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    Sasha Distan
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  • 2,602 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Direct Confusion - 25. Chapter 25

“What the hell Erie?” Jameson exits Derrick’s Merc very slightly before my friend has actually finished parking it. “I woke up and you’d already taken the damn truck! I had to ring Der to come and get me.”

“You could’ve taken the bus.” Erin smiles tightly.

“The bus? I haven’t taken the bus since middle school Erin, I’m not gonna start now.” Jameson smacks his twin’s shoulder without force. “When the hell did you get up anyway?”

“Hey Luke.” Derrick scowls at Jameson as he helps Cherrie out of the car. “I swear Erin; your brother is the worst back seat driver ever.” He jerks a thumb over his shoulder at the Parker twins. “He’s even worse than my mom. You OK man?”

“Yeah…” I take two steps away from the car and then shake my head. “No. We gotta talk.”

“You and Erin have a fight or somethin’?” Derrick sounds concerned, and he glances back at where Erin is sitting with his knees against his chest. He still looks miserable. “Dude, what did you do?”

In a strange way, I love that my best friend instantly jumps to the defence of his teammate and my boyfriend: because imagining Erin could have done something wrong is impossible.

“No, we’re not fighting. Jim sorta walked in on us this morning and it got really nasty, really fast.”

“Explain?” Derrick frowns, brows low over his eyes. I recount this morning’s incident as quickly as possible, keeping my voice low. Erin seems to be explaining things along a similar line to his brother, because Jameson and Derrick’s expletives arrive in unison.


The four of us exchange a worried, angry, and desperate glance.

“Jim said that?” Derrick snarls.

“I’m gonna kill him.” Jameson’s defensive anger is palpable.

“That is not on.” Cherrie looks appalled. “I can’t believe Jim would say something like that. Oh I so hope he’ll be happy going stag at Homecoming.”


“He asked Rowena Daniels. You know her older brother is gay? He graduated like the year we arrived. Went off to college to make movies.” Cherrie crossed her arms over her breasts. “There’s no way she’ll be going with him now.”

“Cherrie, hold up…” I hate to defend my friend, but I so desperately want to give Jim a second chance. I’ve known the guy too long to simply wash my hands of him.

Erin is a calmer and slightly happier version of himself when the bell finally sounds and we walk into school. The reassuring presence of other teammates helps, the fact we have just spent half an hour sitting on the cars with our friends, hands in each other’s pockets is also beneficial, and he doesn’t look so much like he might be about to cry.

I walk him to homeroom and then head down the corridor to my own class when Jameson yanks me sideways into a little dead end by an office.

“What the hell happened?”

“Jame! We have class to go to.”

This is more important.” Jameson hisses. “He says the two of you were mucking about in the pool?”

“Well kinda in the showers…” I blush. Recounting my sexual exploits for my boyfriend’s twin is not something I ever imagined doing. “We hadn’t got quite to being naked when Jim walked in.”

“Jees! You two are insane. Why the hell didn’t you just sneak into ours early?”

“Jame! I don’t want you, or worse, your parents, hearing us or walking in. How do you think Erin’s gonna feel if his parents have a ‘chat’ with him about having sex in the house?”

“A damn sight better than he feels now!” Jameson snaps. He fists one hand in the front of my shirt, and for half a heartbeat I’m scared that the skinny cheerleader might actually hit me. “You don’t know what it was like for him before. He was friends with people who said that kind of thing, to me or to others, and who got away with it. He had to act supportive, and there were still those who suspected, ribbed him for having me as his brother and tried to make him as uncomfortable as they could.” Jameson pauses. “You’d better get an apology out of Jim.”

“I will.” My faith in my abilities to achieve this is not strong. “We have a swim meet tonight, I will. I promise.”

The dark cloud of what Jim said to us hangs over me for the rest of the day. By the time I get to English Derrick is waiting for me, but Jim gives me one glance and turns his desk in the other direction. For the first time, the three of us do not sit and discuss the classwork or the upcoming swim meet, and it feels wrong to spend the lesson staring at his back. Jim disappears on us at lunch, and the afternoon isn’t much better. I pass by the study hall on the way out to the pool and Jameson gives me a hard look. I still have to get an apology out of Jim and as I get closer and closer to the locker rooms that seems less and less likely to happen.

“Hey guys.” I dump by bag onto the bench next to my gym locker and start pulling out a pair of clean towels and my green and yellow competition speedo. “We still have like an hour for practice right?”

“Er, yeah…” Matt glances at me sideways, and then wraps his towel around his hips in a deliberate gesture. I look behind him to where Jim is standing, arms crossed, dressed in his team sweats.

“We have to talk.”

He glares at me.

“I have nothing to say to you Luke. I just don’t think you should be here.”

“What now?”

Matt slips out from between us and the rest of the swim team stop what they’re doing to watch. Jim’s anger is already palpable, and I wouldn’t want to be standing in the way of either of us right now.

“You should not be here. It’s inappropriate.”

“Jim, I’ve been getting changed in this locker room for the last three years. Just like you.” I yank my t-shirt and varsity jacket off all in one movement. “Coach can’t keep me out, you certainly can’t.”

“Get dressed!” Jim snarls, stepping towards me. He grabs for my discarded clothes and pushes them against my chest. “You’re not welcome here!”

“Oh, fuck you Bryan! I’ve had enough of your attitude. We have a meet in an hour and we all need to warm up and train.”

“Not you.”

“And how are you going to win the four man relay without me?” I throw my jacket and shirt back at my former friend. “Get over yourself Jim! It’s not like I’m looking at you in the showers.”

“We do not want to swim with a faggot.” Jim snaps. “You only joined the team to check out guys.”

“Oh, that’s so fucking original!” I growl, my fists clenching at my sides. “You have any idea how fucking repressed you sound right now? In case you forgot I actually have a boyfriend.”

Jim folds his arms and smirks.

“Like that would stop you. You went from Jeremy to Erin in like what, a day?” Jim seems unaccountably proud of himself. “You gay guys are all the same, just cruising around and trying to score. Doesn’t matter who with.”

“Fuck you!” At Jim’s insinuation, I finally lose control of my temper. I hit harder than him, and he knows it, and even my rational brain agrees that goading a guy like me for this long was a fucking stupid move on his part. I pull back my fist and the single jab lands true and hard right between his eyes and bridge of his nose. There is a crunch of cartilage under pressure, and Jim falls back with a shout. “Once upon a time we were friends Jim.” I spit at him, on the tile floor at my feet. “And then you turned out to be a total asshole.” I grab my jacket and my bag. “Good luck guys, you’ll need it.”

As I turn to exit the locker rooms I can hear the guys begin to panic. Only Matt’s tone sounds disbelieving when he says:

“Dude, why did you that?”

I throw my clothes and bags to the floor and spend sixty seconds trying to resist the urge to pound the white washed brick wall into oblivion before looking up find Heather and half the cheerleading squad in their little shorts and singlet practice outfits, staring at me.

“Why is it that you always end up shirtless in the corridor looking so damn fine Luke?” One of Heather’s closer comrades sighs. “Your boyfriend is so lucky.”

“Thanks.” I am still leaning with my forearms against the wall, trying not to look as though I really want to punch it. My knuckles hurt where I hit Jim. It turns out his skull is harder than I thought. “Have fun at practice.”

“MCBRIDE!” Coach appears through the locker room swing door, his face the approximate colour of my favourite pair of speedos. “What the heck have you done boy?”

“Nothing that wasn’t required coach.” I turn to face him, still shirtless, and I’m glad the cheerleaders are here, because if they weren’t, the temptation to deck him would be enormous.

“You damn near broke Jim Bryan’s nose!”

“He was trying to force me to leave the locker rooms for being gay.” I blink. “It was his parents who made the complaint wasn’t it?” I almost wish I had hair again, just so I could pull it out in frustration. “Why the fuck does anyone care? When have I ever been a threat to any guy, regardless of his sexuality?”

“You’re out of control McBride. I can’t have you intimidating my boys.”

“Well isn’t that handy for you?” I thrust my letterman jacket against his chest. “I’m out. This isn’t worth it.”

“McBride!” I walk away, hoisting my school bag over my bare shoulder. “MCBRIDE!” But there’s no point in turning around to answer him. Anything I might say will fall on deaf ears.

It’s still early, school isn’t over yet, so there is no one to interrupt me as I walk through the parking lot, slide into my car and pull out of the school. I take back roads and lanes, and when my cell phone rings after about an hour I throw it into the backseat and keep driving.

In my brain, the situation in the locker room goes around and around, differing every time. I could have backed down, walked out. I could have told Jim to piss off, gotten changed and warmed up all the same. Maybe Matt might have come around in my defence. Jim had obviously been winding them up about me, because no one has ever been anything other than friendly before. I could have dealt with it without hitting one of my oldest friends, but equally, I could have gone on hitting him for a lot longer. Momentarily I wonder what the hell is wrong with me, because I never used to be this angry. Luckily I don’t have to worry about Jim trying to press for assault, because he’ll never actually admit to being less strong than me, or being beaten up by a gay guy. And his nose isn’t broken; he’ll just have some pretty serious bruising tomorrow.

Eventually I figure I’ve driven for long enough, loop around the outside of town and head home. Erin’s pick-up is sitting in my driveway, and it’s later than I thought. I’ve probably missed dinner. Avoiding the main house, I slip in through the side gate, remembering a time when slipping in and out late at night had much more positive connotations. For the first time since I met Erin, a tiny, minute part of my brain wishes for the simplicity I had with Jeremy: it was a secret, and I felt guilty about it, but at least it was fun and easy. Now I dread heading to the house to where my boyfriend is waiting with my parents, probably trying to placate them for my lack of communication.

“Hi Luke.”

“Shit!” I actually push my hand over my heart as adrenaline rushes through my system. I hadn’t expected Erin to be waiting in my room, sitting on the sofa in the dark. “Babe. What are you doing here?”

“I was worried about you.” Erin stands and frowns at me, a mixed look of hurt and pity. “Where have you been?”

“I- I had to go for a drive. Clear my head.” I drop my bag and car keys as I shut the door and go to my boyfriend. To my surprise, he does not hug me back. “Erie?”

“You hit someone.” Erin’s voice sounds odd, like he’s talking to a stranger. “You hit Jim.”

“You heard what he said this morning.” I back away from Erin. “Why are you made at me?”

“Yeah, I heard what he said.” Erin shakes his head. “I got upset. You nearly broke his damn nose. What happens to me when I make you angry?”

“What?” I cannot believe what I’m hearing. “That’s not even- Really Erin? You think I would actually hurt you?”

“You know, now I have no idea.” Erin rubs his hands over his face. “No… I don’t mean that. He reaches out blindly, grabbing for my belt. I pull him against me quickly. “I was really worried about you. You just took off.”

“I couldn’t stay.”

“Please be more careful. I couldn’t bear to lose you.” Something about the way he says it instantly makes me think about Greg and I sniff, refusing to cry. “You can’t just walk away from the team like that. We all went to watch you, and you weren’t there. They need you.”

“I don’t need them.”

“That’s not fair. You can’t let down people who are relying on you.”

“No. If I did that, I would’ve let you down, and my brother would still be alive.”

“Luke…” Erin steps back away from me. “You don’t mean that.”

“I should never have gone to Thanksgiving dinner.” I run my fingers over my forehead. “It wasn’t worth it.” When I look up, Erin is staring at me in horror. “No babe, c’mon…”

“You don’t just blame yourself for Greg’s death, you blame me too.” Erin looks like he might be on the verge of tears. “I gotta go.”

“No, Erie!”

“No. Not right now.” Erin throws up his hands and turns from me. “You need to get over this Luke. It wasn’t your fault.”

“Get over it?” My anger is back, snapping at me like a jackal on my heels. “My brother is dead! I can’t just get over it!”

“Fine!” Erin growls, turning to leave. “Have it your way.” He wants to but he can’t hide the fact that he’s crying.

I chase him out onto the driveway.


He slams the door, guns the engine and pulls out onto the road. As the pick-up vanishes, I pray that nothing happens to him and that he gets home safely, even if it means that he has to pull onto the side of the road to be mad with me. The knowledge that I’ve just punched a big hole through the best part of my life is sinking in really fast. I bury my head in my hands and I wish I could just burst into tears. What have I done?

Remember to come and join us in the discussion forum for questions, answers, and all sorts of silly supposition.
Copyright © 2014 Sasha Distan; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

It's hard getting over the loss of a loved one and lash out to those you love the most, Luke's mom did it with him and now Luke with Erin. It's going to be a long and hard road for Luke to travel when he feels guilty for what happened with Greg. It's makes it harder to do when you lose the support system you thought you had in friends. Hopefully, Luke will find his way!

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That was a very tense chapter...life is never simple and feeling hurt and lashing out is all part of it. I am heartbroken for Luke and for Erin...we often hurt the ones we love when we hurt ourselves... and Luke isn't just hurt because he lost his brother...he has now lost a best friend in the the most hurtful way possible.I am pissed at Luke for hurting Erie but I get where he is coming from and why he is screwed up right now. Underneath all the drama was the sweetness of Luke not minding his friends thought he did something wrong rather than it be Erie who did something.That is the kind of thing that shows his very real love for Erie. I fear a downward spiral is coming and I do not at all look forward to it. I have to count on my trust in Sasha...you still rock even when you cause me pain...cheers...Gary

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Excellent chapter! Really tight and believable... Though Erin was totally goading Luke at the end... But even that is believable given all the stress.

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Luke has been relatively fortunate in life to this point. He's good looking, smart, athletically gifted and popular. His friends seemed okay with him being an out gay teenager. His biggest problem was his relationship with Jeremy. Now he has to deal with losing Greg and unexpected hostility to his relationship with Erin. It's not surprising that he's angry. How he deals with it is the ongoing question.

We don't really know what types of harassment Erin and Jameson dealt with at their old school only that it was bad. The fact Erin is frightened by Luke's responding to Jim with violence suggests the possibility of some level of physical abuse. It's unfair to judge Erin for his response without a better understanding of his experience.

Of course it was stupid of Luke to say spending Thanksgiving with Erin wasn't worth losing Greg but grieving people say things they don't really mean.

Nicely written chapter, the emotions and responses are real. I expect you to take us on a bit of a roller coaster ride as the guys sort their way through all that is going on. You've given them some exceptional friends who are likely to push and prod them along if necessary. I trust you to eventually make things right for them.

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Well, aside from Luke losing Greg, things were going just a tad too well for everyone. So I guess we should have figured on something coming from out in left field. But strangely, I really didn't see all this coming. So it'll be really interesting to see where things go from here. How do Luke and Erie fix their relationship hiccup, and what's going to happen with a lifelong friendship now headed for the rocks?

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Wow that was an intense chapter. Poor Luke's world is falling apart - his brother, the team, the coach, long time friend Jim betraying him and now Erin.

Luke's guilt over his brother had to resurface at this moment of weakness. He seems to have taken on a lot of guilt over both Greg and Erin. I don't think Erin was right, Luke blames himself and only himself for Greg's death. But Erin's response to all this seems to support earlier hints that there are some dark moments in his past.

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I agree with the others that the emotions swirled around me as I read...you did a great job of making the reader feel the emotions the characters felt, especially Luke. I agree that up until now, Luke has been lucky and had a good time of it and losing his brother and possibly his boyfriend, as well as a long time friend is going to be rough. I don't like how Erie acted. Implying that Luke would be capable of hitting him b/c he hit Jim was unfair and a big jump. Luke was also unfair in his comments about his brother's death. He can't 'shoulda, woulda, coulda' and though it is easy to do in this situation it's not fair to anyone. Yes, it seems like such an easy way to prevent such a tragedy...if he hadn't gone out on Thanksgiving, his brother would be alive. That is something that is going to run through his brain b/c humans like to think we have more control over events in our lives than we do. It's going to take time and love to help him out of his pain.

I think Erie did wrong by adding to it rather than understanding that his boyfriend is dealing with a lot and let it come out wrong. I hope they patch it up. I just feel bad for luke b/c jame will be at his door or at school tomorrow and be all over him! That skinny little cheerleader is scary when riled lol. I have to wonder if Erie has regrets about how he dealt with the bullies at his old school. Jame said he had to go along with it ...did he act like them so as to stay in the jocks' circle? That would be disappointing to hear, esp since one of the people bullied was his brother. I'm surprised he may have dealt with it that way.

Jim is a douche and I can't believe his coach acted like he did. Moreso, why didn't teammates come to Luke's defense? I think Jim goaded him to get him to hit him so that it would be something they could get him in trouble for. Him hurting a teammate may be a way to get him off the team if his sexuality isn't. That was very amusing when he ended up shirtless again outside of the locker rooms. Sounds like a yummy sight for the girls.

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On 08/07/2014 07:23 AM, huktaunluv said:
It's hard getting over the loss of a loved one and lash out to those you love the most, Luke's mom did it with him and now Luke with Erin. It's going to be a long and hard road for Luke to travel when he feels guilty for what happened with Greg. It's makes it harder to do when you lose the support system you thought you had in friends. Hopefully, Luke will find his way!
those lovely 5 second moments where your mouth by passes your brain and fucks up your universe. he's got fewer people to rely on now, so ,yeah, it's gonna get tough for him.
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On 08/07/2014 09:03 AM, Irritable1 said:
Excellent chapter! Really tight and believable... Though Erin was totally goading Luke at the end... But even that is believable given all the stress.
thanks very much.

and yeah, tension and stress make people say stupid things.

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On 08/07/2014 08:47 AM, Headstall said:
That was a very tense chapter...life is never simple and feeling hurt and lashing out is all part of it. I am heartbroken for Luke and for Erin...we often hurt the ones we love when we hurt ourselves... and Luke isn't just hurt because he lost his brother...he has now lost a best friend in the the most hurtful way possible.I am pissed at Luke for hurting Erie but I get where he is coming from and why he is screwed up right now. Underneath all the drama was the sweetness of Luke not minding his friends thought he did something wrong rather than it be Erie who did something.That is the kind of thing that shows his very real love for Erie. I fear a downward spiral is coming and I do not at all look forward to it. I have to count on my trust in Sasha...you still rock even when you cause me pain...cheers...Gary
thank gary.

Just remember, i am a sucker of a happy ending.

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On 08/07/2014 09:40 AM, dughlas said:
Luke has been relatively fortunate in life to this point. He's good looking, smart, athletically gifted and popular. His friends seemed okay with him being an out gay teenager. His biggest problem was his relationship with Jeremy. Now he has to deal with losing Greg and unexpected hostility to his relationship with Erin. It's not surprising that he's angry. How he deals with it is the ongoing question.

We don't really know what types of harassment Erin and Jameson dealt with at their old school only that it was bad. The fact Erin is frightened by Luke's responding to Jim with violence suggests the possibility of some level of physical abuse. It's unfair to judge Erin for his response without a better understanding of his experience.

Of course it was stupid of Luke to say spending Thanksgiving with Erin wasn't worth losing Greg but grieving people say things they don't really mean.

Nicely written chapter, the emotions and responses are real. I expect you to take us on a bit of a roller coaster ride as the guys sort their way through all that is going on. You've given them some exceptional friends who are likely to push and prod them along if necessary. I trust you to eventually make things right for them.

perfectly summarized. We should come to you for the cliff notes version of all my stories.

Your trust is not misplaced, I promise. and you're right, they've still got some good friends to force them to do the right thing

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On 08/07/2014 11:17 AM, mickey1952 said:
Well, aside from Luke losing Greg, things were going just a tad too well for everyone. So I guess we should have figured on something coming from out in left field. But strangely, I really didn't see all this coming. So it'll be really interesting to see where things go from here. How do Luke and Erie fix their relationship hiccup, and what's going to happen with a lifelong friendship now headed for the rocks?
things headed for rocks that size usually crash sink, and end up as salvage for deep sea divers, right?
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On 08/07/2014 01:55 PM, Bucket1 said:
Wow that was an intense chapter. Poor Luke's world is falling apart - his brother, the team, the coach, long time friend Jim betraying him and now Erin.

Luke's guilt over his brother had to resurface at this moment of weakness. He seems to have taken on a lot of guilt over both Greg and Erin. I don't think Erin was right, Luke blames himself and only himself for Greg's death. But Erin's response to all this seems to support earlier hints that there are some dark moments in his past.

guilt and weakness, never a fun combination.

I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. I feel bad for what I did to Luke

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On 08/07/2014 02:40 PM, Cannd said:
I agree with the others that the emotions swirled around me as I read...you did a great job of making the reader feel the emotions the characters felt, especially Luke. I agree that up until now, Luke has been lucky and had a good time of it and losing his brother and possibly his boyfriend, as well as a long time friend is going to be rough. I don't like how Erie acted. Implying that Luke would be capable of hitting him b/c he hit Jim was unfair and a big jump. Luke was also unfair in his comments about his brother's death. He can't 'shoulda, woulda, coulda' and though it is easy to do in this situation it's not fair to anyone. Yes, it seems like such an easy way to prevent such a tragedy...if he hadn't gone out on Thanksgiving, his brother would be alive. That is something that is going to run through his brain b/c humans like to think we have more control over events in our lives than we do. It's going to take time and love to help him out of his pain.

I think Erie did wrong by adding to it rather than understanding that his boyfriend is dealing with a lot and let it come out wrong. I hope they patch it up. I just feel bad for luke b/c jame will be at his door or at school tomorrow and be all over him! That skinny little cheerleader is scary when riled lol. I have to wonder if Erie has regrets about how he dealt with the bullies at his old school. Jame said he had to go along with it ...did he act like them so as to stay in the jocks' circle? That would be disappointing to hear, esp since one of the people bullied was his brother. I'm surprised he may have dealt with it that way.

Jim is a douche and I can't believe his coach acted like he did. Moreso, why didn't teammates come to Luke's defense? I think Jim goaded him to get him to hit him so that it would be something they could get him in trouble for. Him hurting a teammate may be a way to get him off the team if his sexuality isn't. That was very amusing when he ended up shirtless again outside of the locker rooms. Sounds like a yummy sight for the girls.

Luke is always ending up shirtless... poor kid.

You are correct in all your analysis of things which people shouldn't have said. Unfortunately, when you're a teenager, often you say those things - and it all goes wrong from there.

They've both got a lot of work to do.

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Very intense chapter.

Jim was being stupid and other team members let him. That was sad. Luke lost one of his oldest friends and now he´s out of the team. Very irritating of the coach talking about "his boys". Shouldn´t Luke be one of his boys? Hopefully Jim starts to think about things again and perhaps realise that he wants Luke to be his friends after all.

Erin and Luke *sighs* It was expected that at some point Luke would react badly to Greg´s death. More talking and less running away and they hopefully will be able to be make up.

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On 08/07/2014 04:25 PM, Suvitar said:
Very intense chapter.

Jim was being stupid and other team members let him. That was sad. Luke lost one of his oldest friends and now he´s out of the team. Very irritating of the coach talking about "his boys". Shouldn´t Luke be one of his boys? Hopefully Jim starts to think about things again and perhaps realise that he wants Luke to be his friends after all.

Erin and Luke *sighs* It was expected that at some point Luke would react badly to Greg´s death. More talking and less running away and they hopefully will be able to be make up.

they are teenagers, messy shouting matches and someone leaving in tears are somewhat inevitable (gods know there was a moment way back when my husband and I could have walked away from each other), but we can all hope they will stay to work through it.
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Like all your other readers said, this was an intense chapter.


Even though I abhor violence, I really believe Jim deserved that punch. What an asshole. Luke has been part of the team, taking showers with them, etc., etc., for how many years? And suddenly b/c he's gay (which he always was), Jim thinks he's going to what, attack the boys on the team or something?


Hmm, maybe Jim is just repeating what his ignorant parents are saying. If they're the ones who complained then maybe Jim is just repeating what he's hearing at home. Although he should know better and stick up for one of his best friends. How he can even listen to his parents spew that shit is beyond me. He's willing to end a lifelong friendship b/c of what his idiotic parents think? Just a thought.


I'm very disappointed in Matt and the rest of the team. They should have intervened and told Jim to stfu already. And Coach is no better. "...my boys", as another reader pointed out, isn't Luke one his 'his boys' too?


When Erin told Luke he had to 'get over it' I didn't take it to mean get over Greg's death. I don't think Erin would say something as callous as that. I think he meant that he's going to have to get over feeling guilty and thinking he's the cause of his brother's death. Of course Luke wasn't thinking when he said 'it wasn't worth it'. He was thinking that losing his brother wasn't worth sacrificing being with him on Thanksgiving, not Erin wasn't worth it. IMO


Excellent chapter, Sasha. Emotions are running rampant. I can't wait to see what happens next.


Oh, it just dawned on me when I wrote 'Thanksgiving' which is an American holiday, that one of the sentences in the chapter had 'come round ours' or something like that which would be translated to 'come over to our house'. I know the 'round' as opposed to 'around' and 'ours' as opposed to 'our house' or 'our whatever' are used in the UK, but since this takes place in the states, it should have been 'come over to our house'. Not to be picky or anything. :P I'm not. I'm just sayin'...


I still love you, Sasha! :glomp:

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On 08/14/2014 04:41 AM, Lisa said:
Like all your other readers said, this was an intense chapter.


Even though I abhor violence, I really believe Jim deserved that punch. What an asshole. Luke has been part of the team, taking showers with them, etc., etc., for how many years? And suddenly b/c he's gay (which he always was), Jim thinks he's going to what, attack the boys on the team or something?


Hmm, maybe Jim is just repeating what his ignorant parents are saying. If they're the ones who complained then maybe Jim is just repeating what he's hearing at home. Although he should know better and stick up for one of his best friends. How he can even listen to his parents spew that shit is beyond me. He's willing to end a lifelong friendship b/c of what his idiotic parents think? Just a thought.


I'm very disappointed in Matt and the rest of the team. They should have intervened and told Jim to stfu already. And Coach is no better. "...my boys", as another reader pointed out, isn't Luke one his 'his boys' too?


When Erin told Luke he had to 'get over it' I didn't take it to mean get over Greg's death. I don't think Erin would say something as callous as that. I think he meant that he's going to have to get over feeling guilty and thinking he's the cause of his brother's death. Of course Luke wasn't thinking when he said 'it wasn't worth it'. He was thinking that losing his brother wasn't worth sacrificing being with him on Thanksgiving, not Erin wasn't worth it. IMO


Excellent chapter, Sasha. Emotions are running rampant. I can't wait to see what happens next.


Oh, it just dawned on me when I wrote 'Thanksgiving' which is an American holiday, that one of the sentences in the chapter had 'come round ours' or something like that which would be translated to 'come over to our house'. I know the 'round' as opposed to 'around' and 'ours' as opposed to 'our house' or 'our whatever' are used in the UK, but since this takes place in the states, it should have been 'come over to our house'. Not to be picky or anything. :P I'm not. I'm just sayin'...


I still love you, Sasha! :glomp:

the the winner of the worlds longest review goes to...!


I agree with you about what Erin meant re the "get over it" thing. Luke was just not thinking in a particularly clear manner right then is all.

as for the missing americanism - we tried to catch them all, but some of them got out. writing first person present tense american has more than a few challenges. we do our best, and ma makes my best a whole lot better.


emotions running high is a pretty good place to be at this stage i think

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So Luke's been on one hell of an emotional roller coaster, and Erin reacts by pointing the finger and questioning his safety?

I thought that was a bit irrational and uncalled for.

The fact he has controlled his temper through so much this far and dealt with it is impressive in itself, so yeah, as a reader I am a bit miffed at Erin right now.

The flip side of that coin is the vivid reality that it brings to the story. We forget how affected people are by violence, especially when it comes knocking right on their doorstep.

We just assume everyone will understand, and because we identify in one way, when someone else has another reaction it falls at odds with us. Hello, this is real life. Not everyone is going to respond in the way you think they should, or expect of them. I love it. Once again I am forced to stop and think now hang on Yettie, this is written to be real, and the mere fact I feel incensed means the author has roped me into this story so much, I am compelled to get hit up about events in the story.

Superb writing mate.

I just irritated Luke didn't break that idiots nose! :fight:

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On 08/31/2014 05:30 AM, Yettie One said:
So Luke's been on one hell of an emotional roller coaster, and Erin reacts by pointing the finger and questioning his safety?

I thought that was a bit irrational and uncalled for.

The fact he has controlled his temper through so much this far and dealt with it is impressive in itself, so yeah, as a reader I am a bit miffed at Erin right now.

The flip side of that coin is the vivid reality that it brings to the story. We forget how affected people are by violence, especially when it comes knocking right on their doorstep.

We just assume everyone will understand, and because we identify in one way, when someone else has another reaction it falls at odds with us. Hello, this is real life. Not everyone is going to respond in the way you think they should, or expect of them. I love it. Once again I am forced to stop and think now hang on Yettie, this is written to be real, and the mere fact I feel incensed means the author has roped me into this story so much, I am compelled to get hit up about events in the story.

Superb writing mate.

I just irritated Luke didn't break that idiots nose! :fight:

thank you!

I think violence is one of those key things that people disagree on when they might agree on all else.

No one has ever called me "superb" before

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Jim what a 180 degree and crazy thing when you think you know your friends..and really Erin? The guy punches a guy and suddenly is gonna hit you or anyone else? Lol

He has every right to be angry and he has been very rational till know everyone has a breaking point.

What a bunch of nice supportive team mate( sarcasm)

Great job

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On 04/14/2015 05:47 AM, sarapf said:
Jim what a 180 degree and crazy thing when you think you know your friends..and really Erin? The guy punches a guy and suddenly is gonna hit you or anyone else? Lol

He has every right to be angry and he has been very rational till know everyone has a breaking point.

What a bunch of nice supportive team mate( sarcasm)

Great job

thanks very much.

People have odd reactions to violence, death, and heartbreak.

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