Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Raising the Limit-Book 1 - 15. Chapter 15
Detroit. Motor City. Tigertown. No matter what people called it, Detroit was still a major midwestern metropolitan area. It may be way past its heyday when it was the motor capital of the world, but it still had its heart. The city itself housed some seven hundred thousand or so souls, but the greater Detroit metropolitan area boasted a little over four million. Motown was still a big part of the life of the city and in recent years revitalization efforts had been ramped up. Slowly but surely the city was pulling itself up by the bootstraps and turning itself around. It was in the process of filing for bankruptcy, but was projected to emerge from it before the end of next year. Years of mismanagement and corruption had driven the city to the brink of self destruction.
Thankfully the project that David was spearheading was funded by a private corporation. It was one of the largest insurance companies in the US who were in the process of expanding their corporate offices. Once the old apartment complex came down, a new office park would be taking its place.
David’s plane had landed on time and it didn’t take too long to get his rental car and check into the hotel. He was supposed to meet Dan for dinner and had about an hour to get ready. David was rather melancholic. He always hated bringing his kids back to their Mom. It felt like a piece of him was missing.
Renee had surprised him however when he pulled him aside to talk. David was still mulling over the conversation and trying to see it from all sides.
“David, can I talk to you outside for a few minutes?” Renee had asked.
Out on their back deck David inquired “What’s up Ren?” using her nickname, letting her know he was truly listening.
“I need to give you a possible heads up on something big.” she said. David merely cocked his head. “During the convention this summer one of the big hospital management companies approached Mike about possibly recruiting him.” Mike was currently CEO of Operations for one of the largest hospitals in Maine. He oversaw all of the departments and answered only to the Board of Directors.
Renee continued, “He offhandedly told them to contact his lawyer with any offers. Well, they did that and holy shit David, it’s an amazing offer. They’re still working on the details, but so far it looks as if it’s going well. The biggest catch is that we’d have to move. The job would be overseeing all of the Sunshine State Cancer Treatment Centers. There are five of them in the state, Miami, Orlando, Jacksonville, Tallahassee and Tampa. They’d like him to be based out of Orlando or Miami, but he’s trying to negotiate for Tampa so the kids would be closer to you.”
David’s eyes had lit up at the news. The thought of being able to see his kids pretty much whenever and not have to get on a plane to do so was inconceivable.
Renee spoke again saying “I know you won’t have a problem with them being closer, and if this happens it most likely won’t be until after the first of the year. I don’t know if we would transfer the kids mid-year or if I would stay with them here until school got out. It might be really hard on them to be uprooted right before their senior year. I just don’t know!”
David had responded “I think you should take one thing at a time. Wait and see what happens with the job offer, if he gets it, then sit down with the kids and ask them. They’re old enough to be a part of deciding their future.”
Renee had hugged him and told him he was right and there was no sense in fretting about something that may not even happen.
David, however, was hoping for a transfer to Tampa. The thought of his kids being close by was overwhelming. David mulled over the possibilities as he pulled stuff out of his suitcase and put them into drawers or in the closet. He took a quick shower before heading down to meet Dan in the hotel’s restaurant.
Lieutenant Daniel Watson was an imposing looking man. Even in civilian clothes his stance and demeanor screamed military. He had gone to college and participated in the ROTC program and was lucky enough to qualify for a full scholarship and graduate with a degree in chemical engineering. Once he graduated he was accepted into the Marine Corps explosive training program where he excelled. At the end of his required service he ended up reupping until he got his twenty years in so he could retire with full benefits. He then worked for a private outfit until all of the corporate bullshit got to be too much. Now he freelanced for himself and was much happier.
Dan was one of the best in the field and David wouldn’t work with anyone else unless absolutely necessary. He always made sure to include a provision in his contracts that would allow him to choose his own explosives expert.
Dan greeted David with a bone-crushing handshake and a typical ‘bro’ hug. He towered over David by at least six inches. They followed the waiter who greeted them to a booth toward the back. David had brought his laptop and after they ordered their food they got down to business.
The explosives would be arriving tomorrow morning, the temporary storage shed already in place. They would need to go through each floor once again, double checking the markers that Dan had placed last week. He and a small crew had painstakingly measured out and marked with fluorescent paint where each explosive was to be placed. It was a time consuming procedure as measurements needed to be as close to exact as they could get. Sometimes all it took was being an inch off in either direction for a building to start falling the wrong way.
A major part of the planning stage had been analysing the blueprints of the structure to determine the major load bearing walls and supports. This was crucial to determining where to place the explosives so that the building would fall where they wanted it to go. It wasn’t an exact science, however, as they couldn’t see inside the walls completely to be able to tell if the integrity of the concrete or the rebar was compromised in any way. David’s company had invested in some state of the art sonar scanners which allowed them to basically ‘see’ inside the walls much better. They could at least determine whether or not the structure had been built according to the blueprints.
David discussed the week’s upcoming schedules and both he and Dan knew they’d be putting in twelve to fourteen hour days in order to make sure everything was done to their high standards. TC was scheduled to arrive Friday afternoon and if everything was on time he should be getting there between five and six. David was hoping that everything would be buttoned down by then.
After dinner the two men parted ways on the elevator. Dan was on the fourth floor while David was on the seventh. They agreed to meet in the lobby at five to head over to the job site together. Breakfast would have to be on the go. As usual a day of travelling left David tired. He sent a quick text to TC and his kids and then called it a night.
Monday morning came way too early and the following days as well. Greg greeted David and Dan when they arrived on site. He had flown up the week prior,, taking care of the preliminary stuff that needed to be done. He pulled David aside and thanked him for letting him oversee a big part of the project. He was grateful for the experience and let David know that he had learned a lot. David told him that was exactly why he wanted him to do the job. Greg was a hard worker and would develop into a knowledgeable project manager with a little more experience.
David was so busy the next few days that he barely had a spare moment to piss, with the longest day being Wednesday. It had started when he had woken up at four a.m. and didn’t end until he got back to the hotel at eleven-thirty that night. They had managed to finish placing all of the explosives on every floor except the ground level. David had made sure that they had extra security in place now that the building was rigged. There wasn’t any chance of the explosives being set off accidentally, but there was a lot of money invested in the material. David had two armed security officers patrolling throughout the night to make sure no one trespassed where they didn’t belong.
Thursday the rest of the ground floor was set and so far everything was on track the way it was supposed to go. They managed to finish up by seven that night and David pretty much collapsed once he had gotten back to the hotel and showered. He was looking forward to the end of this job. His phone call to TC was brief, mostly just reconfirming plans.
Back at the job site on Friday, David, Dan and Greg spent the majority of the day checking all of the sensors and connections. Building demolition was just like most other industries and had switched over to digital signalling. Instead of miles of wiring that would transmit the electrical impulses that triggered the explosions, each explosive device was wired with bluetooth, which ensured a smoother and more uniform distribution of the impulses. They ran simulations all day which allowed them to plan for pretty much any scenario.
They were hoping that the building would collapse straight down, but given that there were too many variables there was always a chance that the building could tilt in any direction. For this job a tilt forward would be the worst case scenario as the building was close to the road and a forward collapse could potentially block the road. There was an empty lot on either side, those buildings had been demolished several years ago and the back of the building was a large parking lot.
David was engrossed in a computer program when there was a knock on the trailer door. TC’s dark head of hair appeared a second before the rest of him did. David looked up and smiled. Getting up his back reminded him of how many hours he had spent at the computer that day. When TC gave him a hug they both felt the cracking of several vertebrae.
“Hey, it’s good to see you.” TC said as he gave David a quick kiss.
“Yeah, you too. I didn’t realize how late it was. What time is it?” David asked.
“Five-forty. I can wait if you have stuff to do. You looked like you were engrossed in something.” TC remarked.
“I just need to finish up this last analytical simulation, then why don’t we go grab a bite to eat. Sounds good to you?” David asked.
“You’re the boss.” TC commented.
He quickly introduced Dan and Greg to TC and then returned to his desk. David unpaused the program he was running and it only took another ten minutes for him and Dan to make their notes and point out a few things to Greg. David shut down the computer and invited the other two guys to dinner, both of whom declined, citing exhaustion and the need to get to bed early.
David stopped at an Italian place and lucked out, the food was good and it was reasonable and service was quick. He and TC caught up with each other as David hadn’t had time to do anything but text him a few times that week. TC was excited to see the building come down the next day and truthfully David was too. Seeing a building come crashing down made him feel like a kid again.
TC kept his eyes on David most of the evening, the heat in them increasing as the meal progressed. David was aware of the heat, but he wasn’t sure that he was going to last very long, the week was catching up to him and he could feel the tiredness creeping in.
They finished up their meal and David drove them back to the hotel. He hated to admit it, but his brain just wanted to sleep. His dick however, was still showing interest and it would be a battle of wills to see which won out.
As soon as they were in the room TC pulled David close and kissed him deeply, making him moan. David felt his clothes come off of him and TC steered him to the shower, got the water running and guided him in. TC gently washed the grime of the job site off and gave himself a quick once over as well. He then took both of their hard shafts in hand and stroked them to completion.
Even though it was barely past nine o’clock, TC dried David off and then put him to bed, sliding in behind the sleepy man, tucking him and spooning him from behind. Barely two minutes went by before David’s breathing slowed and evened out, indicating that he was already asleep. TC kissed the top of his head and soon followed.
David’s phone chirped insistently the next morning and groggily he shut off his alarm. As his brain shook off the sleep cobwebs he became aware of a warm body behind him. TC. David smiled as he vaguely remembered the man taking care of him last night. The early turn in had done wonders as he had slept like a log all night. He felt TC stir and he stretched and then flipped over. Warm brown eyes greeted his as he settled himself facing TC
“Good morning TC, sorry about passing out on you last night.” David said as he gave the bearded man a kiss, letting his scruff rub against his cheek.
“You needed sleep. Besides, I’m hoping after a good night’s rest you’ll be ready for some more action tonight.” TC answered with a smirk.
David stretched out once more and then looked at TC before answering “I’ll see what can be arranged. In the meantime what do you say we go blow up a building?”
TC laughed and swatted David’s bare ass that had been uncovered when he rolled over. “Lead the way!”
They got dressed and stopped at the breakfast room the hotel had set up and grabbed a quick bite to eat. It was just past seven when they arrived at the site, Dan was there ahead of then and Greg pulled in a couple of minutes later. David handed TC a hard hat and told him to put it on and keep it on.
TC watched as David took care of the last minute preparations. The entire building was gone through once more, making sure no one had managed to sneak past security and put themselves in harm’s way. Occasionally they had needed to clear out people, but more often it was critters like raccoons or squirrels that became unwanted squatters, with an occasional stray cat or dog that needed to be rounded up.
Once everything was cleared, which took a couple of hours to go through all fifteen floors, even with most of the interior walls removed, David was ready to start the final countdown preparations. City police set about clearing the street in front of the building of traffic and closing off access in both directions for several blocks as well as other side streets adjacent to the lot.
A crowd had already gathered at a park several blocks away that had a good vantage point and was a safe distance from the implosion zone. David and Dan ran through the procedure one more time, checking off items once again, David taking the lead with everything.
The trailer that they operated out of was set far enough back on the old parking lot of the adjacent vacant lot, that even if something went wrong and the building fell towards them there was still a football field of asphalt between them. The large window of the trailer gave them a clear view of the entire building. It was specially designed glass, made to withstand strong winds and shock waves. They would be protected from any repercussions from the blasts.
“TC, come on over here.” David said as he beckoned to his friend.
The screen on the laptop in front of him showed a livestreaming view from several angles of the building in front of him.
“Hit ‘Enter’ for me.” David instructed.
TC cocked an eyebrow and David nodded. TC stepped up to the desk and hit ‘Enter’. He didn’t really know what to expect but it certainly wasn’t the sound of drums and an electric guitar.
David and Dan laughed as John Mellancamp’s voice started singing the opening verse of “Crumblin’ Down”. Greg just shook his head. By the last verse they were all singing along to the chorus:
When the walls come tumblin' down
When the walls come crumblin' crumblin'
When the walls come tumblin' tumblin' down
As the last notes started to fade away David told everyone to put on their ear protection which were sound suppressing earmuffs and said to everyone “Watch!”
The loud wail of a warning siren split the air and as they looked out the windows they saw puffs of smoke and dust burst out from multiple spots, several seconds later they heard the muffled explosions and the building shook. It seemed as though time stood still as the structure still stood, explosions still popping, until all of a sudden, in slow motion the whole thing started to collapse upon itself, building speed until time caught up, and in a sudden rush, with a massive cloud of dust the building was gone, now a pile of rubble surrounded by a huge cloud that was rapidly expanding outward.
The cloud reached outward, stopping and started to dissipate several yards away, wispy tendrils wrapping themselves around the trailer. TC’s eyes were huge and the look of pure delight was spread out across his face.
“So how does it feel to have destroyed a building?” David asked him.
“Me? I didn’t do anything but stand here.” TC replied.
“You hit enter dude, you brought the house down!” Dan cut in.
“Really?” TC wondered.
“Really!” David confirmed. “We had it all set up to run the song and at the end the detonation sequence was started. Not quite like pushing down the handle on the box connected to a stick of dynamite, but pretty cool just the same, don’t you think?”
“That was pretty amazing, thank you.” TC said.
David shot him a grin and then pulled up the camera footage so they could review the whole thing while the dust continued to settle. They needed a clear shot of the debris field in order to make sure that it had collapsed properly and it would take a little while for it to clear as there was no breeze to help push the dust out of the way.
It was fascinating watching the implosion on the screen, David slowed it down and then sped it up. He froze several images analyzing them and screenshot a few, saving them to a folder on his computer.
He was back to being focused on business and half an hour after the building fell, he and Dan and a small crew including Greg were inspecting the massive pile of debris. TC stayed behind in the trailer where it was safe. Chucks of concrete of all sizes was all that was left of the old apartment complex, fifteen stories reduced to about two. They could see a news helicopter circling above, getting shots for the evening edition. The new owners of the property had already had one of their PR associates give a statement to the press, which was good because David hated that sort of thing.
The crew examined the rubble, looking for signs of unstable areas. They took pictures and video so that they could compare them to subsequent inspections, making sure there were no major shifts. There was another crew that had been contracted to remove the rubble, but they probably wouldn’t start for another week.
David and his crew were able to finish up by four o’clock. David informed everyone that dinner was on the company and told them that if they wanted to participate they would meet at Prime and Proper, an upscale steakhouse near Comerica Park at six o’clock. He got a head count so he could call ahead and then he and TC headed back to the hotel to shower and change.
They ended up with a group of six and TC saw David stop to speak with the maitre’d as they were led to a table. After everyone was seated a waiter came over with a tray of shot glasses filled with amber liquid, which turned out to be 12-year Mccallan single malt scotch. The waiter set one down next to each person.
David picked up his and raised it up saying “Here’s to a successful job well done”
The other five raised their glasses as well and responded “Cheers!”
The liquid went down smooth and left behind a nice fiery heat.
David winked at TC, promising another type of heat later on.
They all looked over the menu and David and TC both chose the black pepper rib eye. Baked potato and grilled asparagus rounded out the plates. The atmosphere around the table was happy and upbeat. The two guys besides TC, David, Lt. Dan and Greg were part of the contracted crew that had been there since the beginning. The project foreman was an older guy who was planning on retiring in a couple of years and this was most likely the last implosion job he would work on. The other one was a crew chief who had kept the laborers in line and made sure they did what they were supposed to.
Dinner conversation revolved around past jobs, families and mutual people they all knew in the business. When it was over, everyone thanked David for the meal. David told the crew that they had done a great job and if they ever needed a reference to let him know. David still had to meet with the owners of the lot to give them the final report the following morning, but for now the rest of his night belonged to TC.
Exiting the restaurant, everyone went their separate ways, TC followed David to his rental car. It was a short ride back to the hotel and there was a strong sexual undercurrent the whole way. David felt like he was on cloud nine. It always gave him an adrenaline rush to see a building come down like this one did. Perfectly. Knowing that it was his expertise and the expertise of his crew gave him a non-drug induced high. In the past he would usually celebrate by going to a club and finding himself a willing sub if he wasn’t currently involved with someone. The urge to be Dominant was strong and he was curious to see how the evening was going to pan out. His Dom was hovering at the edges of his psyche, but his submissive side was still front and center, and David knew with no uncertainty that it was because he was with TC.
He parked in the hotel’s lot and they made their way to the elevators, getting off on the appropriate floor. As soon as they were in the door David grabbed TC and pushed him against the wall. TC’s Dom was patient, knowing that David was still riding an endorphin high from the events of the day. He allowed the smaller man to manhandle him, tugging at zippers and buttons until they were both naked. David rutted up against TC’s naked skin, loving the roughness that his body hair created. Both of their cocks were rock hard.
TC continued to allow David to take the lead, especially when he pushed him onto the bed and swallowed his cock in one gulp. Jesus Fucking Christ, that man had a mouth on him! David continued to apply suction to TC’s dick, which had sprung a leak. Just when he was getting close, David pulled off suddenly with a loud ‘pop’. Son of a bitch! The fucker was trying to play with him.
TC’s Dom roared forward and flipped David over. TC straddled David, pinning his arms to his sides and pushed forward, thrusting his cock into the mouth in front of him. Instead of sucking, David drew his lips back and let his teeth close around the shaft, applying just enough pressure to make TC still his movements.
“Let go Agori. Take it like you’re supposed to.” TC ordered.
David was still not ready to totally acquiesce and he shook his head side to side, letting his teeth just barely scrape the still taut skin covering TC’s hard shaft. TC’s eyes narrowed and he promised, “You’re going to pay for this you know.”
David smiled and then sucked on TC’s cock, tightening the back of his throat each time the crown pushed back there, applying pressure to the sensitive head. TC threw his head back as he felt David’s throat open up and tighten around his cock. He was close and all it took was David humming around him and his muscles tightened as he unloaded straight down David’s throat. David was in total control and TC didn’t like it, but with his cock in David’s mouth there wasn’t much he could do.
David pulled back so that he could taste TC’s release and as TC finished and pulled out, David licked his lips, savoring the last few drops. TC scooted back so that he was now straddling David’s hips and he leaned down to kiss David, letting the taste of his own cum tease his taste buds.
David’s cock was still rock hard and he shifted so that it rubbed along TC’s crack. TC was too languid in his post-orgasm haze to protest, David grabbed TC’s waist to hold him in place then thrust his hips up, allowing his wet, sticky precum to lubricate TC’s ass crack. He humped himself up, gliding between the two tight globes until he was right on the edge. He grabbed TC’s ass and thrust up against him in ecstasy, unleashing his load all over the man’s ass and lower back, gasping for breath as he came hard.
They lay there for a few minutes, racing heart beats slowly returning to normal. TC rolled off of David and gave him a look of uncertainty before getting up and padding to the bathroom. David heard the shower being turned on and he sighed.
‘I fucked up.’ he thought.
He had totally disregarded their agreement. TC was the one who was supposed to call the shots and David had just steamrolled right over that fact. He lay there for another minute or two, knowing that they would need to talk this one out. Better to do it now, rather than let either one of them think about it too much.
He walked into the bathroom and pulled back the curtain slightly and asked “Mind if I join you?”
TC was just reaching for the body wash that David had left in there and he replied “Of course, you don’t need to ask.”
David stepped in and TC made room for him in the smallish space. Wordlessly they each washed up, an unspoken signal preventing either one from touching the other. David could almost see the wheels spinning in TC’s head and he was sure the same held true for him as well. Silently they finished up, dried off and wrapping their towels around their waists went back into the main room. David pulled on a pair of gym shorts and TC did the same.
“Sit down, David. We need to talk about this.” TC’s Dom was still present, even with the use of his name, David knew that now was not the time for him to push his limits.
David sat on one side of the bed and TC sat facing him and said “First of all, I’m not mad at you. I’m not disappointed nor am I upset. I am a little confused though. I’m just not sure why you ignored our agreement. This arrangement was supposed to allow you to explore your submissive side. What’s going through your mind?”
“I’m sorry I acted that way. You’re right. I guess I just got caught up in everything that happened today. I always get a rush when a job flows as smoothly as this one did. I guess my Dom just wanted a piece of the action, I’m not really sure why.” David replied.
“That actually makes sense. I wish I had known that your job gave you such an adrenaline rush. I probably would have approached things differently.” TC admitted.
“What do you mean?” David inquired.
“I should have realized that your Dom needs to be placated. It’s been a while for you hasn’t it?” David nodded. “I could have allowed you to take control, well, in a controlled way. Your situation is a little different. You are a natural Dominant, who just happens to like subbing with me, and me alone. Am I right?”
Once again David nodded. TC continued, “So, I should have recognized that, especially after watching you control everything today while you worked. I gotta say, it was pretty sexy, seeing you in your element. I think I’ve let it slide to the back of my mind how strong your Dom really is. But anyway, if I had actually read you correctly today, then I should have anticipated that you would need to be more aggressive tonight. There are plenty of ways that I could have directed your aggression without either of us screwing up.”
“Thank you TC, for understanding. I guess we both learned something tonight huh?” David commented.
“I guess we did. David, don’t ever put yourself down for letting your Dom come out. Like I said before, I’m not mad or anything, it was more like a ‘what the fuck?’ type of reaction. C’mon, let’s go to bed. I want a real breakfast tomorrow before you have to go to your last meeting.”
David gave TC a kiss and at the end of it, TC pulled back just enough to rest his forehead against David’s and whispered “You're my best friend and I love you for that.”
David smiled and whispered back “Ditto.”
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