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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Raising the Limit-Book 1 - 13. Chapter 13

Moving right along.....

The next few weeks kept everyone busy with work. TC’s company landed another big project, this one overseas. TC was gone for ten days while he met with the owners of the company that needed debris removed from a harbor in order to expand the wharf area. TC needed to get everything set up, but then handed the job over to one of their other project managers.

Taking long weekends was working out quite well for David. He managed to prioritize his schedule and get most everything done by the time Thursday afternoons rolled around. Weekends were spent doing things they all enjoyed. They made it Busch Gardens several times, his kids loved the rollercoasters. David found that the older he got, the less he could tolerate constant repetitive flipping and spinning. He used to be able to match the kids ride for ride, but now he could usually manage two, maybe three times in a row for the big coasters. His kids, however, could ride the same coaster over and over again. Luckily, they had gotten to the age where they didn’t want to wait more than five or ten minutes and all of the coasters posted the wait times at the entrance. They also didn’t need to be watched every minute. TC was able to join them, and with the exception of the weekend he was gone for business, he and David usually let the kids go off on their own for a while so they could coaster hop, setting a time and a place to meet up.

Lyssa got her wish for an airboat ride when they went down to Ft. Lauderdale for one weekend. It was crazy hot and humid, but the giant reptiles were in their element. They saw dozens of gators from little ones in a wild nursery to a few that their guide estimated to be close to fifteen feet. They also managed a day trip to go river tubing.

The kids both loved their jobs. Owen, in particular, became enamored with what the locals referred to as the Salt Life. There was a Coast Guard Auxiliary Station not far from the marina and they often sent a crew over for various things. Owen had been picking their brains for information. He was definitely leaning toward putting the Coast Guard Academy at the top of his college applications when the time came. The Captain gave him some really good advice as to what he should focus on academically this coming school year.

Sean was impressed with how hard Owen had been working. Whatever was asked of him, he did, and he did it without complaining. The only time he came close was when the bait box needed to be cleaned out. It was a smelly, messy job and Owen later confessed that he really wanted to refuse, but didn’t want to seem like a wuss.

Lyssa was having a great time working with the little kids. She loved the enthusiasm they had and how focused they could be. So many little girls dreamed of riding horses and it made Lyssa happy to see some of their dreams come true.

The last weekend in July, Rance and Rachael invited Owen and Lyssa to a campout one of their friends was having. It wasn’t far from where they lived and when David checked with Miles he said that he knew the family and there would be adult supervision. David gave the OK and then called TC.

It had been a while since they had an entire weekend to themselves. The kids would be gone both Friday and Saturday nights and it would be the perfect time to catch up and relieve some of the pent up sexual energy they had both been feeling. TC had just gotten back from his trip overseas a couple of days ago and David knew he must be getting antsy. Phone sex was fun, but it wasn’t a long term substitute for the real thing.

David had been doing a lot of thinking lately. He was starting to miss the Dominant side of his sexual life, but wasn’t quite sure how much it was really affecting him. He wasn’t sure he had a solution either. It was a sensitive subject, but one he knew he would need to discuss with TC eventually. David decided to let it be for the time being. Once the kids went back up north and the Detroit job was completed, he would have a heart to heart with TC. It wasn’t as if he didn’t enjoy being submissive, he was just starting to miss being able to be in control. They’d either figure it out, or they would stop having sex and just keep their relationship as friends without benefits.

“Hey, Sexy!” David teased as TC answered the phone.

“Hey, yourself. I was just thinking about calling you. Have you guys made any plans for the weekend yet?” TC asked.

“As a matter of fact, that’s why I’m calling. The kids have been invited to go camping for the weekend, so it looks like I’m on my own. Do you know anyone who’d be interested in keeping me company this weekend?” David pondered, teasingly.

“Hmmm, Let me ask around and see who’s available. Can I get back to you?” TC retorted.

David laughed and replied, “Sure, just don’t take too long. I have a couple of other feelers out there and it’s going to be first come, first served.”

TC growled a little before answering “We’ll see who comes first!”

David was outright laughing by this point and TC joined him.

When they got themselves under control again David said, “I’m going to work on Friday until four or so. I’ve got a lot to do in the next three weeks before I take the kids back and then go to Detroit. I need to touch base with you about Detroit. I’m flying up to Maine with the kids on Saturday, August 17th and then head to Detroit the next day. Monday the 19th is when we start laying down the markers for where the explosives need to go. The actual implosion is set for the 24th. There’s not as much traffic around on Saturdays, so technically it’s a little safer. I won’t have much time during the week, but if you want to come up on Friday the 23rd, I’ll keep that evening free. You can come to the site with me on Saturday and watch the building go ‘Boom’.”

“I’ll check my calendar, but as far as I know it should be clear. Do you want to come to my place this Friday? I’ll cook a nice dinner for you, some wine, dessert, and whatever else we can come up with.” TC offered.

David couldn’t help but snicker when he thought about what ‘whatever’ could entail. “That sounds good to me. I could use a nice dinner that I didn’t have to cook. I never realized how spoiled my kids are with home cooked meals. If it weren’t for the invention of the crock pot I don't know what I’d do. And before you ask, Renee introduced me to the miracle of slow cookers. She gave me one for Christmas after my first summer with the kids. She had no clue how they had managed to get sick of hamburgers, hot dogs and pizza in the span of two months. That was pretty much all I knew how to feed them back then.”

“Well, I think I can safely say that your cooking skills have improved dramatically since then. But I enjoy the chance to spoil you for a change. You’ve been busting your ass taking care of your kids and I’m impressed. You're a great dad, David. Your kids are lucky. Why don’t you just come over here when you get out of work. I have a full morning, but after a conference call at two I’ll be free to leave. The call should only be an hour at most. I’ve missed hanging with you.” TC lamented.

“That would work for me. I’m looking forward to it.” David replied. They chatted for a few more minutes before hanging up.

It was already Wednesday and the kids were planning on staying at Miles and Andi’s place Thursday night. Rance had told Owen that he would pick him up from the gym when he was done working out. That was another thing that Owen had kept up as well and the results were showing. He had packed on close to eight pounds of muscle in six weeks and on his lanky frame you could see the difference.

Thursday morning David dropped Lyssa off at the farm, waving at Andi as she was heading toward the barn. He automatically reminded Lyssa to be good, to which he received an eye roll in response. She did remember to lean over and kiss him on the cheek.

“Love you, Dad!” she said on her way out of the car.

“Love you too Alleycat!” David shot back as Owen switched places and got in the front seat. The kids had compromised early on and decided Lyssa would sit up front on the way to her job and Owen would get in front for the ride to the marina. David was just happy that they weren’t bickering over it anymore, just another sign that they were growing up.

He and Owen normally spent the ride talking about whatever topic came to mind. David was both amazed and proud of the fact that he could hold an adult conversation with his son. That’s not to say that the kid didn’t get stupid and silly when he wanted too, but for the most part he was coming into his own, a kid on the verge of adulthood and David was pleased with his growing level of maturity.

He dropped Owen off at the marina, reiterated the same reminders he gave Lyssa and headed over to his office. He knew that neither of his kids really needed to be reminded to behave, but it was his duty as a parent to say it out loud. He kept busy all day, on his phone or on the computer getting things lined up for the Detroit gig. There were still a lot of little things to get done, but all of the major items on his checklist, like getting all the necessary permits and ordering the correct type and amount of explosives, setting up delivery dates and the like, had been taken care of.

Thursday night he had all to himself and soaked in the pool for a while, listening to the sounds of the nocturnal animals as they emerged for the evening. It was good to be able to unwind by himself.

On Friday his day went a little longer than expected and he didn’t leave until quarter to five. He had sent a quick text to TC to let him know he was running late. He parked his car in the visitor spot that TC had reserved for him and greeted the concierge when he got to the lobby on his way to the elevator. TC’s door was ajar so David let himself in and could hear TC singing along to music in the kitchen.

The sight that greeted David was sexier than hell, to say the least. TC was at the stove, stirring something on one of the burners. He was wearing only a pair of loose cargo shorts which were hanging low on his hips, just barely covering the top of his ass. His back muscles moved fluidly as he tended to the food in front of him. David didn’t recognize the tune he was singing along to but he loved the sound of TC’s voice. David watched for a minute or two before clearing his throat to let TC know he was there.

TC turned around and the front view was even better than the back. The shorts hung by the tiniest fraction of material to his hip bones. His chest seemed even more sculpted than usual and the trail of hair that skimmed downward to his waist was too much temptation. David closed the gap between them and just ran his fingers through the soft black strands and stopped when his thumbs dipped below the top of the cargo shorts, just touching the neatly trimmed pubes that seemed to beckon to him.

TC’s stomach muscles contracted at the touch and the cargo shorts now perched precariously. TC solved that problem by pulling David in close and locking their bodies together. TC buried his nose in the crook of David’s neck, inhaling the man’s scent before he tilted his head and captured David’s lips with his own.

After a few moments of some serious kissing, reacquainting themselves with the taste and feel of the other, David backed off to get some air. Damn, that man could kiss!

TC smiled and said “Hi.”

David smiled back and replied “Hi, yourself. Smells good, what’s cooking?”

TC turned back to the stove and told him “I’ve got potatoes roasting in the oven with a bunch of seasoning. There’s a beef brisket that’s been in the slow cooker since this morning and I have stuffed zucchini ready to go in pretty soon if you want to eat within the next hour, or….” he pulled David in again and nipped lightly at the side of his neck. “...we could turn off the oven and the slow cooker and eat later. Much later.”

David’s breathing had quickened and it seemed like all of his blood flow now headed south as he managed to whisper “Shut everything off. Later is good.”

TC chuckled as he released David and told him “Go. Get in the shower, I hope you’ve been keeping up with your grooming.”

David swallowed. He had not been as diligent as he should have been, but hell, he just didn’t have the time. He had missed his last appointment for waxing, and hadn’t had a chance to reschedule. He just knew TC would be taking a razor to him shortly. Once again the thought both scared and thrilled him. For sure TC was the only person on the face of the Earth that he would ever allow to perform such an intimate act. His trust in his best friend was rock solid and unshakable.

David turned on the water in the shower and stripped. He reached down and felt his balls, trying to judge how much the hair had grown back in. It didn’t feel too bad, but it definitely wasn’t smooth. His cock gave a little lurch when he thought about how TC’s attention would soon be focused there.

Once the water had warmed up, David stepped under the spray and heard TC come in. He quickly shed himself of the barely there cargo shorts and stepped in behind David and reached around to cup his balls.

“Uhn uhh, tsk. Someone hasn’t been following directions.” TC gave his scrotum a quick squeeze, causing just a little flash of pain, but not doing any damage.

David stood completely still as TC reached for the new razor that he had already set out, anticipating this very scenario. The man knew that David had been busy and had probably let his grooming slip. He knew him well.

TC soon was engrossed in shaving David’s balls smooth. He was firm with his touches, just enough to keep David on edge, anticipating pain, but not quite causing it. It truly was an exquisite sensation. The scent of the shaving cream was spicy and woodsy. It took every ounce of self control that David had to stay stock still as TC manipulated the skin covering his most sensitive parts. His cock had decided that it rather liked the attention and kept twitching, seeming to demand that TC pay attention to it. TC merely ignored the bobbing appendage. He had his own agenda, and David’s cock wasn’t the focal point just yet.

David had at least kept up with trimming his pubes and TC merely cleaned up the area, pleased that at least that had been taken care of. Soon David was turned around so he faced the wall and TC instructed him to hold his ass cheeks apart so he could take care of that region as well. Mercifully, TC was able to tend to the light smattering of hair that had grown back rather quickly and David was just thankful he didn’t use the tweezers this time.

TC finished up and proceeded to wash David from head to toe, soaping up nearly every inch of skin, occasionally pinching or flicking a sensitive area. Standing behind David he let his cock rub up and down his now smooth crack, occasionally skimming the responsive wrinkled skin guarding his hole. David groaned at the sensation.

TC shut off the water and handed David a towel to dry off. Leading him to his big, king size bed, David quickly found himself bound by the wrists with one of TC’s intricate knots and then tethered to the headboard. His feet and legs were left alone, unusual in that TC normally liked tying all of his limbs up. TC had everything set up, so there was no groping or searching for whatever materials he needed or wanted.

Next, TC blindfolded David. They had only done this a few times before, but this time was different as, in addition to the blindfold TC also slid some sort of headphones over David’s ears which muffled sounds. He could still hear TC when he was spoken to, it just sounded like it was coming from far away or from under water. This was something new. Next to ropes, sensory deprivation was TC’s other favorite activity, David was finding out.

From the other end of the tunnel which now made up David’s hearing he heard TC mumble “Are you ready Agori? It’s time. I don’t want to hear one single sound from you yet. Understand?”

David nodded his agreement. David had no idea what to expect and flinched when he felt TC touch his left foot. TC smacked the top of his foot with something hard and damn, that smarted. The next sensation David felt was a tight pinch between his big toe and the one next to it. What the hell? Without sight he couldn’t figure out what was causing the pinch, but could narrow it down to some sort of clip. It was a weird feeling, a sharp bite of pain, but not enough to make him cry out.

The pinching was repeated on the other foot, only this time it was his little toe that was clamped down in some sort of device. TC continued placing whatever clip-type thing he was using to various, random parts of David’s body. Both nipples received the clamps and David nearly lost it when he felt TC pull the thin skin underneath his balls and pinch the delicate skin in place. Altogether TC placed about a dozen of the clips or whatever he was using along sensitive parts of David’s skin.

Each clip that was placed was accompanied by a quick check to make sure he was doing alright. David’s nerve endings were on high alert and without his sight and with diminished hearing the sensations were amplified a hundredfold.

TC helped David turn over so that he was on his knees, head down on the pillow and ass high in the air. Now he understood why his legs were left unfettered. He felt TC give a slight tug to clip that was on his balls, causing him to jolt a little. Once again from the tunnel David heard TC’s voice, “Twenty this time Agori, Count them out for me.” David felt the sharp tentacles of the flogger that TC wielded smack his upturned ass across both cheeks.

“One.” he muttered, not being able to judge the volume of his own voice.

“Louder.” demanded TC as he landed the next blow.

“Two.” David declared, his voice sounding loud.



It went on, TC occasionally pausing, just to fuck with David’s head.

When David got to the fifteen count TC paused and removed the headset from David’s ears. Now David could hear the sounds of TC moving about as well as the sound of his own breathing, which was coming in short, panting breaths.

“You’re ass is beautiful Agori, you should see how red it is.” TC informed him.

David could feel the heat rolling off his abused ass in waves. It stung something fierce, but once again, TC had known exactly how much force to use to cause pain that hurt, but was also stimulating. This was reflected in the way that David’s cock had stayed hard and was oozing a line of precum from the tip down to the covers on the bed.

David had just let his guard down when TC let go with five more swats across his ass in quick succession. He counted them out just as quickly. As soon as he reached twenty, TC pulled off his blindfold and flipped him over onto his back, making sure that his inflamed asscheeks didn’t hit the bed, instead they rested on top of TC’s thighs as he leaned back on his heels.

David looked down to see what TC had used to pinch his skin with and discovered that they were clamps and clothespins of various sizes. TC now worked to gently remove them, not wanting the blood flow to be compromised. David hissed when the clips came off his nipples and his scrotum. TC gently rubbed the areas to stimulate the blood back into them, smiling the whole time. The past few months they hadn’t had many chances to indulge in taking their time with each other, so now TC took full advantage of the minutes that seemed limitless without any other obligations to interfere.

He ran his hands and fingers over all of the spots that the pins had pinched, each one now more sensitive and responsive than before. He shoved a pillow under David’s lower back, helping to keep pressure off his bright red butt cheeks. David’s skin was so fair that TC knew they would be various shades of reds, then pinks for a while. Starting at his feet, TC gently massaged the places that he had tortured with the tight clips, then made his way up David’s body.

TC left David’s torso alone, knowing that the throb that he was feeling in his nipples and the sides of his neck would eventually lessen with each passing second. He wanted David to feel the lingering ache. TC had not tapped David’s ass in several weeks and now he gave neglected area the attention he felt that it deserved. He spread David’s legs wide, letting the pillow underneath help support him then dove down like a man on a mission. He let his beard scrape the skin, eliciting a long moan from his Agori, the sound music to his Dom’s ears.

Lifting his head up he asked “Did I tell you to moan yet Agori?”

“N-n-no Sir.” David stammered.

TC stabbed his tongue into the puckered skin and smiled as he felt David tense up, holding back his moan. TC continued to rim David, enjoying the way he strained to control himself. David had always been pretty vocal, and being denied the ability to moan and groan turned TC on. He continued sucking and licking the skin, occasionally stabbing his tongue in as far as he could, loosening the tight muscle.

After several minutes he pulled off and then reached for the bottle of lube and a condom. Suiting up, he coated his fingers with slick and then commanded “Moan for me Agori, let me hear it.” He quickly inserted two fingers up to the hilt. David cried out loudly at the sudden intrusion.

TC worked those two fingers inside of David mercilessly. He stretched and scissored. He stroked and pressed. He added a third and thoroughly finger fucked the man as he uttered a long series of moans and grunts. TC teased David’s prostate relentlessly, causing his cock to weep nonstop. He could feel David’s muscles clenching and unclenching, knowing that he was getting close to unloading. TC pulled out his fingers quickly and immediately replaced them with his rock hard dick.

Setting a fast, hard pace, TC let the pull of nature take over as he pistoned his hips back and forth in an age-old rhythm. His neck muscles stood out, sweat sheened on his body. David bucked up underneath him, trying to keep pace. TC felt his own balls start to tighten and tingle, the orgasm train was approaching the station with no sign of slowing down. He needed David to come.

He reached down and took a hold of David’s shaft, stroking firmly as he changed his angle slightly so he nailed his prostate head on. It worked and TC felt David’s ass clench down as he ordered, “Come, Agori, give it to me!”

David’s cock exploded and painted his chest with three huge shots and two smaller ones. He yelled out his relief as the orgasm shook his body. TC’s own orgasm was ripped out of him at the sound and he unloaded into the condom, groaning out his own relief.

As their orgasms abated, TC slid out of David gently and disposed of the used latex into the trash next to his bed. He found the hand towel he had placed on his nightstand and cleaned off David’s chest after a quick sample of the goods. He leaned down and kissed him, sharing the flavor and then untied his hands. David’s muscles felt like goo and it was all he could do to roll to his side and tuck himself into TC’s embrace.

TC asked, “Are you OK? Everything working properly? No numbness or pins and needles?”

“No, I’m good. That was good. No, that was more than good. That was awesome. I didn’t realize how much I needed a good orgasm. Thanks.” David commented.

“You’re quite welcome. I needed it too.” TC responded quietly, still trying to catch his breath.

They laid there for a while, just relaxing and letting themselves drift into that post-sex stupor that makes you feel like you never want to get up and move again. Eventually though, they did have to move and it was the rumble of David's stomach that was the catalyst.

TC was the first to move, sliding off the side of the bed and padding naked to the bathroom to take care of business. David followed him and caught sight of his ass in the mirror. It was still a bright pink color. TC was right, it was beautiful. David had always loved the sight of a red ass, and apparently he liked the sight of his own.

David emptied his bladder and washed off his chest with a warm washcloth so the remnants of his cum wouldn’t leave him all sticky. He grabbed his boxer briefs from where he had dropped them on the bathroom floor and slid them up over his ass, thankful that he splurged on his underwear and the material was super soft.

TC was in the kitchen checking on the food. He had turned the oven back on and slid the stuffed zucchini tray in next to the potatoes, smiling when he saw David in his underwear, TC’s cargo shorts were back in place, still just barely clinging to the man.

Forty-five minutes later they were seated at the table enjoying their meal. In addition to the slow-cooked brisket which was so tender it fell apart easily, TC had roasted both sweet potatoes and Yukon gold spuds with onions and seasoning. The zucchini he had boiled to get the inside soft, scraped it from the skins carefully, drained the excess liquid off and then blended the soft meat with some beaten egg, crab meat, spices, fire roasted and sun-dried tomatoes and a little bit of shredded cheese. He spooned the mixture back onto the hollowed out skins and then topped them off with a little more cheese before baking them for twenty minutes or so. The result was absolutely delicious.

David hadn’t realized how late it had gotten. Their bedroom activity had lasted almost two hours and it was nearly eight o’clock by the time they ate and almost nine when things had been cleaned up.

It was too hot to sit out on the balcony so they retired back to the bedroom and fooled around a little bit more before they both drifted off.

David woke the next morning to TC’s gorgeous brown eyes watching him.

“Good morning Agori,” TC greeted him.

David’s eyebrows furrowed at the greeting and he hesitated a couple of seconds before he replied, “Good morning TC,” putting them firmly on even ground.

TC gave a small sigh and said “I’m sorry David, I guess I forgot or else it’s just wishful thinking on my part.”

David gave him a small smile and decided to take the bull by the horns. He looked at TC and reminded him “TC, I wish I could be what you need, but I can’t. One of these days my Dominant side is going to want to come out and play and you won’t be able to help me with that.”

“I know, David, I guess I just got carried away for a minute.” TC brushed a stray lock of David's hair back and kissed his forehead. “Are you still OK with what we have or do you want to stop?”

“No. I don’t want to stop TC. I’m good with what we have going on. I’ll tell you if it gets to be too much OK?”

“OK, David. I trust you.” TC replied, knowing that he had somehow messed up.

They cuddled for a few more minutes until Mother Nature took priority. They ended up going out for breakfast and spent the afternoon just hanging out, the Florida humidity was high and it made being outside pretty uncomfortable. After fixing some sandwiches for dinner they decided to walk over to Main St. and see a movie.

All too soon Sunday was upon them and David needed to head home and go back to reality. It had been a really good weekend, one that was much needed. The next couple of weeks were going to be crazy busy.

So while the last chapter was my favorite, this one's my least favorite. I wrote it way before I learned a few things, but by the time I realized my mistakes there wasn't really any good way to fix it without scrapping the whole chapter.
So TC's screw ups are mine and they'll get addressed later.
We're on our 6th day in a row here with rain. My backyard has it's own little pond between our side of the fence and my neighbor's. I'll need snorkel gear for me and my dogs pretty soon just to let them out. 🤪
Copyright © 2020 kbois; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

The sensory deprivation was something that grabbed my attention in this chapter. Being blind-folded is one level of deprivation that is disconcerting, to a degree. But at least you can compensate, to some extent by visualising what's going on through accentuating and relying upon your hearing.

But to have your hearing significantly reduced also, to "being under water" levels would magnify the whole deprivation experience, exponentially.

You really are subjugating yourself to the trust of another, ever more completely, though not quite totally.

TC really does like his pinching doesn't he. If it's not tweezers then it's clothes pegs. For a minute there I thought they were going to be electrodes. Worse still I'm not entirely sure, if I'm more relieved or disappointed that they weren't. 

This was an intriguing chapter. David still seems compliant enough to allow TC to fulfil his physical engagement needs but it's rapidly becoming clear that he just isn't the natural emotional "sub" that TC needs him to be, long term.

David will soon need to look elsewhere to fulfil his sexual requirements as indeed will TC. So in short, the current situation cannot last.

Edited by Bard Simpson
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David and TC are both going to need to look elsewhere to satisfy there needs soon, the fact that they are both dominants is beginning to show. An intriguing chapter otherwise.

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3 hours ago, Bard Simpson said:

The sensory deprivation was something that grabbed my attention in this chapter. Being blind-folded is one level of deprivation that is disconcerting, to a degree. But at least you can compensate, to some extent by visualising what's going on through accentuating and relying upon your hearing.

But to have your hearing significantly reduced also, to "being under water" levels would magnify the whole deprivation experience, exponentially.

You really are subjugating yourself to the trust of another, ever more completely, though not quite totally.

TC really does like his pinching doesn't he. If it's not tweezers then it's clothes pegs. For a minute there I thought they were going to be electrodes. Worse still I'm not entirely sure, if I'm more relieved or disappointed that they weren't. 

This was an intriguing chapter. David still seems compliant enough to allow TC to fulfil his physical engagement needs but it's rapidly becoming clear that he just isn't the natural emotional "sub" that TC needs him to be, long term.

David will soon need to look elsewhere to fulfil his sexual requirements as indeed will TC. So in short, the current situation cannot last.

Sensory deprivation requires a lot of trust for sure. It's also pretty damn sexy!

Yes, TC likes pinching. Electrodes are little bit much for right now. That I believe was one of those negotiable items and they didn't negotiate. 

David will never be a sub long term. He's got a lot of thinking to do and soon. 

You're right...the current situation can't last and it was never meant to. Hmmm.....wonder how that's gonna pan out 🤔

Thanks for your input!

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3 hours ago, chris191070 said:

David and TC are both going to need to look elsewhere to satisfy there needs soon, the fact that they are both dominants is beginning to show. An intriguing chapter otherwise.

They need to look.....they just don't want to.....in addition to both being Dominant, they're both stubborn too!

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Even though they will want more from sexual partners eventually, David and TC have a good working arrangement for now and they have a good relationship outside of that.  I also think that David will be a better dom for all of the exploration he's done as a sub.

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6 minutes ago, Quixo said:

Even though they will want more from sexual partners eventually, David and TC have a good working arrangement for now and they have a good relationship outside of that.  I also think that David will be a better dom for all of the exploration he's done as a sub.

Interesting theory. Hmmmm.....🤔

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