that would look too presumptuous. Just because Sebastian was rooming with him, that didn’t automatically mean they would be hanging out together.

Turning his key in the lock, his heart started racing when he heard the television on in the living room. Last night, Jordan had told Sebastian to make himself at home. After showing him the Xbox and where the games were stored, Jordan handed him the remote controls like he was handing over the keys to his kingdom.

Hey, Jordan,” Sebastian called from the other room. Jordan’s knees went weak. That voice was to die for. “I’m glad you’re home. I was just getting ready to order some delivery if you wanted to join me.”

Smiling from ear to ear, Jordan thought his lips would split.

*** (Night 2) ***

The next morning, Jordan woke up with a sore neck and back. He glanced at his disheveled bed and frowned. The sheets were pulled from the mattress and all of the pillows were on the floor.

He didn’t remember having any bad dreams, but the room looked like he had been wrestling a bear. There was also dried jizz on his stomach. Gobs of it! It wasn’t too unusual to wake up with some, but not this much.

Changing the sweat-soaked and sticky sheets, then putting the bedroom back to order in record time. Jordan was still 5 minutes early for work.

Harold noticed Jordan. He gave him the once over before breaking into a smile. “Going back for seconds? Dude, that must be a good piece of ass,” he said as he slapped his hand on Jordan’s back, making him flinch.

Ouch!” Jordan protest. “That really hurts.”

Stepping back, Harold held up his hands and shook his head. “Be a man, pussy-boy,” laughing as he walked away.

Jordon took a deep breath. When the pain didn’t go away, he went into the bathroom and pulled up the back of his shirt. Right where Harold’s hand hit was a big red mark. It didn’t look like a hand print…it was a bite mark!


Jordan couldn’t concentrate at work. When the first DVD player he repaired still didn’t work after he put it back together, Mr. Demchez gave him a worried glance, but the second time he messed up, the old guy pulled him to the side.

What’s wrong, son?” He asked.

Mr. Demchez usually treated most the guys at the shop like jerks. Well, that was probably because most of them were jerks, but he always had a kinder voice when addressing Jordan.

I’m sorry Mr. D. I guess I’m a little thrown off my game today.” He didn’t want to tell his boss about the teeth marks, but the center of his back was really hurting. The pain didn’t stop there, it radiated to his neck, but more disturbing the back of his thigh felt like it was on fire.

The old man patted him on the shoulder. Jordan winced when he raised his hand, but tried hard not to show it.

Why don’t you go home early…and get some rest!” His crinkled eyes couldn’t hide his laughter. Just like the other guys, Mr. Demchez thought Jordan had been out having sex the last 2 nights.

Normally, Jordan would have rolled his eyes and gone back to whichever job he was working on. Today, he just nodded his head and gave a weak smile. “Sure.”


Jordan pulled his shirt off and looked at the marks again for the millionth time. The ones on his neck and thigh were small, but the one in the center of his back was big, angry and red.

What could it be? It looked like teeth, but that was impossible. He would have remembered someone biting him. If he fell out of bed or had scratched himself, he would have felt it.

Jordan paced around the bathroom as his mind raced with possibilities. What if…? No! Sebastian couldn’t have done it. The bedroom door was locked and he would have woken up if someone did that to him…wouldn’t he?

Pace, pace, pause! Pace, pace, pause! His feet made a distinctive rhythm on the tile as he walked in circles. Every time he stopped, Jordan listened for any sounds coming from the apartment.

Sebastian hadn’t been home when he got here. He was free to come and go as he pleased, but Jordan had hoped he would get back before he went to bed. The marks really had him worried and he wanted to ask his new roommate it he had heard anything unusual during the night.

*** (Night 3) ***

Pain shot through Jordan’s body when he opened his eyes. He tried to get up, but fell back onto the bed. His throat was raw, his ears were ringing, and he had large scratch marks across his chest, just over his heart. Three jagged slashes ripped through the first few layers of skin, bringing blood to the surface, but not bad enough to require medical attention.

What the hell,” he gasped when his legs quivered under his own weight and threatened to give out. He was a wreck!

Forgoing his normal wake-up shower, Jordan knew it was irrational, but the thought of getting soap in the wounds made him cringe. He toweled off the sticky load of fresh cum that coated his stomach and pubes and struggled to get dressed.

Sebastian was already gone when Jordan got up. At first he thought the guy hadn’t come home last night, but the handwritten note he found on the countertop, under his keys, told him different.

Wild night? I’m surprised your neighbors haven’t complained about the noise!’ He could hear Sebastian’s dark soothing voice speaking to him in his head as he read the note.


Walking into work 2 minutes late just added to the miserable day Jordan was already having. No smile, no cheerful good morning, hell, he didn’t even take his sunglasses off. He walked straight to his work area and started pulling out tools to start work.

He could hear the guys whispering about him, but he really didn’t care. Pain screamed from his broken body with every move he made. It was torture. A full bottle of aspirin wouldn’t take away the pain. Maybe if he chased it with a bottle of Jack, that would at least put him out of his misery.


That or death…and at the moment, Jordan wouldn’t care.


Jordan,” Mr. Demchez voice sounded so far away, even though he was standing only a few feet from him. “That PlayStation you fixed before lunch is still broken.”

Well, maybe that’s because it’s a PS2 and a POS!” Jordan growled at his boss.

The old man’s eyes narrowed in on him, “what did you say?”

Standing up and putting his screwdriver down, Jordan cleared his throat. “I said, that kid’s PlayStation is a piece of shit. His parents should smash it in the backyard and save their money instead of paying to have it fixed.”

The muscles flexed in Mr. Demchez’s jaw. The man held back his rage. If it was any other employee, they would have been tossed out into the street. “Pack up and go home, Jordan.”

When he opened his mouth to say something, Mr. Demchez grabbed his arm and squeezed it. Not hard enough to really hurt, just hard enough to get him to shut up. “Not another word, son, just go! Come back whenever you’ve worked out your demons.”

Jordan was glad that Mr. D stopped him before he said something he would really regret. The other guys were staring at him. He wanted to shout at them to fuck off, but he knew that would be crossing the line.

The shop wasn’t the best job in the world, but it was the only job he had. Jordan snatched his keys and walked out.


What the fuck is happening to me?” Jordan’s words were barely a whisper as he closed and locked his bedroom door.

He peeled his clothes off and let them fall to the floor. The cuts on his chest looked swollen and infected. The bites on his backside had tiny black veins spreading away from the wounds.

The last thing he wanted to do was take a shower, but he had to clean the marks on his body. His hands trembled, fearing that he’d waited too long. What if the infection had gone to his brain? He was saying and doing things that he’d never done before.

The cool water should have been refreshing. It should have soothed his fevered skin and made him feel better; somehow, it made him feel worse. He couldn’t dry his skin. The muscles underneath ached to be touched.

Climbing into bed, Jordan stared at the red light of the alarm clock and watched it casting its angry glow across the walls.

***(Night 4)***

The doorknob jiggled. The sound yanked Jordan out of his sleep. It suddenly turned all the way and the door swung open.

Sebastian was standing there, completely naked, in the doorway, his black eyes shining. His short spikes were messy, letting Jordan catch a glimpse of two small horns on the top of his head. Black wings spread from his bare back.

Jordan tried to lift his head but he was too weak. “What are you doing?”

Me?” Sebastian laughed as he walked in to the bedroom and knelt at the end of the bed. “I’m doing exactly what you wanted, Jordan.”

The sound of his name with that deep sexy voice had Jordan’s heart racing. He should have been terrified, but he couldn’t be scared of Sebastian.

You called for me. You asked me to come.” His dark smile was pure evil.

Jordan shook his head. “No! I didn’t ask for this.”

Sebastian grabbed the yellow note pad from the desk and held it up. “See, right here in your own handwriting… ‘Incredibly Neat & Clean, Unfurnished Bedroom Unit Suite - Roommate Wanted’ not many people invite me to come stay.” His deep laughter shook the bed.

I don’t understand,” Jordan whispered looking at his handwriting. That’s when he noticed the little underlines under the first letter of each word: INCUBUS Roommate Wanted. His eyes widened in fear.

Jordan had heard the legends. Once an incubus fell in love with a human, they would return every night, making love to them over and over, while slowly draining away their life.

Sebastian crawled in bed with Jordan. His fingers were hot, burning Jordan’s pale flesh with his touch; it was no longer painful. “Not many men get 4 nights with an incubus,” Sebastian purred and pressed a kiss to his lips.

Jordan pressed his body against Sebastian as he wrapped his wings around them, kissing him one last goodnight.


Thanks for reading! Any comments or remarks are greatly appreciated.
Copyright © 2011 K.C.; All Rights Reserved.
  • Like 13
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Recommended Comments

Chapter Comments

Wow, KC. I was thinking a Jinn at first. Red skin, big guy. Never thought of an Incubus. That was a twist I wasn't expecting. Definitely kept with the Legend idea. I really enjoyed that one!

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Whoa! WOW! and Ouch!

scary and very very mysterious!

Really enjoyed it! awesome story! would have NEVER guessed till you revealed it at the very end, tho. ^_^

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On 09/19/2011 02:00 AM, Shadow Runner said:
Very dark and Mysterious. It kept me guessing until the very end! Good job!
Awww, thanks so much for reading it. Hope to see you more active around here :D
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On 09/19/2011 02:44 AM, comicfan said:
Wow, KC. I was thinking a Jinn at first. Red skin, big guy. Never thought of an Incubus. That was a twist I wasn't expecting. Definitely kept with the Legend idea. I really enjoyed that one!
Really? I wanted to keep everyone guessing till the end :P Thanks so much reading, Wayne.
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On 09/19/2011 02:52 AM, Frostina said:
Whoa! WOW! and Ouch!

scary and very very mysterious!

Really enjoyed it! awesome story! would have NEVER guessed till you revealed it at the very end, tho. ^_^

I was worried too dark/not dark enough...really wanted the reader to feel Jordan's pain. I'm so glad you liked it :hug: Means a lot that you liked it!
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On 09/19/2011 05:55 AM, carringtonrj said:
Really smart and well-developed story. Keeps you guessing until the end. Brilliant. :)
I really put a lot of time into this story. Didn't want it to be predictable. I'm glad that my efforts came through! You liking it makes me giddy! :D Thanks!
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Wow, I think we channeled each other telepathically in our stories. Roommates from hell are fun to write about, especially if their names are Sebastian :P

The Incubus trick was cool and I love how you used the code word in your story to craft out the twist.

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On 09/19/2011 10:02 AM, W_L said:
Wow, I think we channeled each other telepathically in our stories. Roommates from hell are fun to write about, especially if their names are Sebastian :P

The Incubus trick was cool and I love how you used the code word in your story to craft out the twist.

Thanks, I just got home and saw that the anthologies were up. So excited to read everyones. I'm glad you liked it!
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Great job on this story, KC! I was thinking I should have clued in when Jordan's boss said something like, "Come back when you've worked out your demons!" thumbsup.gif

But I didn't. sceptic.gif

So, is Jordon still looking for a roommate? innocent.gif

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On 09/19/2011 11:32 AM, Conner said:
Great job on this story, KC! I was thinking I should have clued in when Jordan's boss said something like, "Come back when you've worked out your demons!" thumbsup.gif

But I didn't. sceptic.gif

So, is Jordon still looking for a roommate? innocent.gif

If Jordan is, I don't think he'll be taking out another ad. :P Was wondering if anyone would catch that 'demon.' :D Thanks for reading!
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I loved it... of course :) I had figured that Sebastian was more than human. Initially I thought vampire... of course :) But when you mentioned demon I was thinking more demonic but I truly didn't consider an incubus until the very end and I didn't catch the clever acronym until you pointed it out. Poor Jordan... at least he died with a smile on his face. Awesome writing.

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What a wondeful way to go :lmao: I should have got the acronym because I could not fathom what the hell 'unit' was doing in there.


Mmmmmm ... black eyes ... sexxxxxy.

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On 09/20/2011 07:20 AM, Nephylim said:
I loved it... of course :) I had figured that Sebastian was more than human. Initially I thought vampire... of course :) But when you mentioned demon I was thinking more demonic but I truly didn't consider an incubus until the very end and I didn't catch the clever acronym until you pointed it out. Poor Jordan... at least he died with a smile on his face. Awesome writing.
Awww, thanks so much for reading and liking. A vamp would have been a good twist too but wanted something fresh that would keep everyone guesssing to the end...Jordan's end :( I'm always honored to have you read my work, Thank you! :D
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On 09/20/2011 08:05 AM, Dannsar said:
What a wondeful way to go :lmao: I should have got the acronym because I could not fathom what the hell 'unit' was doing in there.


Mmmmmm ... black eyes ... sexxxxxy.

Haha- my friends and I kept trying to come up with something that wouldn't sounding too corny! I love dark eyes, very dreamy! :wub: If you gotta go ~ what a way to go! :P
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I was wondering where you were going with this and it blew me away. Perfect twist. Who'd have thought?

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On 09/21/2011 02:25 AM, LJH said:
I was wondering where you were going with this and it blew me away. Perfect twist. Who'd have thought?
Thanks, I really wanted to keep it a mystery for people to try to figure out as they read. Glad you liked it :)
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On 09/21/2011 03:07 AM, Michael9344 said:
Dark.... Great. Nothing was as I had expected. Quite a twisit. Great work.
Dark and not a typical happy ending :D I was worried that I would get Boo'ed for killing of Jordan 0:) but I thinks everyone liked the twists and turns.
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On 09/22/2011 04:31 AM, Jeff1 said:
A very good short story.

Enjoyable read, Thanks.

Thanks, Jeff, I'm glad you liked it :)
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On 09/22/2011 06:06 PM, Foster said:
Poor Jordan, I hope Sebastian gets heart burn. Enjoyed.
Burn baby burn! :P Well, maybe as a demon, Sebastian has some say over wher Jordan spends his afterlife? They might be together on a another plane of existence.
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Great story. Particularly liked the acronym, which I didn't pick up until you spelt it out. Plus it made a particularly refreshing change from vampires! (not that I don't like vampire stories, but change is good, too) :)

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