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    Timothy M.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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2017 - Spring - Unintended Consequences & Jagged Edges Entry

Angel and Imp: Thrice is Enemy Action - 1. The best you can do

I advise reading Aditus’ Cupid Central first, to avoid the huge spoiler in this story, and because it’s a great tale, too. ;) 

”You have got to be kidding me!” The words left Theliel’s mouth before he could stop himself. Ayil scowled and the stern look on his face made Theliel wince. No one in Cupid Central wanted to piss the boss off, because of his nasty habit of doling out the most unpleasant punishments if the angels did anything wrong.

”I never joke about an assignment, as you well know.” Ayil narrowed his eyes as he tapped the pad on the counter in front of him. But Theliel’s eyes were drawn to the two silver arrows lying on a piece of soft blue silk. They were next to the quiver with his usual red arrows. Silver arrows made angels fall in love, and the chances of escaping their fate were almost nil. The last time he had seen those was when his partner Sablo had been hit by one, immediately followed by Theliel himself.

”Yes, I’m sorry, Ayil. You took me by surprise, that’s all.”

“Wouldn’t be the first time, eh?” A small satisfied smirk hovered around the angel’s lips, but Theliel managed not to roll his eyes. The boss had looked just like that right after he’d shot Sablo and Theliel three months ago. The smirks and jokes from the CC employees frequenting the bar across the road from Cupid Central were finally beginning to lessen. Only Rahmiel still got a kick out of saying ‘Hello silver boy’ every time they met. Whatever, he was probably envious.

Theliel had fumed incoherently at his boss at the time, trying to deny the feelings of attraction and love for the blond guardian angel. Sablo had been even more outraged and he might have tried to strangle Ayil with his very own hands if one of his superiors from Guardian Central hadn’t appeared and read Sablo the riot act. Just as well, the blond guardian’s hysterical reaction had really started to piss Theliel off in an irrational way. After being told to ‘suck it up and deal with it, buddy,’ Sablo grabbed his hand and they escaped in a hurry. Ayil had yelled ‘You have the week off, but be on time next Monday’ before Theliel’s partner willed them both away.

“Theliel, tell me honestly, weren’t the Powers That Be right about you and Sablo? You seem happy and you’re doing well in your duties.”

“The P...Powers?” What did Ayil mean? The confusion overshadowed the pleasure he felt at the compliment on his work. The boss sure didn’t hand out many of those.

“You don’t think Cupid Central gets to make a decision like that, do you? Oh, we can observe and recommend, but silver arrows need confirmation from higher up. Especially on a cross-department pairing. We have to follow proper protocol.”

“Oh. So this assignment you’re giving me also comes from them?” Theliel didn’t know whether to be flattered or worried at the news about the Powers having taken an interest in Sablo and him.

“Yes it does, and I want my sneakiest angel on the job. You can’t do this the way you deal with humans, because these two will be able to spot you. They must not suspect what’s going on, or the whole situation may fall apart.”

Ayil handed over the pad, and Theliel skimmed the information and the unusual restrictions and warnings.

“So how do I get close enough to observe them, never mind hitting them with arrows? They’ll notice that for sure.”

“Not if you hit them while they’re asleep.”

“But if I do that, how can I be certain they’ll see…. Wait a minute, are you saying they’re sleeping together?”

“I have no idea. You’ll have to observe and improvise if you get an opportunity. Oh, and you cannot mention or discuss this assignment with anyone. Not even Sablo.”

“But I’ll need to tell him why I’m gone.”

“Simply tell him you’re on a special mission. He’ll be busy himself soon.”

“What do you mean?”

“He has a temporary guardian assignment due.” It was clear his boss wasn’t going to elaborate, so Theliel pocketed the pad, wrapped the silver arrows and placed them in his quiver next to the red arrows, and departed.


A bit of research gave Theliel the perfect idea for how to get close to his targets from the A.I. department. This institution differed from CC and GC in their recruits. Not only did they use the heavenly-created genderless angels, but they also employed imps from Hell. Their targets were the rare cases of predestined soul mates. Cupid Central angels tended to dismiss the work of the A.I. teams as ‘too easy.’ Where was the challenge when these couples were ‘meant for each other’ beforehand? You didn’t have to observe and test or make a decision; you didn’t even have to hit them with arrows.

Theliel had held this view until he managed to get hold of a description of one of the early missions by the A.I. team. Apparently, the targeted couple had resisted the pull of destiny and defeated at least two previous teams. Perhaps this was due to the fact the two men lived in a time and place where same-sex couples were not generally accepted. Still, Theliel thought the constellation of Knight and Squire should have been perfect for them to pursue a relationship. There was no detailed explanation of how Angel Blaasom’himmeloghav and Imp Jegskakommefterdig had managed to solve the problem, but the list of their subsequent missions seemed to indicate they specialized in gay men and achieved impressive results via good team work.

He would have liked to ask Sablo if he knew of cases where soul-mated humans had been assigned guardian angels, and what his opinion about A.I. teams was. But he didn’t dare to disobey Ayil, and Sablo was in a grumpy mood because he’d once more been given a short-term assignment rather than a more permanent guardian job. In addition, Sablo had to take a crash course in Danish since his mission involved a seven-year-old Dane with a heart condition. Of course, the language would ‘miraculously’ appear in his mind overnight, but the price was a massive headache. Furthermore, the guardian would still have to assimilate words and grammar by spending time observing people who spoke it, either in real life or via a screen showing local television or movies.

Sighing, Theliel once more reviewed the current mission of the A.I. team. Patrick Kern owned a shop in London where he made special cards. He had an unusual ability to connect with his customers’ feelings and intentions, which he then managed to convey into beautiful and artistic cards. Of course, Valentine’s Day cards were a huge part of his business, and this was the opening Theliel had sized upon. He would go back in time and establish himself in the shop to observe the people who ordered such cards. Naturally, they would be in love and had probably already been hit by purple or red cupid arrows together with the intended recipients of the cards. But if not, Theliel could make sure it happened, provided the people were suited for each other.

The important part would be to appear as a fixture in the shop so he could observe the angel and the imp together. He was willing to bet they had no idea of how cupids worked. Perhaps he should ask Ayil for permission to shoot Patrick and his soul mate with red arrows, although it was probably completely unnecessary. But it would give him the excuse to stay in the vicinity of the cardmaker, even when he was not in the shop. If asked he could tell the A.I. team cupids often did such after-arrows surveillance, and it wouldn’t be a lie, which they could probably detect.

Making up his mind, Theliel went looking for Sablo. “Hey sunshine, I need to go over to CC for a short time. You wanna meet me in the pub later?”

“You think we can get a quiet drink without any stupid jokes?”

“Hopefully, they’ll stop if we keep ignoring them.”

“Or maybe I should simply punch the next silly cupid who starts sniggering about unexpected consequences and silver linings.”

“I have to admit I’ve felt like zapping a few of them myself.”

Sablo winced. “I still can’t believe you zapped my balls in order to get to Kyle.”

“Aww babe, I’ve made it up to you since then, haven’t I?”

“Hmm, I think you may owe me a few more blowjobs; especially with CC sending you off for an unspecified amount of time. My balls may be blue by the time you get back.”

“I’m sure we can think of something even better to prevent that when we get home from the bar.”

“I like it when smart words come from your mouth, Cupid. OK, I’ll meet you there two hours from now.”

A few hot kisses later, Theliel was on his way to CC. It wasn’t easy to ride his bike with a hard-on, but thinking of how to approach his boss soon solved the problem.

Much to his surprise, Ayil approved of the idea to hit the soul mates with red arrows and follow them around. He also gave his nod to going back to the time Patrick opened his shop. “I’ll get extended time travel sanctioned. That means you can do small local jumps as well without violating proper protocol. It will cut down on your time away from home.”

“Thanks, boss, I sure appreciate it.”

Ayil shrugged. “Anything to prevent your grouchy blond guardian from yelling at me when he misses you.”

Theliel’s mouth dropped open in surprise. “Sablo wouldn’t do that.”

“Oh, yeah? Why do you think I was so pleased when you solved the case in Australia faster than expected?”

Theliel quickly made his escape. He’d gotten what he came for after all.


It was actually fun to hang around Patrick and follow some of the people he made Valentine’s cards for in the first three years after he opened his shop. Theliel even got to hit a few couples with red arrows. On the third time around, he shared the cardmaker’s secret amusement over the two men who ordered cards for each other, and he was interested to see Patrick’s look of envy and longing on his face after both visits. On Valentine’s Day he decided he had seen enough; it was time to get on with his assignment. But first, he would go home to the guy who made him feel loved.

Sablo was so pleased to see Theliel, he didn’t ask any questions. The blond guardian dragged his lover into the bedroom and proceeded to show him how much he had missed him. When they collapsed next to each other on the bed, panting for air, Theliel sent a silent ‘thank you’ to the Powers for giving him Sablo.

“Fuck, I needed that, Theo.”

“Me too, sunshine. It’s hard to be apart, but I have to say I enjoy the welcome-home sex. Even if my ass will be sore for a few days.”

“You’ll have time to get over it. Your job’s not done yet, right?”

“No, it may take a while, but I’ll be able to take breaks and come home.”

“We’ll just have to hope I’m here at the same time.”

“Do you know how long you’ll have guardian duty?”

“I’m guessing it will last till the boy is out of danger or…” Sablo didn’t finish the sentence, but Theliel knew what he meant. No guardian angel wanted to see their charge die before time, but that danger was one of the reasons humans were given guardians.

“With you at his side he should be fine. You’re one of the best, Sablo. I’m proud to be your cupid.”


“Oh yes, and I bet all the teasing from my colleagues is due to them being envious. Who wouldn’t want a sexy, protective, handsome, loyal guardian like you?”

“Well, you’re the only cupid for me. The rest can go fuck themselves.”

“Absolutely right! Nobody else gets to tap that fine ass. It’s all mine.”

“It sure is. You wanna claim what’s yours?” Sablo’s voice went all husky with desire.

“You bet I do, babe! Turn over and let me see those iron buns you normally hide with leather.”

The guardian smirked, but did as he was told. “I think you’re the one with a leather fetish. You’re always groping my ass when I wear my black leather pants.”

“You like it when I fondle your sexy butt.” And Theliel went on with proving how much they both enjoyed prolonged ass play. At least he wouldn’t be the only angel to feel sore while on duty.


Theliel was lounging on a couch in Patrick’s shop, waiting for the man to arrive, when he felt the tingle of an otherworldly presence. He suddenly realized a muted version of the tingle had occasionally been present the previous years, but he hadn’t noticed. Or, maybe he hadn’t been tuned in until he was officially on duty for the A.I. team. They must have been shadowing the cardmaker’s mind for much longer than he thought.

Apparently, the entities had decided to confront Theliel, or at least the blue angel had, since that was who appeared in front of him. Silver eyes glared as the angel spoke. “What are you doing here, Cupid? We don’t need you to mess things up.”

“What things would I mess up? Who are you anyway?” He pretended to squint at the angel in confusion. “Are you an A.I. angel? Where’s your teammate?”

As if Theliel’s question had conjured him up, the imp popped in next to the angel.

“What’s ya doin’, Angie? Ya should be pleased to see this pretty lover boy.” The red-skinned imp leered at Theliel, who simply raised a bored eyebrow back at the cheeky bugger.

Inside he was feeling excited though. This was the first time he had seen the two entities together. Their auras were not similar at all, yet somehow they seemed to mesh at the edges. The angel had a blue corona tinged with silver and the imp had a red mist with small black sparks. Where their auras overlapped the air became purple, and the color deepened. But the most amazing aspect was the way the black dots got infused with silver and the sparkling intensified.

“Don’t call me that,” the angel snarled at the imp, who rolled his eyes and smirked. “We don’t need a cupid here, especially not one with red arrows.”

Theliel blessed Ayil for providing a special wrap for the two silver arrows, which were hidden among the normal red arrows in his quiver. Inside the blue silk not even he could sense those arrows.

“I was here first, you know. And I’m not interested in your quarry.” Both statements were perfectly true, and he could see the imp sampling the air with his forked tongue before he nodded.

“He ain’t tellin’ no lies,” the red-skinned devil spawn said with a flick of his tail towards Theliel. He raked his talons through the flame-colored hair, which almost hid the small black horns.

“Yes, I can see that, thank you,” the angel said with a sniff of disdain.

“I don’t mind using my arrows on them, if you want. Red arrows are for true love,” Theliel told them.

“Whatever,” the imp said. “I don’t giva fuck.”

“Patrick is destined for a special love. We are waiting to see who the Powers have chosen for him.”

Just then the shop door was unlocked, and the three of them went invisible as Patrick entered. The two entities popped out, and moments later Theliel saw their auras hover around the cardmaker’s head. The human didn’t seem to notice them in his mind, but went around preparing his shop for opening. After working on two cards for a couple of hours, during which Theliel took a short nap, Patrick got out a book which he hadn’t looked at since the previous time Theliel was around. The cupid got up and stood behind Patrick to look over his shoulder, and he smiled when he saw the picture of two familiar guys in a typical wedding photo set-up next to photos of the two cards they had bought.

The longing look was back on Patrick’s face, and Theliel wished the man’s destined lover would show up soon. Suddenly there was a blue flare over Patrick’s head and the cupid felt the entities leave, first the angel and then the imp. He realized he could see the path they had taken and on a whim decided to follow. However, he would have to move slowly and carefully if he didn’t want to be detected. The angel had seemed upset about something, and Theliel didn’t want to stumble into the A.I. argument he felt brewing.


When Theliel finally sneaked into the place of the A.I. team, he was careful to remain invisible and with his mental guards up. Luckily, the imp was asleep on a pile of black pillows in the middle of the floor. But where was the angel? Suddenly the silver-haired creature popped into the room and moved over to stand next to the sleeping imp. Theliel kept very still as the silver eyes looked around, but the angel didn’t seem to notice him. Soon those eyes were locked on the snoring hellion, and once more the closest parts of the two auras mixed perfectly. There was no doubt those two were attracted to and well-suited for each other, as strange as it might seem.

Conjuring up a fluffy white comforter, the angel settled down next to his – or was that her? – partner. The red tail twitched and moved, ending with the diamond-shaped tip on the closest blue arm. The angel reached out to stroke the red appendage carefully, making the redhead purr in his sleep. Theliel almost chuckled when he saw the angel kiss the tail tip before tucking it between silver hair and smooth blue cheek. Soon both entities were asleep and Theliel slowly and carefully got his bow and the silver arrows ready.

While he took the correct stance, a small silver tendril wound its way from the area above the angel’s heart towards the softly snoring imp. At the same time, a small red mist drifted out from the imp’s groin region, gradually forming a translucent cord which crossed the distance between the two creatures. The two potential connections hovered just out of reach.

Taking in a deep breath, then letting it slowly out again, Theliel nocked the first arrow and fired. Before the silver missile hit its target, he was ready again. He raised the bow a second time in a fluid motion. Relaxing his fingers, another shaft left for the imp. The moment the arrow hit, only a few heartbeats after the first, the two tendrils bridged the gap. The effect was immediate; Theliel could see both auras turn purple with silver tinged black sparkles. To his surprise, neither of them woke up and the silver arrows gradually dissolved, leaving no trace.

Moving as silently as possible, he filled a test tube from his kit with the purple mist of the joined aura. He would take this back to Ayil and give his report. His boss might be annoyed Theliel hadn’t stayed to wait for them to wake up. But if those two weren’t happy with the result, he didn’t want to be there as a target for their wrath. They could take it up with the Powers That Be, and good luck on that.

If Ayil insisted, Theliel could offer to visit Patrick on Valentine’s Day, two days from now. Surely the A.I. team would have worked matters out by then. If not, perhaps Theliel could use red arrows on Patrick and his lover to make up for the absence of the A.I. team.


Imp was having the most amazing dream. He was teasing the stupid cupid who had turned up at Patrick’s shop. The guy got so annoyed he tried to shoot Imp with his red arrows, but of course they were easy to dodge. Imp was laughing and taunting the boy and having the time of his life. But suddenly the cupid grabbed a silver arrow from his quiver, and somehow Imp couldn’t avoid being hit. To his surprise it didn’t hurt at all, and as he looked down on the silver arrow embedded in his chest all he could think was ‘It’s the same color as Angie’s eyes.’

The arrow dissolved and a warm feeling spread to all of Imp’s body, in particular his crotch. He could feel himself slowly waking up, and as he surfaced to consciousness two things happened. Angel’s voice gasped ‘What…what,’ and he realized his aching cock was about to explode. His eyes flew open and he jumped up to a sitting position. Kneeling next to him on a fluffy duvet, the heavenly being was trying to peer past the neckline of the white dress, and one hand was fluttering in front of Angel's groin area.

Imp quickly gave his cock and balls a hard squeeze to maintain control. When he was sure he wouldn’t have an accident and spray impish seed all over his A.I. teammate, he took a deep breath. This was a mistake because there was the most delicious scent in the air, and his cock went right back to imminent eruption status. Only by smacking his nose and mouth with his tail and biting hard on the end, did Imp prevent the orgasm which threatened to consume him. “What the fuck is happening?”

“That is what I want to know!” Angel’s wail made Imp realize he’d spoken out loud. His eyes almost popped out of his head when the angel took hold of the bottom of the white dress and yanked it half way up his chest. It was definitely a male chest, because the motion exposed smooth blue thighs, a proper six-pack, and in between, the prettiest cock and nicest balls Imp had ever seen. Four soft promising inches hung neatly in front of blue balls surrounded by a short fuzz of silver hair. Imp felt drool collect in his mouth and he knew he was lost the moment Angel thrust his groin forward, yelling: “Look! I never had this before.”

A stronger wave of overpowering scent hit his nostrils and Imp threw himself face-down on his pillows, whimpering and writhing as he unloaded huge quantities of spunk. Hell and damnation, this was the most embarrassing thing he’d ever done. Actually, he was rarely ashamed of anything, and certainly not something to do with sex. But in front of his A.I. teammate? Oh, well at least his black fluids wouldn’t be too visible afterwards. But what would Angel think about his uncontrollable reaction to seeing him almost naked. And why the fuck did Angie suddenly have a cock?

“Imp?” A soft blue hand stroked his hair and the hellion’s whimpers turned into a purr. “Imp, are you OK? I did not mean to shock you. But I don’t know what is happening. I’m scared. Why do I suddenly have…have gen…genitals? Am I fallen? But why do I still have my wings, then?”

Imp turned his head and squinted at Angel. Sure enough, silver wings hovered over his head and shoulders. To his relief the white dress once more hid the succulent surprise, which he wanted to suck more than anything. Was Angel’s spunk silver? Would it taste sweet? What would he sound like when he came? Imp’s cock pulsed and regained the hardness lost after the gut-wrenching orgasm. Fuck, he’d better stop that kind of thinking immediately.

“Sorry, Angie, I didn’t mean to frighten ya.” Imp expected the usual protest over the nickname, but when the angel simply stared at him with wide, tear-filled silver orbs, he knew his teammate was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. “Uhm, can ya turn yer back for five seconds while I get meself sorted out?”

Angel gave him a bewildered look but did as asked. Sitting back up, Imp quickly conjured his soiled loincloth away and had a new one in place before he buried the wet pillows at the bottom of the pile. Wiping his hands nervously on his thighs, he cleared his throat. “OK, I’m ready. Sit yerself down and let’s get this mess sorted.”

He scooted closer to the cloud-like comforter as Angel almost collapsed and hid his face in shaking hands. Daringly, Imp reached out and patted a dress-covered knee. “Let’s take it from the top, partner. Why were you in here next to me?”

“I wanted to apologize for yelling at you. But you were sleeping and I thought…” Angel peeked at him through trembling fingers. Imp waved his tail encouragingly. Blue hands dropped down to fiddle with a corner of the nearest black pillow, and Angel licked dry lips before continuing. “I was tired and seemed like a good idea to take a nap. But then I had this weird dream and when I woke up, I felt different.”

“Different how? In yer mind or your…uhm…body?”

“There was this…this tension between my legs. I felt…” Angel took a deep breath. “I felt this need to touch, to press my hand there, but when I did….” He gulped.

“When ya did, ya found some new body parts, eh?”

“Yes,” was the whispered answer and Angel looked scared again. Probably why he’d gone soft down there, which was a shame. Imp would love to see…aaargh, don’t go there, he scolded himself.

“And those body parts, very nice ones by the way, mean ya’re male now,” Imp said, determined to get that out in the open.

“Yes, I know, but why?”

Imp wanted to tell Angel he was delighted his partner was male. He wanted to rip the ugly dress off and lick every inch of the blue body and in particular those new parts. He had the feeling Angel would match him inch for inch, and he wanted to find out what was hidden between the buttocks he yearned to lay his hands on. He itched to explore with lips and tongue and fingers, and he most definitely wished to discover Angel’s special spot, pummel it with his hard cock until the cute blue boy screamed in ecstasy.

“Imp, why…why are you staring at me like that?”

“Huh, what? Oh, right, I was just thinkin’ ‘bout yer question. I have no idea why ya’re gone male. But ya sure look handsome. Absolutely delicious.”

“I do? You mean…never mind. Angels like me are not supposed to be male or female. Not unless we have…fallen.” A small sob came right after the last word and two tears ran down blue cheeks.

“Awww, Angie, don’t cry,” Imp groused. ”You’re not fallen, ’cause yer wings are still there, right?”

”Don’t call me that!”

Imp hid a grin behind the tip of his tail. Angel must be feeling better if he objected to his nickname.

”I know I still have my wings, but what if that is only temporary? Until I do something which makes me truly fallen?”

“And what might that be, me darlin’? A spot of hot love, mayhap?” Imp leered, but suddenly clapped his hand over his mouth.

A long moment of shocked silence hung between them. Angel was the first to lower his eyes and his soft kissable lips stretched into a tentative smile. A blue hand moved to cover the tip of Imp’s tail, which had somehow crept into Angel’s lap. When those nimble fingers caressed his appendage, Imp couldn’t prevent purring sounds from escaping. An unfamiliar yearning tugged at his heart, while a most familiar ache radiated from his balls. A vision of them embracing, kissing, touching, making love had him starting to sweat. A shudder ran up his spine, fucking hell, what was going on?

“Imp? You know that dream I had?”

“Mmhhmm, what about it?” Anything to distract him from the disgustingly mushy thoughts in his head and the weird tingling of his horns.

“That cupid was in it.”

“He was? Fuck, he was in my dream too.”

“I thought he might have been. Did he by any chance shoot you with a silver arrow?”

Imp groaned in reply. Oh, fuck no, he had a feeling he knew where this was heading.

“He shot me too. Right in the chest.” Angel’s free hand settled over his heart, but the other one kept stroking Imp’s tail. It felt wonderful, much better than it should.

“He tried to hit me with red arrows, but no luck.”

“Of course not. Red arrows are for humans,” the soft voice chuckled. Imp sat rigid and watched as Angel brought the tip of his tail up to his lips. Small kisses had him feeling faint as all his blood headed south.

“Silver arrows make angels fall in love. And maybe imps too?” The hopeful question was more than he could bear.

“I bet they do. Aarrghh, just my fuckin’ luck, havin’ a bloody cupid chasin’ me down. I won’t be able to show my face in Hell after this.”

“Well, I doubt I will be welcome in the heavenly realms either.”

“Why wouldn’t ya? You ain’t done nothin’ wrong. Male angels exist, right? I mean, that cupid was a guy, even if he had long hair.”

“Cupids are different,” Angel mumbled.

“How come ya know so much about them, anyhow?” The topic certainly hadn’t been included in Imp’s A.I. training.

“Oh, I heard two of my fellow blues discuss them a long time ago. Something about what the different colors of their arrows mean.”

“Are ya saying the bastard snuck in ‘ere and shot us while we slept? I should ‘ave kicked him in the balls.”

“See, I told you he was up to no good when we saw him in Patrick’s shop.”

“Yeah, yeah, you were right, Angie,” Imp groused, but he was secretly pleased to see the Angel act more like himself.

“Don’t call me that, Imp. Especially not now, since it is a girl’s name.”

“Are ya gonna tell the Management you’ve gone male?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, unless ya go around flashing people like ya did me, how would anyone know of yer new tackle?” Imp said, and a little voice in the back of his head added ‘ya better not; no one but me gets to see ya nekkid.’

“Are you suggesting I lie?” Angel seemed outraged, which he should have expected.

“Nah, just don’t go shouting it to the heavens.”

“But why would I want to hide it?”

“Why? Don’t you wanna stay a team? You think them Powers will let you be an A.I. member, if they find out? We’ve gotta mission to finish, ya stupid blue twit. Ya can’t abandon Patrick and what about….”

Before he could get any further, Angel threw himself forward and hugged Imp hard.

“Of course I won’t abandon you, darling. We belong together now, right? We are going to be the best A.I. team forever.” Angel kissed his cheek with a huge smack.

Imp thought he was going to spontaneously combust. His arms were full of cool angel flesh; his nose got tickled by soft silver hair, and his skin tingled where those sexy lips had touched it. He tried to say something but only managed a few inarticulate sounds.

It was only when the angel untangled himself and sat back that Imp was able to gain some control. But the rollercoaster of surprise kept going.

“Oh, but of course you are right, Imp. We need proper conduct at all times when we are involved in our missions. We cannot let our private relationship influence our professional lives.”

“Our private relationship?”

“I think they monitor us when we are on job, but not here – unless we contact the Management. I don’t know how the cupid managed to sneak in here, but I hope it was a special one-time exemption from the Powers.”

“The Powers?” Imp was feeling more bewildered and furious at every new statement. Had the Powers set this up? What did they intend? Imp was fed up with the Upper Deck interfering with his life. Plucking him away from his mates, forcing him into joining the A.I. team – even if it was fun to mess around with humans and Angie – sending them on fiendishly difficult missions, and to crown it all, sending a fucking cupid to shoot him. Imp was so pissed he wanted to spit and cuss or run away.

“But just in case, can you set up traps and hidden trip wires to warn us, if any entities tries to get in here again? From both sides, I mean.”

“Ya want me to make booby traps for any angel or devil who wanna invade our privacy?” Imp couldn’t believe what he was hearing, but he loved the idea. It was sneaky and had an amazing scope for mischief and getting back at anyone trying to mess with them.

“Yes, exactly. I don’t think we will get any more visits from the cupid now that the damage is done. But he might decide to check up on his targets.”

“I suspect he’ll hang around Patrick some more. He was usin’ him as decoy, the sneaky bastard.”

“Indeed, and that is why nothing can change outside this room. Let the cupid think he failed.”

“I like the way ya think, Angie.” Especially the implications of how things would change inside their place.

“Don’t call me that!”

“Like ya said: nothing’s changed,” Imp smirked and licked the tip of his tail.

“Imp! Don’t do that!”

“Why not?”

“Because…because I will get that feeling again.”

“What feeling?”

“The tense, weird tingle in my…in my….”

“In your new body parts?”

Angel nodded bashfully.

“Ya want me to do summat about it?” Imp offered even if it meant defying the prohibitions about touching his A.I. partner.

Imp wriggled his tail seductively at Angel, waiting impatiently for the answer. His own body was eager to accept this new challenge, but he knew what it would cost him.


Theliel was feeling a little down. Sure, Ayil had praised him for getting those silver arrows dispatched so promptly and the aura sample in the test tube confirmed the good match. But when he got home, there was no hunky guardian waiting. Only a terse message from Sablo saying his duty was hectic and he would make up for being away on Valentine’s Day. Theliel moped about for a bit but decided he might as well look in on Patrick bright and early. Thus he stood in front of Ayil’s counter to pick up his quiver before the green time bar showed even a sliver of red.

“How unusual seeing you with plenty of time to spare, Theliel. Did Sablo leave earlier than normal?”

“He wasn’t home at all,” Theliel couldn’t quite keep a hint of grumpiness from his voice.

“I see. Well, I reported the success of the silver arrows, and everyone agrees it would be proper for you to check up on matters. I also have authorization for you to use red arrows on the humans, even though this is not according to normal protocol.” Ayil frowned briefly at the data pad before putting it to one side. “I don’t think you need this or a test kit; after it should be obvious who Patrick’s Intended is.”

“I’m on it.” Theliel saluted smartly with two fingers touching his head, grabbed the quiver from the counter, and left the room. He ignored Ayil saying ‘Happy Valentine’s Day’ before the door closed. He managed a smile for Rahmiel, who was standing in the line of cupids now waiting for their assignments. Getting there early had been a clever move.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Theo, and luck to your bow, silver boy.”

“Thanks, same to you. The boss seems in a good mood today.”

A chorus of Hallelujahs and ‘Valentine be praised’ greeted his statement. Theliel waved at his colleagues and willed himself to Patrick’s shop.

The cardmaker opened early on the fourteenth of February, mainly so the last customers could collect their cards. Some cards were picked up by messengers who'd deliver them with flowers or chocolate, as arranged by the buyer. Shortly before midday, Theliel felt the tingle of the A.I. team. Patrick had gone outside to check the sign saying Happy Valentine's Day after adjusting it in the window. The sun was shining and he came back in to get a cup of tea and a chair, muttering to himself about enjoying the sun while it lasted.

Theliel followed him back outside and almost choked. A tall blond man and his young son were looking at the window and talking in low voices. Hovering behind the frail-looking boy was another broad-shouldered hunk wearing his signature tight, black t-shirt and black leather pants. The badass look was only slightly ruined by Sablo’s bare feet and the curly blond hair fluttering in the wind. Theliel wanted to kiss him so badly, but his partner wouldn’t appreciate being disturbed while on duty.

“Who the fuck is that?” Theliel recognized the imp’s voice from somewhere above him.

“A guardian angel. Must be for the boy.” The blue angel didn’t seem to mind another entity joining the game.

Interestingly, Sablo didn’t seem to hear them, and he was so focused on the boy, he didn’t notice Theliel at first. The cupid squinted up at the A.I. team to make sure their auras still meshed. They did, but nothing in their behavior indicated they were a couple or what gender the blue angel was, if any.

“Whatever. Is the connection there?”

“Yes, but it is weaker than normal. I don’t know why.”

Sablo suddenly looked up and took a step back as he laid eyes on Theliel. “What the fuck are you doing here, Theo?”

Theliel waved at the cardmaker and the other guy with the hand holding his bow and held a finger to his lips. The A.I. team was behind him and he hoped they didn’t notice the second gesture.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, sunshine. Your new charge is adorable.” The boy was pointing at the window and saying something to his father.

“Oy, Cupid!”

Theliel turned to look at the imp.

“Yeah, I’m talkin’ to you, stupid.” The imp drifted closer, while the angel crossed his or her arms and looked disapproving.

“How about getting yer job done, lover boy, instead of sendin’ fuck-me vibes at yer boyfriend?”

“You want me to shoot them with red arrows? No problem.” Theliel moved smoothly into the perfect stance. He rarely got the chance to show his skill in front of Sablo who had admitted he thought the cupid looked sexy as fuck when stroking his bow.

“Who are you talking to? Oy, what the fuck!” Sablo scowled as the imp made faces and rude noises at him. Clearly, he could see and hear the annoying hellion now.

Theliel decided not to waste another moment; the auras of the two men had already meshed as might be expected for destined lovers. The young boy pulled his father towards Patrick, but he still had good lines of shot. He got the blond guy straight in the shoulder when the two Danes stopped in front of the handsome brunet. Grabbing the second arrow Theliel adjusted his stance slightly and took another deep breath as the boy greeted Patrick with a soft ‘Hello.’ His father smiled down at him, and as the man lifted his eyes to the guy in front of him, the second red arrow hit the cardmaker in a perfect heart shot.

Surprisingly, Patrick looked as if he’d received a huge jolt, and Theliel noticed a silver thread connecting the two men. He vaguely heard the blue angel exclaim ‘Yes, it got stronger.’ Patrick stared at the man in front of him and seemed speechless. Did his empathy enable him to feel the attraction swelling between them? Perhaps not, but he sure looked love-struck. Theliel chuckled inwardly at his own wit.

The humans began talking about Valentine’s Day and Patrick invited the two Danes into his shop for tea and biscuits, such a British thing to do. Naturally, Sablo trooped along after the boy, and Theliel followed him. The A.I. team had popped out of sight but was probably inside Patrick’s mind. The reports had been vague about the details, but apparently that was how A.I.s worked. He shuddered; rather silver arrows than those two messing with his mind.


The rest of the weekend was rather frustrating for Theliel. He got to see a lot of Sablo, but not the way he wanted. Guardians were so serious and single-minded about their duty. But he did get a few kisses whenever the boy took a nap. He couldn’t get a good read on the A.I. team, not even the few times they appeared outside Patrick’s mind. The angel ignored him completely, and the imp taunted Theliel about tagging along for no good reason.

“Yer job’s done, flutterbutt, why are ya still here? Not that I mind seein’ yer lust after the blond, bare-footed hunk. Talk about horny, dude, I thought angels were all pure and holy and boring.” The way his tail flicked at the blue angel showed who the red-skinned devil was thinking about.

“It’s customary to check up on pairings done with red arrows, to make sure there’re no unintended consequences. My boss is adamant about following proper protocol,” the cupid told the imp haughtily. The cheeky bugger made puking faces at the words ‘proper protocol’ and Theliel had a hard time preventing a laugh bubbling up. Yeah, that was how he wanted to react when Ayil used his favorite words.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Me and Angie can handle it from here. Tootle along now; there’s a good boy.” It was clear good wasn’t meant as a compliment.

“Don’t call me that!” The angel’s protest was immediate, but the imp ignored it with a casual flick of his tail. Those two seemed more like adversaries than teammates, and if not for their perfectly meshed purple corona, Theliel would have sworn the silver arrows had failed. He wanted to take another sample, but that was impossible. Ayil would have to be content with a short report on how the air sparkled between the angel and the imp, and the fact they seemed to be intent on completing the mission.

By the end of Sunday afternoon, Theliel decided to head home when Patrick and the two Danes left the card shop. At least he could give a positive report on the results of the red arrows. Sablo was looking worse for wear, but he told Theliel he would come home at some point during Monday. Apparently, some other ‘protective spirit’ was scheduled to arrive, and Sablo would be able to take breaks. He would still have guardian angel duty at critical moments, but not the twenty-four-hour surveillance of the past three days.

“Hallelujah, babe. I’ll look forward to that.” They shared a quick kiss before Sablo hurried after the humans, and Theliel willed himself back to Cupid Central. He handed in his quiver, but Ayil wasn’t there, so his report could wait, thank the Powers. Riding his bike home took the last of his energy and he collapsed in bed after a quick shower. Hopefully, he would be woken up by a sexy blond hunk slipping into bed with him. As he drifted off to sleep, Theliel wondered if Patrick would get the same…and perhaps the imp, too?


(Warning: sexual content)

“I think you managed to get rid of the cupid.” Angel had decided his partner deserved some praise.

“Yup, I sure as hell did.” Imp gave a sensuous little wriggle as Angel traced his black horns with teasing fingers.

“I figured out why the initial connection was weak.”

“Ya did?”

“It was because Peter already had an important love in his life, his son Michael.”

“Makes sense, none of the other dudes we’ve helped had a kid.”

“Getting the cupid to shoot them helped.”

“I thought the bastard would bugger off after that.”

“You realize his statement about monitoring the result of his arrows was the truth?”

“Yup, but he probably meant us too. I could see him squintin’ at yer, tryin’ to work it out.”

“I think he gave up on us fairly soon, and once he knew the red arrows had worked, he left.”

“About fuckin’ time too. But maybe he liked to hang around his boyfriend,” Imp conceded. “It was bloody hilarious the way he was givin’ that guard angel horny looks.”

“I trust you know what you are speaking of. All I saw was the love they had for each other.”

“Huh, ya know what that means, Angie?” Imp gave a wicked little chuckle.

“Don’t call me that!” Angel punched his shoulder, but Imp ignored him.

“It means those two had some stupid cupid hunt them down and hit them with silver arrows,” he chortled.

Angel didn’t bother to reply, but the thought of other angels having boyfriends and still being employed by their management was reassuring. Although, the minor detail of the kind of entity his partner was, might make all the difference in the universe. On the other hand, if he and Imp were shot with silver arrows, everything that followed could be blamed on Cupid Central – or perhaps even the Powers? Angel decided not to worry about the future. Having Imp’s head in his lap was wonderfully distracting.

He was fascinated by the silky feeling of Imp’s flame-colored hair as he ran his fingers through the orange-red locks. The way Imp purred when his hair and horns were caressed was almost shameful and very seductive. Especially with the way Imp’s forked tongue played at the corner of his lips and came out to taste the air.

“Ya smell so fucking wicked, babe.”

“Uhm, thank you?” Angel thought it was meant to be a compliment.

“Are ya getting a little tense again?”

“No, I’m fine.”

“Ya just tell me, if ya want me to take care of it.” Imp leered up at him and the tented loincloth was impossible to ignore.

“It looks like you have a larger problem than me.” As the words left his mouth Angel cringed.

Imp immediately seized the opportunity. “It may be larger, but not by much. I know ya can handle everythin’ I’ve got.”

A shudder went through Angel at the thought of what the naughty devil hinted at. But it was no use pretending he didn’t desire Imp too. Not after what had happened the first time.


“Ya want me to do summat about it?” Imp had wriggled his tail seductively and Angel couldn’t get a word out. Imp’s black eyes slowly slid downwards, and Angel wanted to move his hands in front of the part of him which throbbed with excitement. But the expression on Imp’s face kept him spell-bound. It was so like the way the knight had looked at Squire Cei. With longing and need, and almost disbelief at being faced with the possibility of getting his heart’s desire fulfilled.

Of course, there was no need to ask what Imp wanted to do. Angel had watched the consummation of enough love matches to be well aware of what would happen if he said yes. But it was one thing to witness people making love as the evidence of an accomplished mission, and something quite different to contemplate the same thing happening to you. Even worse, Imp would be the one in control and Angel would have to trust him. After all, the devilish creature was the one with experience, and that rankled too. But worse, Imp could have sex without love, but he knew Angel would have to be in love to even consider this.

What if silver arrows only made angels fall in love? Imp wouldn’t hesitate to pretend in order to seduce Angel. Hell, he was probably obliged to achieve this as a denizen of Hell, even if it was his A.I. partner. In addition, Angel could imagine Imp being able to boast for eternity about getting to…to fuck an angel. He winced at the crude word, but he needed to face the potential hurt. Even if Imp genuinely wanted Angel right now, he might be disappointed or get bored with his partner. Especially, if he didn’t love him….

“Awww, fuck, don’t cry. I can’t stand it when ya pull that shit on me, Angie.”

“Don’t call…” Angel began but the protest died in a sob and then suddenly he was on his back and Imp was hovering above him.

“Fuck the rules, and fuck the Upper Deck, and forget about cupids ‘n’ arrows. I’ve wanted ya since we won the Viking mission, and if lovin’ ya is the price, then I’m gonna pay it for eternity.”

Angel had no time to react before Imp’s hot mouth was on his and the forked tongue slithered between numb lips to invade his body. Automatically, Angel’s hands moved up to bury themselves in Imp’s soft red hair, and they both moaned. With a flick of his mind Angel willed his clothing away and Imp must have done the same. A scorching hot bar of steel poked Angel’s stomach and slid against the unfamiliar tenseness of his groin.

It felt unbelievably good and for the first time Angel realized why the destined lovers glowed to his eyes as they enacted the physical side of their love. He could almost understand why humans – and imps – might want to do this without being in love. His body acted on its own, thrusting upwards to get more friction, and Imp growled. His lips and tongue left Angel’s mouth to wander across to his ear and down his throat, finding every sensitive spot Angel hadn’t know he possessed. Perhaps they hadn’t been there before?

“You’re so freakin’ sexy, babe. I love yer cool blue skin, yer soft lips and the way ya moan. I’m gonna make ya feel so bad…I mean good. Ah, Hell, ya know what I mean.”

Imp’s tail, hands and tongue were everywhere on Angel’s naked body. All he could do was whimper and clench one hand in the comforter and the other around one of Imp’s cute horns. When Imp’s mouth engulfed the throbbing part which had terrified Angel earlier, it was like his whole being was wrenched inside out. Sharp talons raked gently along his thighs as his legs were spread and something prodded him in a place he didn’t even know he had.

The combination was too much and Angel convulsed. Afterwards, he knew he had spilled his seed, and Imp had swallowed every last drop, but the orgasm blew his mind to pieces, left him drifting on a cloud of such pleasure and content not even seeing the glory of the heavens could compare. Somehow, he still registered what was happening, but he couldn’t say or do anything at first. However, he enjoyed every moment and knew he would relish their initial love-making for eternity.

Imp’s head moved down as he pushed Angel’s legs into the air. The assault of the sensitive spot resumed, but now the pressure felt wet as well as hot. The diamond-shaped tip of Imp’s tail wormed its way into Angel’s hand on the comforter, and he knew what had poked him as he experienced ecstasy. Having seen other men make love, he also realized what his partner was aiming for, and there was no denying Angel wanted it. The new and supremely virgin orifice willingly yielded to the forked tongue and Imp grunted with pleasure.

Hot fingers joined the tongue and added to the moisture which was preparing him for the next step. If he wasn’t already fallen, getting fucked would probably clinch the deal, but Angel didn’t care. When Imp moved up and held himself above his partner, staring into his eyes, Angel tried to convey his love and trust by the way he gazed back. Of course, if that didn’t get the message across, Imp had surely noticed the return of a pulsing, dripping hardness above the blue balls he had been fondling intermittently.

“I’m gonna fuck ya now, gonna show ya how it’s done. Afterwards, you’re gonna suck my cock, and then I’ll ride yer long blue pole to damnation and back. Do ya understand?”

Somehow, Angel managed to nod. It was all Imp needed and the hot pressure between Angel’s buttocks drove forward with an implacable thrust of his hips. Angel thought his eyes would pop out of his head as he was impaled by the thick, hot hardness which was Imp’s as yet unseen manhood. It hurt, but at the same time it felt wonderful. Imp didn’t let up, he drilled Angel mercilessly, changing the angle until he hit a place inside which made the Angel see stars.

“Yeah, that’s right, darlin’. Now ya know why gettin’ fucked feels awesome.”

Imp must have noticed a reaction, because he kept pummeling the same spot. He was growling and panting in between hard, demanding kisses and random strokes of Angel’s aching…insatiable…uhm…well, cock was Imp’s word for it, and he knew best about these matters. Glancing down, Angel gasped at the sight of the huge red appendage jutting from the wiry black curls and about to plunge into his body. How did it even fit? The thought made him clench and Imp groaned.

“That’s right, darlin’, let me feel yer tight little ass hug my cock.” Imp grinned at him as he glanced up, but Angel’s eyes were soon drawn back to the point where their bodies were attached. He tried to distract himself with the question of why Imp’s body hair was black and not red, but all he could focus on was the way his lover made him feel. Small movements back and forth enhanced the spectacle and a needy sound left his lips.

“Ohhh, ya like that, eh? Ya like to see my cock ravage the place that’s been made just for me? Nobody else gets to take yer, do ya hear? You’re mine! Mine! Mine to fuck, mine to love, mine to keep!”

With every ‘Mine!’ Imp buried himself deep inside his partner, and when he said ‘love’ Angel’s mind fractured again and he exploded in another shattering orgasm. A heartbeat later he was flooded with Imp’s release which seemed to sear its way into every cell in Angel’s body. Including the very tips of his wings and only at that moment did he realize they were still there, still a part of him. Somehow, this brought an extra dimension to his ecstasy and he clutched his lover tightly as they came together.

An eternity later, Angel’s scattered wits were collected enough for him to make sense of his surroundings. Imp was still on top of him, inside him, breathing in his ear and letting Angel twine his fingers in those surprisingly soft red tresses. Whenever his fingers touched a horn, Imp would make a small purring sound, and his member would pulse inside Angel. It was a strange sensation, a mixture of pleasure and an ache which Angel realized was soreness. He had heard the term once but the explanation had been wholly abstract until now. His kind of angel didn’t do physical stuff and didn’t get sore.

‘My kind of angel’ was a stupid thought, Angel chastised himself. He’d never heard of any angel doing what he did. Some might have, but if so, they had become fallen angels. Either stripped of their wings or turned black all over, and neither had happened to him. Instead he held his lover in his arms and felt happy. But something was nagging at him in the back of his mind. There was something missing, something he hadn’t done, something incomplete.

Imp must have felt him tense up, because he lifted his head and pushed up a bit. As soon as their eyes met, Angel knew what came next. He sent his partner a joyous smile. “I love you.” There was no obvious reaction, but Angel knew they’d claimed each other. “I love you and you love me. You don’t have to say it, Imp. I could feel it.”

“Yeah, well,” Imp mumbled sheepishly.

“You were right; it was fantastic, the best I have ever felt.” Angel chuckled at the look of pleased pride on Imp’s face. “And yes, I am yours to love.”

“Whenever I want?”

“Yes, Imp, whenever you want, as long as it does not interfere with our A.I. missions.”

“No worries, Angel Boy, we’ll get the job done.”

“But not too quickly perhaps?”


“Well, Patrick and Peter should declare their love and fuck each other, right?”

Imp’s mouth fell open. “Ya…ya said fuck!”

“Whatever. The point is Patrick wants to give as well as receive. You saw what he imagined.”

“Oh yeah, that boy’s definitely versatile.”

“If we decide the success criteria are mutual declarations of love and mutual fucking, then we won’t get called back until everything is fulfilled.”

“Dude, I like the way ya think. Mutual mush and fuckin’ it is.”

“Speaking of which…” Angel deliberately tensed a specific part of him against Imp’s muscular stomach. “I seem to recall you promised to teach me to suck your cock and fuck your ass?”

“Fuckin’ Hell and damnation, I’ve created a monster!”

This concludes the A.I. trilogy, but I may revisit Angel and Imp at some point.
Copyright © 2017 Timothy M.; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

2017 - Spring - Unintended Consequences & Jagged Edges Entry
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Chapter Comments

On 7/1/2017 at 10:42 PM, comicfan said:

I loved Adi''s story and you beautifully expanded it. This was so much fun. Great story, just sorry it took me so long to read and review it.


Not to worry, I'm behind on answering comments. But I just found the Activity Stream called comments on my stories, thanks to @Cia explaining about this in the forum, so now I can hunt down comments I've missed. :2thumbs:

I'm glad you thought this was a good 'fan fic' for Cupid Central, I was grateful to @aditus for lending me Theo and Sablo, and I'm thrilled you had fun. Did you read the first two A.I. stories before this? 

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On 5/24/2017 at 7:32 PM, JeffreyL said:

This was a lot of fun! I read the Aditus story first (as recommended) and really enjoyed it. I was especially happy to see Peter and Patrick from this point of view, and to know Michael has a guardian angel. Thanks. Jeff


Thanks, Jeff, and sorry about not finding this comment before now. I'm glad you checked out @aditus 's Cupid Central, it's a favorite of mine. Your comment about Patrick, Peter and Michael reminds me I should get back to writing on the next chapter. :*) 

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Wow. Every angel should have his imp ... the ultimate "badboy". You interwove the varied pieces wonderfully. Letting us see the help Peter and Patrick received not just from Angie & Imp but a cupid, albeit a naughty cupid, as well. Not surprising Michael has an angel of his own standing as guardian.

Poor Angie the shock of suddenly having a cock. At least he has an avid instructor in the proper uses of his "new parts".

Nicely completed.

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1 hour ago, dughlas said:

Wow. Every angel should have his imp ... the ultimate "badboy". You interwove the varied pieces wonderfully. Letting us see the help Peter and Patrick received not just from Angie & Imp but a cupid, albeit a naughty cupid, as well. Not surprising Michael has an angel of his own standing as guardian.

Poor Angie the shock of suddenly having a cock. At least he has an avid instructor in the proper uses of his "new parts".

Nicely completed.


Thank you, my kind, kilted friend. I'm sure Imp would love for him and Angel to wear kilts (for easy access to those interesting new parts :P ). 

I'm glad you liked the glimpse of Peter, Patrick and Michael, and very pleased you think I managed to integrate @aditus fun angels. Sablo will make sure our sweet boy is safe.

:rofl: on the idea of Imp 'instructing' Angel - you just may have inspired me to a small A.I. vignette. :kiss: 

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Thrice is Enemy Action...ok, here goes. *snuggles up like a caterpillar beneath a woven poncho and starts reading* 

Dagnabbit, it says to read Cupid Central first. I vaguely remember it from the last time I read it, so here goes another re-read. I'll be right back!


Eeee, so it was Theliel that shot them? That's awesome!


'Cupid Central angels tended to dismiss the work of the A.I. teams as ‘too easy.’ Where was the challenge when these couples were ‘meant for each other’ beforehand? You didn’t have to observe and test or make a decision; you didn’t even have to hit them with arrows.' - HA! The Angel and Imp would have CHOICE words in response to that. 


Angel Blaasom’himmeloghav and Imp Jegskakommefterdig- For some reason, I was able to read Angel's name just fine in my head, but I stumbled on Imp's.


Sablo had to take a crash course in Danish since his mission involved a seven-year-old Dane with a heart condition. - Now, that just makes me curious as to what HIS mission's about.


Ayil shrugged. “Anything to prevent your grouchy blond guardian from yelling at me when he misses you.” Theliel’s mouth dropped open in surprise. “Sablo wouldn’t do that.” “Oh, yeah? Why do you think I was so pleased when you solved the case in Australia faster than expected?”-  LMAO! I LOVE this crossover. It's amazing.


“Look! I never had this before.” - *dying of laughter* Oh you precious and previously genderless thing...it's all over now. 

“Ya want me to make booby traps for any angel or devil who wanna invade our privacy?” - LMAO!

(Warning: sexual content) - YAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY!!! 


“Fuck the rules, and fuck the Upper Deck, and forget about cupids ‘n’ arrows. I’ve wanted ya since we won the Viking mission, and if lovin’ ya is the price, then I’m gonna pay it for eternity.” - Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~


All he could do was whimper and clench one hand in the comforter and the other around one of Imp’s cute horns. - hee hee, yep, just take him by the horns.


“I’m gonna fuck ya now, gonna show ya how it’s done. Afterwards, you’re gonna suck my cock, and then I’ll ride yer long blue pole to damnation and back. Do ya understand?” - LMAO! He certainly has a plan there, doesn't he?


“Speaking of which…” Angel deliberately tensed a specific part of him against Imp’s muscular stomach. “I seem to recall you promised to teach me to suck your cock and fuck your ass?” “Fuckin’ Hell and damnation, I’ve created a monster!” - Dying...dying.


*rolls around* I'm so happy. This was such a glorious ending, and it was worth the wait 10 times over! Those two are so precious. I'm gonna miss them so much. 

A part of me wants to see Ayil get with someone, but I'll probably have to take that up with @aditus, right? Either way, this was such a good read. I loved it.


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26 minutes ago, Thirdly said:

Thrice is Enemy Action...ok, here goes. *snuggles up like a caterpillar beneath a woven poncho and starts reading* 

Dagnabbit, it says to read Cupid Central first. I vaguely remember it from the last time I read it, so here goes another re-read. I'll be right back!


*rolls around* I'm so happy. This was such a glorious ending, and it was worth the wait 10 times over! Those two are so precious. I'm gonna miss them so much. 

A part of me wants to see Ayil get with someone, but I'll probably have to take that up with @aditus, right? Either way, this was such a good read. I loved it.


I :heart: you too, my friend and you had me :rofl:  with all your hilarious comments.


I'm glad you reread @aditus story, since it does give the optimal setting for this one. I'm definitely hoping Aditus will return to the Cupid Central world at some point.


Now I'm feeling all inspired to get my next PCC chapter written, so you can see Sablo at work - or at least learn the result.


Thank you so much for reading and leaving such awesome comments. :hug: 

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Absolutely loved this. Don’t even know how I skipped it. (Sorry) I re read Adi’s to get the flow. 

You tied your stories and Adi’s so seamlessly. 

Angel and Imp, finally! And yes, to Sablo’s 


Wonderful, Tim.  I’m going to pretend I didn’t read ‘conclusion of A I’.  

Well done. 

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2 hours ago, Defiance19 said:

Absolutely loved this. Don’t even know how I skipped it. (Sorry) I re read Adi’s to get the flow. 

You tied your stories and Adi’s so seamlessly. 

Angel and Imp, finally! And yes, to Sablo’s mission. 

Wonderful, Tim.  I’m going to pretend I didn’t read ‘conclusion of A I’.  

Well done. 


Thank you, Def. :kiss:  I'm so happy you loved it and thought I did justice to @aditus's characters. It was fun to borrow them, and Sablo will take good care of Michael. :yes: 

Now that Myr has helped making a series for me, I can add another Angel and Imp story if inspiration strikes. But first I need to finish my CC story (either of them).

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In combination with Aditus' story this was a really entertaining read.

Imp's and Angel's names are maybe a little more hilarious to me than they should be, if I knew not to spend half the night reading instead of sleeping. So I blame you and Aditus for keeping me up on a work night. Thank you.

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20 hours ago, Doctor Oger said:

In combination with Aditus' story this was a really entertaining read.

Imp's and Angel's names are maybe a little more hilarious to me than they should be, if I knew not to spend half the night reading instead of sleeping. So I blame you and Aditus for keeping me up on a work night. Thank you.


:thankyou:   I'm glad @aditus  and I could keep you entertained. I hope you managed to read all three A.I. stories and not just this one. I'm intrigued about the name comment - can you understand Danish? Otherwise I can provide a translation of Angel and Imp's names. ;) 

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On 13/03/2018 at 8:12 PM, Timothy M. said:


:thankyou:   I'm glad @aditus  and I could keep you entertained. I hope you managed to read all three A.I. stories and not just this one. I'm intrigued about the name comment - can you understand Danish? Otherwise I can provide a translation of Angel and Imp's names. ;) 

"Blue like sky and sea" and "I will come after you".

I learned a bit of Norwegian a few years ago. So these names were a bit too on the nose to not be funny. 

Addon: Yes, I read the other chapters, too.

Edited by Doctor Oger
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On 5/2/2019 at 6:23 AM, jryski said:

That was rather cute

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it (and sorry about missing your comment until now). There are two new Cupid and Guardian stories, where Angel and Imp make an appearance, jointly written by @aditus and me.

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Aah. finally finished reading the A.I. trilogy. Yes, I love it. Moving on to the rest. :P:read::gikkle:


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On 3/8/2020 at 5:30 PM, andrew35 said:

Aah. finally finished reading the A.I. trilogy. Yes, I love it. Moving on to the rest. :P:read::gikkle:


So glad you liked the trilogy, it was fun to write. Thank you for reading and commenting.

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