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    Grumpy Bear
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Please note that this story contains scenes of non-consensual gay sex and occasional violence.  Reader discretion is advised.

Trophy Cub - 22. The Jaws of Justice

The pack house was a buzz of activity. The males ran about to complete tasks as assigned by the Alpha and Enforcer to load the pack vans and SUVs, preparing to move out on their mission. Kane met with his Beta privately, reviewing his plan and leaving last minute instructions on the running of the pack house in his absence.

“If all goes well, we should have the prisoners sent back here to await final punishment within the week,” Kane said. “It’s a full night’s drive to the territory where the bears have been hiding out in a cabin for the last five months since our assault on Thanksgiving. I am leaving nothing up to chance, so we are going to meet with Alpha Samuel of the Nine Pines pack first and obtain his intel, then send a couple scouts ahead to verify that these are indeed our targets before we move in to capture them as a force.

“There are forty wolves coming with me. I am leaving the pack house in your hands with a skeleton crew of nine males. Your task is to keep the females in line. They may perceive the absence of so many males as an opportunity to seize control of the leadership of the pack and the house. You are not to allow that to happen. If you have to make an example of any troublemakers, I give you my permission in advance.”

“Don’t worry about the females, Alpha,” Bart replied. “Remember that five of them are due to give birth to litters of pups any day now. All of the female wolves have been preoccupied with nothing else for the last week, and I’m sure that the upcoming whelping will demand their full attention in the weeks to come.”

“Ah, that’s right,” Kane said, “Some of those pups will be your progeny, won’t they? I’ll expect nothing but the best coming from the loins of a fine Beta such as yourself.”

“Thank you, Alpha. I will prepare to assume control of the rearing of any male pups born as soon as they can be weaned from their mothers.”

“Bart,” Kane said, “Once we have obtained our prisoners, I will have them loaded into one of the vans and sent back to you under heavy guard, say eight wolves. The remaining thirty-two wolves and myself will be meeting again with the Nine Pines pack, and Alpha Samuel and I will reach out to the other packs who follow the one true God of the Moon to begin assembling our forces. Before the next full moon, we will have amassed a holy army one thousand wolves strong, and we will march on Calgary.

“The security forces of the Lycan Council headquarters are no match for such an army, and we will summarily execute the Supreme Alpha and the rest of his council before they even understand what is happening. Once that is done, we will free our brothers being held as their political prisoners.

“With the Lycan Council out of the way, and no single unifying body to organize a reprisal, it will be an easy matter to sweep through the packs in the western half of the continent. No single pack will have the sheer numbers of our holy army, and we will force the heathens to convert to the one true religion and submit to the will of the God of the Moon or die. With additional converts to add to our ranks, we will have over half of the packs in North America under our control by the summer solstice. At that time, the holy army will return home to Wisconsin to rest for one cycle of the moon and prepare for the second phase of our battle plan on the eastern half of the continent.”

“What do you wish to be done with the three prisoners until your return?” Bart asked.

“The human can go back into his old room and can resume his proper job servicing the males of the pack. As for the two bears…

“Pull up the old pack house building plans that show the location of the two old septic tanks on the property… The ones that were used before the last major construction expansion and were abandoned when we put in the four new larger tanks. The contractors pumped them out when the new tanks were installed, and they just left them there buried under the lawn. Have some of the males dig and uncover the tank lids. Those are each a 2,000-gallon underground concrete box. Put one bear in each box and lower down some meat and a bucket of water each day. Those should suffice to serve as prison cells for our unclean guests until I can return with the rest of our brothers at the solstice. At that time, we will have a night of entertainment and ritual sacrifice in honor of the God of the Moon.”

“It will be done as you command, Alpha,” Bart replied. “Do you wish to also retrieve the old human who aided in their escape in November?”

“Yes,” Kane answered, “But not yet. Wait until closer to the solstice and then send a couple of wolves up to Sturgeon Bay to fetch him. I doubt that he would be able to survive a lengthy incarceration here at the pack house, and I want him alive and well when his friends witness him sacrificed to the God of the Moon. Agreed?”

“Agreed,” Bart stated. “If there is nothing else, Alpha, I wish you happy hunting. May your teeth find the necks of our enemies, and may your claws flay them open like sheep.”

Kane nodded at his Beta and turned to oversee the rest of the travel preparations.


Nick sat in the front passenger seat of the lead SUV as they sped along in the night to the northwestern corner of the state. A subordinate wolf was driving, and the Alpha was asleep in the back seat.

His mind spun trying to come up with a plan. There was one thing of which Nick was certain, and it was that the human would not live to be captured and returned to the pack house. One way or another, he would make sure that the troublesome human ended up dead at his hands, but he needed a plan to pull it off without incurring the wrath of the Alpha.

Once they arrived at their destination and met with Alpha Samuel, Kane will want Nick to send a two-wolf reconnaissance team to the location of the bears’ hideout to confirm and report back on the specifics of the layout. Nick thought that he would just volunteer to go himself, so that he could determine the best course of attack, and he would need a patsy to go along…

Nick looked over at the wolf driving the SUV. Yes, he would make the perfect patsy.

Once Nick and the other wolf reached a surveillance point, he would insist on waiting there until they saw the human himself emerge from the cabin. If they waited long enough, he would most likely have to show himself. When Nick had the human in his sights, he would conduct a quick hit-and-run kill, removing the human’s head with one quick swipe, and escaping before the bears could react. Nick would then kill the other wolf, and report back to the Alpha that they were spotted, and a brief fight ensued in which both the human and the other wolf ended up dead. The Alpha can still choose to strike and extract revenge upon the bears, but at least the human would be out of Nick’s fur once and for all.

Once this business with the bears was done with, they would form the holy army and march upon Calgary. Alpha Kane would become a General, and Nick would be his Colonel, military strategist, and personal bodyguard all-in-one. For security reasons, Nick would insist that they share a tent, and once they were alone in their tent together, Nick was sure that the Alpha would want to use him to relax and relieve himself of the stress of battle.

Nick imagined the Alpha demanding a rub-down after a hard day of battle against the unholy heathens. Nick would have the Alpha lay nude on his front in their tent as he applied sandalwood and cedar oils to his back and massaged his aching muscles. After rubbing him head-to-toe, the Alpha would roll over and request that Nick complete the task to his front as well. Nick thought of rubbing his Alpha’s chest and viewing Kane’s glorious cock become erect as his oily hands drifted lower on his abdomen. He would suckle upon the Alpha’s virile manhood until he was lost in the pleasure Nick was giving him, and then Nick would sit upon that massive erection and bring his leader to a magnificent climax.

Nick pulled at the front of his pants, adjusting his own erection as he fantasized about his future with the Alpha once the human and bear problems were resolved. The driver shot Nick a sideways glance and then quickly returned his eyes straight ahead to the road.

Yes, Nick thought as he rubbed his groin lightly through his jeans, the next few months could be very enjoyable indeed.


Kane and Nick sat in a room with Alpha Samuel, Samuel's Enforcer, and one additional hunter from Samuel’s pack as they reviewed a large map of the area. The hunter pointed out the location of the general store where he had spotted the first bear on his patrol, and then highlighted the location of the partially hidden gate, and the path through the forest for a half-mile to the location of the cabin.

“Nick,” Kane said, “Brief two wolves and send them up to this cabin for reconnaissance. We must be sure that these are the bears and human that we are looking for.”

“With your permission,” Nick replied, “I will take our driver, Jake, and conduct the recon myself. In addition to confirming the identity of the human, I can take the opportunity to scrutinize the terrain and determine the best course of action when we strike.”

Kane looked at Nick for a few seconds, unsure of his motivation to volunteer for this sort of dirty-work, but just shrugged and nodded his head.

“As you wish, Enforcer,” Kane said. “Report back to me directly upon your return and we will mobilize our full team to strike.”

Nick nodded and exited the room to find Jake, barely concealing the grin on his face as his plan began to fall into place.

Kane remained with Alpha Samuel to discuss preparations for the larger strike on the Lycan Council.

“Have you reached out to the other Alphas in your region?” Samuel asked.

“Yes,” Kane replied. “They are preparing to mobilize now; we just need to determine a location where the Wisconsin packs can rendezvous with the Minnesota packs before moving to strike Calgary.”

“I have reached out similarly to the packs in northern Wisconsin and southern Minnesota,” Samuel said. “However, the packs in northern Minnesota have suddenly gone dark and do not respond to any of my communications.”

“Do you think that they’re having second thoughts?” Kane asked.

“If they are, then we will assemble the forces that we have so far and move through their packs first. If they’re having cold feet, we will find a way to convince them that our plan is the one true path. They will join… or die.”

Kane nodded in agreement, and they began their strategy session, planning troop movements, and discussing weaknesses in the Lycan Council headquarters’ defenses.


Nick and Jake crouched in wolf form at the edge of the meadow hiding in the shadows of the trees and staring at the log cabin. Nick made sure to position themselves downwind from the cabin so that the bears could not detect their scent. The breeze drifting from the cabin, however, was heavy with bear scent.

They had been crouched in this position for nearly an hour, and no movement had been seen coming from the cabin yet. It was approaching mid-day and if they did not appear soon, Nick would have to find a new observation point, as the sun would rapidly be eliminating the shadows from their current position.

Jake whined and fidgeted next to Nick. Nick gave him a low growl in the wolf-language, telling him to sit still and be patient.

Their patience was rewarded a few minutes later, as the two bears identified from the security video emerged from the cabin together and began shedding their clothes. The cabin door opened a second time, and Nick raised his head slightly expecting to get a view of the human.

A pang of disappointment struck him when instead of the human, a very large blond man stepped from the doorway out into the grass and began shedding his clothes as well. Nick scented the air and confirmed his suspicion as he picked up the distinct scents of three werebears and no human present. As they watched, the three big men shifted into their bear forms, one dark-brown grizzly, one blonde grizzly, and one black bear. The three bears began to frolic in the tall grass, growling and play-wrestling with each other. The blonde bear whined in bear language and the brown bear trotted over and mounted him while the black bear laid underneath the blonde on the ground and suckled at his bear cock.

Jake’s wolf growled in disgust and looked away from the scene, but Nick quickly told him to be quiet.

It was not very long before all three bears had sated their urges with each other and set off to the northern edge of the clearing together for a run through the woods. After they were gone, Nick told Jake to remain where he was and to give a howl if he saw the bears returning. Nick quickly dashed through the field and up to the front door of the cabin. Shifting quickly back to his human form, he opened the door and went inside.

The interior of the cabin smelled of cooked food and it positively stank of bear scent. Yet, Nick could still make out the distinct smell of the pack’s human pet. He quickly searched through all rooms of the cabin. It was completely empty, but he could smell the human’s scent left behind in one of the bedrooms, mingled with the smells of bear and sex, and Nick could detect his scent lingering on the furniture in the living room. He exited the cabin, closing the door behind him and shifted back to his wolf, running back across the tall grass to where Jake lay waiting.

“The human is not inside,” Nick growled to Jake in wolf-speak, “But he has been there within the last day or two. Even if those three bears don’t have him right now, they know where he is. We will have to capture them and force them to talk. I have ways of extracting information. Let us now return to our Alpha and report. We should commence the attack immediately.”

As they ran back to the road, Nick was frustrated that his plan to kill the human before Kane and the rest of the males arrived to capture him was ruined, but there would be other opportunities to come up with an alternate plan. The human must not be allowed to leave here alive!


Gunnar, Thomas, and Mike ran at a leisurely pace through the woods. Gunnar wanted to spend a nice spring afternoon in their bear forms to show Mike the joys of what it really means to be a bear. They arrived at the edge of the property’s little lake, and they waded out, looking into the water for fish. Swiping at the water with their paws, both Gunnar and Thomas quickly scooped a pair of fish out of the lake and tossed them flopping up onto the bank. Mike tried several times, but each time he plunged his paw into the water after spotting a fish, it came up empty. Gunnar and Thomas growled advice in the bear-language and encouraged him to keep trying. After fifteen minutes of practice, Mike finally scooped his own big fish onto the bank, and then all three bears sat down at the edge of the water to enjoy a raw sashimi snack.

They wandered the property, Gunnar and Thomas showing Mike how to forage. They overturned rocks and fallen logs, hunting for plump and juicy grubs. Coming across a large, old tree, Gunnar called for the other two bears to look up, and along the side of the trunk about ten feet up was a massive beehive colony, ready for plunder. Thomas was the most adept at climbing, and he shimmied up the tree and took a swipe at a part of the hive, breaking a large chunk of it onto the ground. The bears eagerly broke it open, ignoring the buzzing and stinging of the bees all around them, and shared the sweet honeycomb inside.

Once they’d had their fill, they found a sunny patch of meadow to lay down and take a nap in the warm spring air, waking only when Mike began poking at Thomas with his hard bear cock and whining for another round of playtime.

The sun was low in the sky and the shadows long when the three bears finally returned to the clearing and their cabin, shifting back to their human forms and putting their clothing back on.

They walked through the cabin door, and Mike immediately wrinkled his nose.

“What is that smell?” he asked the other two.

Gunnar and Thomas both scented the air inside the cabin and their eyes went wide with alarm.

“That, Cub, is the smell of wolf,” Gunnar said. “I think that it’s time for us to make a quick exit before the single wolf who entered our cabin comes back with all his friends.”

They grabbed only what they needed. Phones, keys, and Gunnar’s blue binder, and ran out the door to the Jeep.

They were too late. A solid line of forty lycans stood in the field looking at the cabin and blocking the exit path through the trees. Standing in the middle of the line were Kane and his Enforcer.

“Hello filthy, stinking bears!” Kane called in a taunting, sing-song voice as the line of wolves began a slow march forward. “Remember us? We are the wolves whom you so rudely trespassed upon and stole our property. We’re here to take back what is ours and make sure you understand that any were-creature who dares to disrespect us, as you did, will feel the cold teeth of the jaws of justice.

“Now, tell us… where is our human?”

Copyright © 2021 Grumpy Bear; All Rights Reserved.
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p style="text-align:center;"> Grumpy Bear's Werebear Tales
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Wow that escalated quickly, I don't think that kane and his cronies are going to have so easy , I really hope that some reinforcements arrive. I do think that there will be a bloodbath but I think it will be among the wolves

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Man! Nick really is as dumb as a sack of rocks. I'm sure he was informed that Mike was proverbially "bear kindred" from the encounter at the Silver Bullet. If he can't put two and two together to find four, I have high hopes for the turn-out of this battle. 

I'm calling it! Gunnar's secret and last-ditch maneuver:  the Jeep explodes with a hidden bomb. Thomas will be furious later, considering he drove it to get beer. 

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5 minutes ago, Grumpy Bear said:

Here's my thought on Nick and his relationship with the Alpha...

Yes, Nick is indeed dumb as a sack of rocks.  The issue is that the Alpha himself is secretly gay, and he knows that Nick is as well.  The best way for him to sate his urges and also keep his secret from the rest of the pack is to make the big, dumb, musclebound idiot his officer to keep him loyal and close.  Nick couldn't be a Beta, because that requires too much brainpower, so the logical choice was for Nick to be Kane's Enforcer.  All brawn, no brains. 

Whenever the pack would have a human pet, the Alpha could feed his sexual hunger in the "proper" way, but the pets usually never lived as long as Mike.  Mike's continuing existence and the Alpha's obsession with him has turned the big, dumb Enforcer into a jealous monster.

As for Nick being able to make the connection that the third werebear = human Mike, we can safely assume that Nick has never encountered the before and after appearances of a changed human, and Mike's new appearance isn't causing the brain cells in Nick's head to fire just yet.  Now that Kane is here, that may soon change...

I think I got our interpretations of the enforcer role mixed up. I write mine as the enforcer acting as a "general" of sorts for the alpha/pack, planning attack strategies and whatnot. 

Wait! He has brain cells?! 

Andy Cohen Wtf GIF by loveconnectionfox

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Great cliffy here.  40 to 3, but two of them are very large and dangerous bears when provoked.  I am still holding out for the Lycan Council to arrive and save the day.  Kane's plans for the capture were despicable.  Minnesota going quiet is at least one good omen.

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